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Old January 9th, 2017, 03:30 PM
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Maplefur Maplefur is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Spirited Darkness View Post

Apurva stared at Maplefur, who seemed to be having some sort of flashback on some terrible memory. She pressed her side against Maplefur's, licking her shoulder soothingly. “Hey... It's alright... If you don't mind my asking, who's Daisy?” the pretty multicolored molly said in her most comforting voice. She tried her best to soothe the sobbing warrior, noticing how fragile she seemed now made her want to help even more. She just had that natural instinct to help anyone who seemed to need it.

She continued to lap at Maplefur's pelt as she awaited her answer. If she knew who this Daisy was, it would be far, far easier for he to help, as she knew fully well how to deal with losses, having suffered many herself. She hoped that this was the right thing to do, but she wouldn't know until she knew who Daisy was. Then she could better help Maplefur. But until then, she would continue lapping at her fur and murmuring soothingly to her, her green orbs full of sympathy for the older molly. She had never seen a cat act like this. When Blade was sad, he didn't show it, except that he sometimes got a little grumpy.

She paused, looking around. She now, did smell the scent, a horrible reeking smell, but is was stale. Perhaps a favor two old, but that didn't mean it wouldn't come back. “Let's go a little further away though.” Apurva whispered, nudging Maplefur gently with her muzzle. She didn't want to yang around over here any longer, plus they had to get to Fria's den. She realized that they probably wouldn't return until nightfall, but she wasn't bothered much by that. She looked around for the safest looking route, and turned that way, then stopped, waiting for Maplefur.

While she was waiting, she sort of zoned out, losing focus on Maplefur and stared intently at some bushes, staring at the very intricate pattern of the laced branches that gave it shape. Each one had snow piled upon it, and with each gust of wind, snow fell of and landed with what was on the ground. She sat there, continuing to stare at it. Studying each detail about it. Its color, shape, size, and snarled parts, and many other things about it. She didn't move from the spot, and Maplefur could've tapped her with her tail, and she wouldn't have taken any notice of it whatsoever.

She continued to stare at it, then her paws landed on a thin twig, and it snapped. Apurva blinked, glancing around. I did it again. Didn't I.... She thought, realizing that at least now she'd recognize it as some sort of landmark. She turned towards Maplefur. “Sorry. I do that sometimes.... she explained, dipping her head apologetically and flicking her ears dismissively. She sighed, then tried her best not to zone out again.
(Ok so I typed up an entire response and as soon as I submitted my internet cut out for like 30 minutes ;-; sigh retyping's no fun.)

Maplefur allowed herself to be nudged to her paws, her senses flooding back to her as the memory ended. Her chest heaved as she breathed heavily, and she took a moment to settle herself, becoming much more subdued. "Sorry," she muttered feebly to Apurva, staring down at her paws. "It's just... well," The calico hesitantly brought her head up, surprised to see her friend looking at a bush rather than her. "Umm?" She stuttered, unsure what to say. She tried a small smile as the other molly regained her focus, quickly turning her gaze back down to the snow between her paws.

"Well, Daisy was my sister," she began quietly, trying to guess what questions Apurva would have asked during her freak out. In the midst of her panic, her senses had all been blocked off. The memory had taken over her, it was all she could see or hear. She hadn't been able to hear anything her friend had asked, so she hoped she didn't sound stupid. "We left the house as kits. Well, more like I begged and pleaded for her to leave with me, and she finally agreed. But then... a fox." Her voice was quiet, almost a whisper, and she couldn't bring herself to continue.
I'm an older user just getting back into the swing of things after taking a long hiatus

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