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Old August 14th, 2022, 04:08 PM
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Default Re: Character of the Month (August 2022)

Character Name [mention user]: Gingefrost [ @Estelle]
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: Riverclan
Why should this character be featured?: I think that Gingerfrost is an amazing and well developed character. While I'm not one to read other's posts just because, I know from others that he is a good character. Estelle has kept him an active prescense in the clan and has definitely roleplayed him in helping around the clan and pitching in with ideas that he has become a Shield, something that is not given without thought. He's come far from when he was first introduced and so has Estelle. They both deserve the honor to place the COTM award on display.

Character Name [mention user]: Stagfrost [ @Spotty]
Character Faction [indicate if outsider]: Riverclan
Why should this character be featured?: Stagfrost is a character that isn't in a high position. He's just a warrior. But he's a warrior that cares. I've read only one post of Spotty's that shows this but I'm certain that it's part of Stagfrost. He cares for his apprentices and I'm sure he loves to help them as best as he can. I'm certain that he cares for cats close to him as well. But this isn't it. I'm sure that he has a good mind, a thoughful one, and he puts it to good use. While from what I've seen I'm not sure if he pitches in much, I'm sure that his opinion and point of view on something would be greatly appreciated.