Thread: Character Bios
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Old August 18th, 2022, 12:06 PM
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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
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Default Re: Character Bios


Current Name
Other Names, if any
Lightningkit - Lightningpaw
Flock Together [T3] - Mind Reader
Age (in moons)
[1 year old]
Sexual Orientation
Creation Date
Post Count

+Residential Information+

Current Affiliation/Clan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any
Medicine Cat
Leechscar - Cowtuft

+Interpersonal Connections+

Mother (s)
Raykit - Sorrelkit - Sunkit
Significant Other

Best Friend(s)

An old tunneler who came back to the clan after being reincarnated. Despite Lightningstorm's distrust for WindClan ever since Cowtuft's exile, she has admittedly found herself to be more willing to listen to the tunneler, his companionship a welcome reprieve in what would otherwise be long, tense, lonely days.
An opinionated, hot headed warrior who had a rocky first meeting with Lightningstorm. Despite misunderstandings from the warrior's side further fueled by the medicine cat's mischievous nature, the two grew close in time, eventually ending in their admittance of love for each other. Becoming mates after the exile of her former mentor, Lightningstorm constantly worries about what WindClan might have in store for Firestorm, ready to jump to the tabby's defense at the first sign of danger.
Lightningstorm's mentor. Due to many an event transpired together, Lightningstorm felt a bond with Cowtuft that brought out the best in her, much like whenever she was around her mother. After searching for the cure for a plague that ran through WindClan, Cowtuft asked her to become his apprentice, further strengthening the bond between the two. His exile hurt her more than she cared to admit, however, seeing nothing but greed, bloodlust and traitors everywhere she turns, for if not even Cowtuft was devoid of lies and murder, then no one was.


The leader of WindClan. Lightningpaw went to her fearing for Scalepaw's life. After being taken seriously by the leader, she looks up to her, hoping to be as open minded when she earns her own warrior name and grows up. She has also taken kit lessons with the lilac molly as a kit, namely history and learned of previous problems within the clan.
One of the mentors Lightningpaw has taken lessons with. He seems awfully patient, and somehow reminds her of another gentle giant in the clan. Although nowhere nearly as smart. Stars above no. Mouse brain is a kindness to this one.
Lightningpaw's former mentor. Convinced that he eats badgers and terrorizes the moors with his cheer grumpiness, Lightningpaw is surprisingly fond of the massive, gray tom, finding their banter more amusing than most would probably assume at a glance, and valuing his opinion despite her cheeky attitude around him.
Bravebird's mother. Former nursery queen who was known for being soft spoken and kind. Recently, Lightningstorm has found that the warrior has a fiercer side to her in moments of emergency.


Clan guardian. Stubborn molly who ran back to a burning camp to save her family after being dragged unconscious from said camp.
An older she-cat who remained an apprentice far longer than needed due to life simply getting in the way of her training. Not the friendliest of faces, it is clear to Lightningstorm that the warrior thinks poorly of her, suspicious ever since the poisonings. The medicine cat takes little offense to this, however, due to having an equal suspicion herself as far as the entirety of WindClan is concerned.
The most abhorrent cat to have ever walked the earth. A worthless waste of breath that would be better off dead and rotten. Ever since the warrior suggested hunting her former mentor for sport when the poisonings were found, Lightningstorm has dreamed of ending the cat's life with her own fangs. A dream she will never accomplish due to her oath to never hurt another cat.
An older apprentice with a quiet but surprisingly level headed demeanor. While the two got on the wrong foot during their first meeting, Lightningstorm found herself amused by the paw, finding her skills to be wasted on the useless mentors she has been granted thus far.

ThunderClan's medicine cat. Seems nice enough despite the abhorrent leader that appointed her.
ThunderClan's secondary medicine cat. Despite a rocky start, Lightningstorm has found herself slowly warming up to the calico.



A trait she attempted to rid herself of after Featherfoot's death, Lightningkit has slowly come to terms with her overabundance of imagination, preferring to focus on the positive aspects it offers as opposed to the negatives. It certainly helps that since Featherfoot herself visited the young calico from StarClan, entering her dreams, Lightningkit's nightmares have lessened, albeit not gone in their entirety.

Once an overbearing force of nature to be reckoned with, Lightningkit's erroneously self perceived part in Featherfoot's death has left her devastated, becoming a quieter, less intrusive shadow of her former self. Still obsessed with the gathering of knowledge, she has become more reasonable with her questions, these becoming less wild and imaginative as she has instead focused on learning genuine facts, tired of her imaginative side running wild and providing sleepless nights, preferring the truths of the waking world to the overblown lies of her nightmares. She can be constantly seen in lessons reflecting upon everything told, asking questions no longer in an attempt to make what she has heard more adventurous but to ensure her grasp on the subject matter is as precise as can be.

Lightningkit is blunt to a fault. While she openly imagines and plays and makes up stories that are far fetched and ridiculous, she only does this with the assumption everyone else is on the game. When it comes to serious conversation, however, the lithe calico sees no reason to mince words or hide the truth, speaking her mind regardless of it being a positive or negative to whoever she is currently with. Her only lie, in fact, has been regarding her mental health, as she refuses to see it as a problem, believing instead that as long as she can convince herself she is okay then she will be fine. This brashness when it comes to words along with her down to business attitude, snark, and sass tends to make her come across as far meaner than she is, usually leading to her confusion when she scares another kit or makes them uncomfortable simply by talking to them. This does not, however, make her literal, instead making her enjoy teasing others with cheeky word play when in a good mood, keeping things honest if a bit puzzling in nature.

Not a trait that Lightningkit admits to having nor one she openly displays, the lithe calico tends to prefer showing a harsher, blunter side of herself, opting for honesty over honey covered words. That said, there is a real concern in the young molly as far as other cats are concerned. Fostered from a young age due to both wanting to emulate her mother's loving personality as well as the trauma she went through after blaming herself for Featherfoot's death, Lightningkit worries for others, namely the sick or miserably lonesome. Despite her care, however, she masks any anxiety over others' well being with sass and cheek, opting for a more teasing, playful mood while trying to ascertain a denmate's problem.

Be it because of her overly high imagination, her need to be more than just the "simple" kit her father claimed her to be, or the fact that her trauma as a kit forced her to mature faster than a kit her age normally would have, Lightningpaw is rather clever. Her thirst for knowledge giving her more tools at her disposal than most apprentices her age have, Lightningpaw sees every problem like a puzzle to be solved. She understands her limits, however, and knows she doesn't know everything there is out there. Because of this, frustration at not knowing something or not being able to solve a problem turns into a motivator to find the way to fix whatever needs to be fixed or better understand a situation.

Trauma has been a constant in Lightningpaw's life, along with the knowledge that those you love will leave you behind. This feeling of hopelessness that everyone will someday up and leave along with her own diminished feeling of self worth have left her with a constant fear of being replaced, even when there is no sign to this happening. Her mind - ever imaginative - easily morphs situations into negatives, painting herself and others' view of her in the worst possible light to explain away why they feel the need to replace her, always ending with the simple conclusion that she is worthless to them, therefore in need to be replaced.


+Physical Traits+

Fur Color(s)
Fur Texture
Soft and Sleek
Fur Length
Mostly white calico with black spots while two ginger points adorn her face. Has almost entirely black legs while a single white glove covers her right foreleg.
Eye Color

Body Type/Structure
Thin and wiry.
Average height, although leaning a bit on the smaller side.
Average in pitch albeit going a bit higher whenever she gets exited.
Moss and herbs.

Scars / Deformities
Diseases / Conditions

Low to Average
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

WindClan HealingRoleplay TrackerCharacter Bios

Last edited by Alchemist Kitsune; Yesterday at 11:46 PM. Reason: Editing Lightning's Bio
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