Thread: Hidden Haven
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Old August 21st, 2022, 08:05 AM
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Default Re: Hidden Haven


After the hunt and encounter with the dogs, followed up by a hasty move to a place he wasn't familiar with, Badgerscar started to feel exhausted. Not that he would show a speck of that. Kits were tired, Roankit might be sleepy, but he was an hecking enforcer, he couldn't be tired now when everything was happening.

So he continued to trot behind his mother and clanmates, his face covered by a stoic mask as he settled down for the clan meeting. It had been a good while since the last one, and there would undoubtedly be ceremonies to get down and things to announce. His frosty gaze swept over the camp, and an oddly striped pelt stood out to him. It belonged to Slytiger, a former rogue the enforcer had hunted with for a patrol once. He had heard another new name being called out as well; Owlstorm, so the newcomers would likely be mentioned, even if the other one of them was currently chasing around with dogs to distract them.

His gaze wandered on, looking for his apprentice, but however, he searched the black and white pelt of hers didn't seem to be anywhere in sight. He thought he had spotted her a few times earlier today... Badgerpaw had seemed like a lodigacl and at least somewhat smart cat, so her going getting lost seemed wired. Hm. Maybe he had just seen wrong. An annoyed frown came over his face and the large tabby shook his fur a little before looking towards his mother and waiting for the rest of the cats to gather so the meeting could start.
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