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Old January 12th, 2017, 12:49 PM
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Talon Talon is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Deputy!

(I did edit this somewhat)

Name: August ; Talonkit ; Talonpaw ; Talonstrike
Gender: Male
Age: 27 moons
Personality: Talonstrike isn't a very nice cats, and in fact would never be classified as one. He is an extremely loyal cat to Shadowclan and will do anything in his power to protect his clan. He would definitely choose his clan over family or friends any time, believing that what is best for the clan is best in general. Despite putting the clan first he seems to be distant from his clan mates. He does care for them in a way that he doesn't bother to show, but would still protect a clanmate no matter what. Talonstrike isn't a fan of the other clans and likes to think that Shadowclan is better, but if it is his clan's best interest he would put these beliefs aside and work with them as long as Shadowclan benefits. He is also extremely cautious when it comes to cats outside of the clans, especially rogues. It pains him to see the clan in distress, especially when it's something he can't help with. Talonstrike also like to have a physical enemy. Having an enemy like disease that he can't fight can get on his bad side and make him cranky, he needs an enemy he can hit. Even though Talonstrike is rough (or rather jagged) around the edges, his loyalty and determination to do just about anything to make sure that Shadowclan is safe can not be denied. He might not have any "Popular Vote" but he will do anything in his power to protect his clan against any enemy... and hopefully not get carried away in the process. He doesn't let his feelings get in the way of his choices, or at least he tries not to, but sometimes even he knows you can't suppress your feelings on all matters. Talonstrike is also strong and hardly ever backs down from a challenge, either physical or mental.
Appearance: Talonstrike is a handsome tom with a strong and intimidating build. He is muscular and tall and looks ready to fight. His fur is a darker colored pelt that is a maroonish shade that is mostly red with some brown mixed in. He also slightly dark markings such as stripes on his legs, spots on his back and hunches, ear tips, dots under green his eyes and bridge of his nose and a pale red chest. link link 2
Why Should Halestorm Trust Them?: Even though Talonstrike is rough (or rather jagged) around the edges, his loyalty and determination to do just about anything to make sure that Shadowclan is safe can not be denied. He might not have any "Popular Vote" but he will do anything in his power to protect his clan against any enemy... and hopefully not get carried away in the process. He doesn't let his feelings get in the way of his choices, or at least he tries not to, but sometimes even he knows you can't suppress your feelings on all matters. Talonstrike is also strong and hardly ever backs down from a challenge, either physical or mental.
Reason for Downfall: Because of her paranoia she could perhaps think that he might be out to harm the other clans instead of help Shadowclan since he seems to dislike the others so much? (but he would never actually go that far)
Other: Got a few...
I know they are opposites, but I think that could be fun to play with ^^
One of my first OCs ever and definitely my favorite (also one of my few non-evil OCs) and by far my favorite
I hope him being born outside the clans won't affect this too much (below I'll post his Backstory if you are interested)
The storm may hail
My only character to not support the EE (he stood strongly against it)
I don't give huge posts but I will go through with the plot and definitely stay active throughout it!
I know I'm not popular and that might have a huge impact on who you choose, but I have been on WCO for 2 years now and have been patiently waiting for either Shadowclan Deputy or Leader to be open for Talonstrike
Backstory: Talonstrike doesn't have much of a past. He was born outside the clans as a kitty-pet named August but was stolen by a rogue at a young age and can't remember his birth family. The rogue brought him to the Shadowclan territory hopeing to sneak through and make it away from the clans and twoleg place but was then discovered by a Shadowclan patrol. The cat than place him under some bushes and ran hoping to return later, but then the Shadowclan cats' found him and brought him back to camp with them. Most of his memories are of Shadowclan and doesn't really remember anything else, but sometimes has dreams of his birth family and the strange rogue.

"My hobbies are guns, blowing stuff up and baseball!" -America

Character Site

Last edited by Talon; January 20th, 2017 at 10:48 AM.