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Old October 6th, 2016, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
Pinekit sat back down, calming more and curling his brown tail around his paws, his green eyes going back to their original polite, but cold and distant gaze. The young tom listened intently as Adderkit spoke, his head turned in her direction and his gaze fixed directly upon her, a warmer light entering it as he did so. "Mm, they sound wonderful...what are they like?" Pinekit asked, sounding drowsy. Whenever Pinekit took on a part, he really studied his character and made sure that they were perfect in every way. And at the moment, he was playing the perfect part of an ordinary, polite, friendly kit. Pinekit lay down and rolled over on his back lazily, looking up at the sky and swiping a paw at the clouds, his eyes half closed in a lazy, forgetful manner. They opened wide with alarm and surprise as Adderkit asked him about his own family. The tom grinned, not quite sure how to answer the question in a way that would allow him to keep his own emotions hidden but at the same time, seem polite and like he actually cared about what she had to say. He rolled over onto his side and studied her for a moment, as though he couldn't believe what she just said...which, he really couldn't, and a thoughtful, half conscious expression entered his eyes. He didn't say anything for a moment, not quite ready to speak, and bit his lip slightly before he finally began to answer. "I have two sisters and a Mom. Oh, and a Dad..." Pinekit's voice trailed off and he finished the sentence in his head. Somewhere, he thought grimly. It was true; Pinekit wasn't quite sure who or where his Father was. It was one of those "awkward topics" that he avoided, and he tended to be a little more touchy on the subject. He didn't know what to say after that, and he wasn't going to say anything quite yet anyway. Let her believe that he had a Dad, and that he was just relaxing now. It wouldn't do her any harm, unlike his ultimate lie, the one that he was playing at the moment. Besides, he hadn't really lied to her. I do have a Dad somewhere, Pinekit thought with a slight shrug. The tom got to his paws once more, stretching out as far as his little limbs would go and yawning as he did so, making him look almost comical with his small limbs stretched out, green eyes squeezed shut and his maw open wide. He flicked his tail as though to rid it of some unseen dust, and flicked his ear as well. He chuckled mirthlessly, although grinned to cover up his current unhappy state. No, he wasn't going to let this kit through any more than he would let anyone else through. He kept his disguise on until the very end, hiding his true emotions from the outside world. Besides, what good were emotions in the long run? They didn't help win a battle, unless it was anger or spite.

Pinekit looked at Adderkit suddenly, his green eyes almost pleading with her not to ask any further questions, his whole small body quivering with unseen nervousness and even anger. He was angry with himself for asking the question, and angry with her for turning it back on him. Why did cats have to be like that? They would ask you the same question that you had just asked them, "getting to know you better." Although that was Pinekit's little game, he hated it when anyone besides himself did it. Pinekit licked his maw nervously, turning his head away from Adderkit. He was done pleading...let her do whatever she saw fit to. It wouldn't hurt him too couldn't! No, he would be perfectly alright. Pinekit nodded, which must have looked strange since Adderkit couldn't read his thoughts and know what he was doing.

~bumpie for Duskflight~