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Old November 21st, 2022, 09:45 PM
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Streamtail Streamtail is offline
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Default Re: Lies and Truths [Hero Base]

Originally Posted by Jinx. View Post
She/Her - Senior Hero

"Wassup?" she asked with a positive smile. She was also bored. She had already made a whole vine wrap collection including two necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and even hair clips by the time she had noticed Sunburst was here. "Here, try this on" she said without waiting for an answer and handed her the necklace, bracelet, anklet and hair clip. She herself had already put on her ones so she handed the extras.

{ @Streamtail }
"Uh, hey. What are these for?" Sunburst asks lazily, looking up at Splitside.
"My heart's in charge, it's a dictator." -Stream :3

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"Love your neighboor as yourself." - Lev. 19:18

~Eveningstar is the current Morningclan leader, she has a semi-open den policy.~