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Old January 16th, 2017, 10:14 AM
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Momotaro Momotaro is offline
'No Ones Better Than You'
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Default Re: January Gathering

Originally Posted by NightWarrior4Life View Post
"Because we were forced to! They weren't see, we love each other bla bla bla...and there's this other Tom, CrispLeaf...he felt he was rightfully her mate...don't ask...he started getting really violent with us and threatened to hurt me if I didn't stay away from this point, VelvetNight was already heavily pregnant with my kits. We knew if CrispLeaf saw, he'd kill we took them to the clans where we knew they'd be safe...but ever since we've wanted to rebuild things with them...make sure they're okay, she's given birth to CrispLeaf kits...we regret everything...we just want our kits back!
They deserve to know the truth...we want them to come back..."
"Please! Whoever you are, we don't want to hurt anyone...we just want to know where they are!" They wailed together, sounding so pathetic.
Stormtails gazed hardened more and she growled, "Windclan nursery, but if you dare steal them you will feel the might of Windclan in your back, and with that, the enraged molly strode away, desperately trying to initiate another conversation.



Goldenpaw wandered around, desperately searching for her freind, Lightpaw. The young she-cat had grown up in the EE, where there had been no gatherings an no freindly interactions between the clans. Her eyes darted from cat to cat, though no fluffy white pelts stood out. Lightpaw! Where are you? I don't want to be alone! The thunderclan she-cat was running now, frantically running around, fearful of the groups of warrior from different clans judging her, I don't want to be alone!

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