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Old October 30th, 2016, 04:17 PM
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Ever Ever is offline
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Posts: 950
My Mood: Lurking

Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

When Marbledface felt his tail graze her back she felt her own pelt react by tingling to the touch. It was strange receiving affection, or comfort rather, from a cat she barely knew. The mottled warrior barely understood comfort herself, she'd never received it from her mother and her father had been absent. How could you learn how to react to these thing when you had had none displayed to you. She wasn't sure whether to accept and bask in the warmth of the touch and the words he'd told her, that she could tell him anything, or whether to be uncomfortable and only get more distance between herself and him. She opted for the latter and arched her back slightly into his touch, and glanced over at him with eyes bearing relief. "Thank you." She said softly, and then as soon as the words were out his eyes shone with an intensity she often recognized in herself. The sort of fever a hunt brought out in a cat that liked to sink their claws into flesh. It wasn't a bad thing to want to do so, it was instinctual. It didn't make either of them a bad cat, or evil at all, simply made them the wild cats that they were. The challenge brought a confident smile to her maw and her tail flicked with excitement behind her. She sprang into action, her shoulder's soreness long gone and replaced with adrenaline. "Better move fast if you don't want to lose!" She said before springing into action and leaping ahead of him and veering to the right, deep into the marshy territory in hopes of finding an easily catchable frog. @Suspiciousmindz
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