Thread: Gloaming Camp
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Old January 10th, 2023, 02:25 PM
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Default Re: Gloaming Camp

Originally Posted by Spotty View Post

[Open to other Healers (as well as other ranks but mainly those)!]

During the journey, he had chosen not to completely follow the main group, partly out of dislike for the socializing of it all - needed to constantly keep track of his facial expression and body language was taking a toll on him long-term - and sometimes just because he saw something interesting on the ground he needed to check out, be it remains of a plant that hadn't fully rotted away during the winter, or just something else. So he followed them into the new camp at the tail-end of the crowd with a slow, stalky gait.

It was an... interesting place... for sure, and Jay's evening blue eyes scanned the new place with mild interest and curiosity. He... could work with this, and was honestly looking forward to exploring each part of it, following every tunnel until he found where it ended. A quiet, hyena giggle escaped him as the slender cat stalked along the edge of the new camp, stealing a peak at the place from different angles. Right, the Clanners, Jay smiled a little at the thought of getting revenge for his mother, even if he wasn't a fighter, he would help out in any way he could.

But it seemed his duty would be as a Healer! The blue cat's eyebrows rose somewhat in surprise, but that was quite perfect actually. And they would get a teacher as well? His content grew stronger and a grin broke out on his face. Making the Clanners pay and advance his already growing skills on the side? Win-win if you asked him.

Then it came to digging, and though Jay was far from strong, he still moved closer to the began marking out with a claw where a Healer's den would fit perfectly. But as he walked by a cat [ @Little Dakota - Komodo] who did not seem eager to help out and had instead laid down to sleep? Passing by, Jay reached out a claw in order to give the cat a slight cut (not anything big, just a sting) over the shoulder to wake them up. No slacking when they had a mission.
[ uh oh komodo will be ticked off]


Komodo wasn't entirely sleeping but the tom had been ignoring let the other rogues do there thing sure he's a low rank but seriously did the tom care[nope] as a cat came by the toms ear twitched to the cat his teeth baring his claws unsheathed but hidden then as the cat gave him a slight cut making it sting the anger raged out of him, he immediately stood up growling showing his teeth and claws the tom stood tall, his dark eyes showed anger and rage"so so a newly appointed healer dared to cut me! what a bad idea you had" he said as his tail lashed" i don't care abot the ranks so watch what you do you bird-brain!" the tom snarled in rage

Calm as a water a stone will sit there peacefully

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