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Old January 10th, 2023, 07:23 PM
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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Nursery


Frantic little paws dug deep into the moist, soggy earth, displacing some moss and finding the rich soil underneath. At the corner of the nursery, Mousekit had found a nest which seemed to not have been ever used. The moss was old and scentless, evidently not even seeing play from rowdy or adventurous kits, being too far out of the way and too boring to be given much attention. The small, gray tom had only found this nest by accident, as a matter of fact, on his usual running routine through the nursery's unused nests. Now covered as he was with moss from the others disused parts of the den, the curious tom began investigating this place out of sheer boredom, his paws making quick work of the dank soil, making even more of a mess of his already messy coat.

Rounded ears perked up at the sound of an unfamiliar, gruff voice, verdant green eyes standing out in the gloom. He hadn't the foggiest who this was, but he'd just said bored, and right now, bored was the magic word, because being bored together was more fun than being bored alone, right? Yes, he was certain that's how that worked. Heading towards the source of the sound, Mousekit was met with a peculiar looking warrior. For one thing, he was massive! For another, he had an impressive snout! Much longer than his! And then there was the matter of his tooth.

"Woah, what a big tooth you have! I bet you can get all the prey there is! How can you get bored when you look so awesome? Oh, oh," the kit suddenly mewed, remembering his manners and how he'd completely forgone them. "I am Mousekit. Hi hi. How do you do?"

The small gray tom's chest puffed up proudly. That had been close, but it had been an excellent save! Why, he'd even asked how the tom was doing... although now that he thought about it, the stranger had just stated he was bored, so maybe that hadn't been the best thing to ask. White dipped paw flying to his forehead as he closed his eyes, a little snarl of complaint on his face, he shook his head in dismay. How very mouse-brained of him. That was not the way to live up to his name!

"Sorry sorry. You are bored, you are bored. You said that already! But we can play, we can play! Yes, yes! What do you want to play?"

There! Now he had been a properly mannered kit! Sitting expectantly as he looked up at the massive stranger, Mousekit wiped his nose with his dirty paw, a smudge of soil now accompanying the moss and dirt already smeared over his face, giving him the illusion of a rather small, mossy pebble rather than a mischievous gray kit. Green eyes glinting with excitement, he wondered what they would play. Moss ball? Badger rides? Or maybe the stranger would want to dig with him in his new hidey hole. He had been planning to keep the place a secret, but secrets were made to be shared, right? Of course they were, he was sure!


@Peerless cucumber
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

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