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Old March 13th, 2023, 08:46 AM
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Ragwort Ragwort is offline
Dabi Obsessed
Join Date: Mar 2022
Status: I'm going to End Endeavor For What He Did To Me!
Gender: He/Him Call me Toya
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Default Re: Thunderclan Deputy Applications

Spikystalker "I Don't Really Like Talking About Myself, But i Guess this is a Good place to try. I was Born to a Shadowclan Warrior and a Thunderclan Warrior. I Won't Sugar coat it, I'm a half-caln blooded boy all the Way. My Father Died Protecting Me, My Mother And My Littermates from a Killer, and unfortunately Passed away, along with my mother, Before a Patrol found my sibs and i and fought off that... thing! "

The Wild haired tom cat paused to rub a paw over his snout.

"I've Lived in Thunderclan my Whole Life. which has Been the Past 18 moons of my life. I have no plans on ever leaving till the day I die. But they say life is full of unexpected events, so who knows if i’ll get that lucky, for we all know life is unpredictable.”

“I Tried My Best as an Apprentice, but I'll be the first to admit to doing some naughty things as a kid. I once put a frog in my sister's nest because I knew she didn’t like them. I Even Once Pushed a Brother in the Mud. But i Paid for those crimes as all young ones do. My mentor Had Their Paws Full With me” He Chuckled softly, His Gaze never leaving you as he stared you straight in the eyes “but now as a Warrior i’ve found my priorities in life, and that's To work Hard for My Clan, My Family. While i Cherish the Memories of the ones I lost along the line, I'm the type to move forward with my life and duties, leaving my problems to be pondered at night. After all One Must have their priorities Set straight, especially when it Comes to Their job, or they risk getting Behind in Life”

He Blinked, his eyes never leaving your face.

“My Hobbies you Ask?
I don’t actually have any but I love battle practice, and Won’t mind doing a favor for my clanmates as long as it’s reasonable of course. Ask me to murder someone, I'll report you to the leader. Shady things like that are a big fat no!”

“I do, however I'm sure if it counts as a hobby, often end up Walking around the territory by myself. I’m not close to anyone in the clan really and some seem to have forgotten me” he could name a few cats in particular. “I’ll be truthful, I'm not much into Relationships, it causes too much pain, and I've never really cared about having them in the first place. But i can socialize when needed of coarse like any cat with a brain in their head”

“My Anti-socialism? Yes, I do have that, but that is only because I believe one should only speak when necessary, though it's quite clear that's only my opinion and rarely the one of others. That doesn’t stop me from giving others a piece of my mind. Of course, I ain't above sassing others if they annoy me, but it's just one of my bad habits of course. “

He Churred in slight amusement “My Flaws? My bad habits? You wish to learn more? Very well, I shall as the saying goes, spill the beans about it. I’m not one to Kill others, at least not if it ain’t absolutely necessary of course. I do have a thing about cleanliness, I'll admit that is lost on me, as my fur shall likely tell you. I do not care about cleanliness at all, at least not when it’s my own space, my own nest. I’ll clean, but only if someone asks nicely.

I do have a thing for sassing off with my seniors but I can't really help that, given how much I dislike annoyances or stupidity. I’ve been told I stare into others' eyes too much when speaking directly to someone. I almost can’t really see the problem with it, but I guess some would find that uncomfortable. I however think making eye contact is important, after all if someone can’t meet your gaze that usually means they are lying or ashamed of something. A useful thing to know, especially when dealing with outsiders and other clans”

He Paused “Apprentices? Well, I’ve begun Training Young Ravenpaw in the way of a warrior. She seems like she’ll do well in training. We’ve been going over the territory and scent trails. She’s My First apprentice, yes, but I think we’ll do well together. I look forward to Training her to become a warrior”

i'm on almost everyday, but i can't get on the alliences till friday afternoon to sunday, because the other days i'm on my school cmputer and they have restricted what docs we can access

Pet's name: Zeki Of The Frozen Dawn