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Old May 6th, 2023, 11:02 PM
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Default Re: Kyrieknight's Kats 2.5


Name: Spiderfoot
Previous Name/s:
Future Name/s:
Gender: Male
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: Warrior
Age: 20 Moons
Brief Description:
Spiderfoot is a large, sleek, sturdy, bulky, lithe, long-bodied, soft-and-sleek furred, mackerel-striped, mottled, dusty, dark brown tabby tom with warm honey-amber eyes and darker brown stripes. He has a dusty, lighter brown belly, chest, and throat, darker paws, a fluffy and soft tail, long legs, and broad shoulders. He also has a somewhat healed nick in his right ear, and small, sparse, umber brown mottled specks around his fur.
Easy to fluster
Foolhardy when overwhelmed
Insecure at times
Spiderfoot is a very merciful and generous tom, often viewed as soft given his kindness extends to everyone, even to opposing cats or cats outside of the Clans. Given his status as acting like an older brother, and spending time with younger, energetic cats, Spiderfoot has grown to be a conciliatory cat, often breaking up fights or trying to get others to calm down when tensions run high. He's earnest and loyal, striving to help his Clan and others, only ever modest when it comes to his own accomplishments, never one to brag or seem more important than others. He's patient and trustworthy, always willing to listen to any problems anyone else might have, or just allow them to vent, and he would never voice a complaint about it, instead offering advice or silence when needed. Spiderfoot is passive and circumspect, usually not trying to stand out and going with the flow, and he doesn't like doing things that are high gain, low reward, especially when it comes to fights. He's never one to get into arguments, and his honest and guileless personality drives him to never give a hurtful lie, and to only ever lie under special circumstances, preferring to be as transparent as possible. He's also rather playful, mainly due to his time spent with his younger siblings and with other young cats. While modest, Spiderfoot appreciates compliments, though he gets easily flustered and caught off guard whenever he receives one. When he's overwhelmed, he becomes uncharacteristically impulsive and foolhardy, and tends to make mistakes under duress by himself. Due to his insecurity of his own usefulness in the Clan, and his friendly nature, Spiderfoot is gullible and willing to believe almost anything that anyone tells him, with little suspicion or arguments unless he doesn't know them too well. He's pretty hidebound, always wanting to follow traditions and dislikes breaking them, and tends to be passive-aggressive when it comes to cats he doesn't like. Still, Spiderfoot does his best to be an understanding tom, and he's a warrior who's bound to do whatever he believes is best for the Clan.
Featherstep- Long-haired, pale gray she-cat (NPC, deceased).

Lightcloud- Very pale tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes (NPC, warrior, deceased).
Oakfall- Dark brown tabby tom with blue eyes (NPC, warrior, deceased).
Firekit- Long-haired she-cat with a fiery-colored pelt (alive, adopted [she adopted him???], @/rowan).


Twenty moons ago, Spiderfoot was born to Oakfall and Lightcloud of ThunderClan, named Spiderkit and born the only one in their first litter during a quiet rainstorm. As such, Spiderkit grew up treasured by his parents, especially by Oakfall, as he'd always wanted to have a family with Lightcloud and was proud to finally start one, even if it was only one kit. Lightcloud was also protective of Spiderkit, her motherly nature becoming stronger when she only had one. It was fairly common to see Spiderkit pampered when growing up, with Oakfall spending as much time as possible spending the nursery whenever he could, while Lightcloud always spent time with her kit whenever she could. He grew up an energetic and playful kit, always willing to play with and befriend other cats in the nursery, almost always happy and behaved. There was an incident, however, when another kit put a spider in his nest, leaving Spiderkit traumatized and begging for a new name, though didn't receive it. Despite that, however, Lightcloud and Oakfall were very generous to their son, and since that day, they checked his nest every night to make sure there weren't spiders inside. However, Spiderkit wasn't entirely spoiled: if he ever did something wrong, Oakfall and Lightcloud were quick to reprimand him and make sure he understood why it was wrong. They were never cruel, but strict when it came to morals and compassion. As such, Spiderkit grew up with a strong moral compass, much like his parents, and it became commonplace to see the young tom playing with lone kits, defending bullied kits, and trying befriend all types of cats, even the older ones. Though he was happy as he was, however, Spiderkit often felt jealous seeing other kits playing with their siblings, and often wondered why he didn't have a brother or sister in the same litter as him. He never voiced these thoughts though, as he didn't want to upset his parents, but he always felt sad by that fact. He was able to make up for that by playing with other kits though, and more often than not, he would forget his loneliness in favor of playing with others. And as he grew to be older, Spiderkit would often break up fights between younger kits or prevent them from getting in trouble, being viewed as the older brother of the nursery, despite never having his own siblings. Sometimes, some queens even trusted Spiderkit with watching over their own kits, which he was always admittedly excited to do, and he was good at it too. Oakfall and Lightcloud were often surprised by how well he took to the older brother role for other kits, but were proud of their son nonetheless. In fact, Spiderkit sometimes even asked the queens and kits if he could watch them, just because he had fun doing so. Still, during very rare times, Spiderkit could be seen alone in the nursery, staring at other kits and their siblings with a longing look in his eyes…
When he was finally able to become an apprentice, Spiderpaw was apprenticed to Featherstep, a younger warrior compared to most, yet clever and loyal like any other warrior. Excited to become a warrior, Spiderpaw was an eager and quick learner, always up before everyone else and waking his mentor to begin his training. Sometimes he would even ask Oakfall or Lightcloud to help, though he usually turned to Featherstep for training. There were times where, if he couldn't sleep at night, Spiderpaw would go and train alone, although he often got scolded for doing so. He was also very adventurous, often wandering into the territory to explore, even though Featherstep often warned against this, as did his parents. Yet, despite his rebellious will to always train and sneak away to do so, Spiderpaw and Featherstep grew a strong bond together, with the warrior acting as a sort of older sister for him. Sometimes, Spiderpaw would come to her simply to talk, and they rarely ever spent too long without training together. Even though he was always eager to train, however, Spiderpaw was happy to continue helping around the nursery, often visiting when he had the time and watching over kits to give their mothers a break. Nearing the end of his training, Spiderpaw ended up on a border patrol with Featherstep, along with two other warriors. He stayed close to his mentor, as there had been talks of dogs and Twolegs roaming around, and despite the caution of the group, they ended up encounting a stray dog that resulted in a violent battle. For a moment, the group was holding their own, before Spiderpaw got too brave and leapt for its back. Immediately the dog snapped at him, catching his right ear in its mouth and tossing him around like a ragdoll while forcing the warriors to hold back to refrain from injuring Spiderpaw. The dark-furred tom struggled for a while before the dog ran off, dragging the apprentice with it, and the patrol gave chase. Trying to get her apprentice back, Featherstep threw herself at the dog, and the three tumbled into a nearby river, struggling to get out. Luckily, one of the warriors managed to dive in and drag him out of the water, barely conscious. Sadly, Featherstep was not as lucky: she struggled against the dog and the running river, and the rushing river claimed the lives of both the dog and Featherstep. Awaking in the medicine den to recover from his injuries and his shock, Spiderpaw was devastated by the death of his mentor, and he spent a lot of time at her grave, even though he had to stay in the medicine den for a while. Oakfall and Lightcloud did their best to comfort their grieving son, as Featherstep had also become close friends with them, and often visited him to talk and comfort him whenever they could. In fact, with one of the most patient and kind cats of ThunderClan being so depressed, the mood of the entire Clan was brought down for a while, and it took a while for Spiderpaw to heal, both physically and emotionally. After everything, Spiderpaw developed a deep fear of dogs and drowning. There was one positive thing that came up from it all, however: Oakfall and Lightcloud had another litter, and Spiderpaw became the older brother to three she-cats and two toms. As a sort of therapy for the traumatized tom, Spiderpaw spent a lot of time in the nursery with his new, long wished for siblings, and slowly, Spiderpaw began to recover. He started to smile like before, and smoothly picked up the older brother role to his siblings, becoming doting and forming a close bond with them via playing with and telling them stories, and caring for them when Lightcloud was busy. However, eventually, Spiderpaw had to pick up his training again, though he refused to have another mentor. He instead shared training with multiple warriors, including Oakfall, and before long, he passed his assessment to become a warrior.
Once he finished his training, Spiderpaw was given the name Spiderfoot, for his speed and his ability to climb trees easily like a spider, much to his private disdain. But now happy to be a warrior, Spiderfoot is still the patient and kind cat he has been since he was a kit. Unfortunately, right after he earned his warrior name, a bout of greencough spread around the camp, claiming many lives, including that of Oakfall and Lightcloud. Spiderfoot was griefstriken and stayed with the bodies of his parents for a long time before helping bury them. Given his close bond with them, he was excused from some duties, but he refused, instead turning to make himself useful and raise his younger siblings in his parents' place. He knows he can't replace Oakfall and Lightcloud, and he doesn't want to, but he is doing his best to balance the life of a warrior and as an older brother, especially as his siblings grow older.


*Spiderfoot inherited his climbing skills from Marshfoot, Oakfall's father, but doesn't climb nearly as often as his grandfather.*
*After an encounter with dogs that led him to nearly drowning in a river, Spiderfoot has a deep fear of dogs and drowning.*
*He has a tendency to hate cats or get into arguments with cats who tend to be cruel to their family members for no reason, and will try his best to make the other cat feel better.*
*Despite them being his namesake, Spiderfoot is terrified of spiders and hopes to get his name changed to Mallowfur, as he's always liked mallow flowers.*


His family
Mallow flowers
Playing with younger cats or even other warriors
Quiet storms and rain
Running between the trees
Deep, dark water
His asthma acting up
His siblings arguing or getting into trouble
Seeing others be mistreated, especially by family


Arachnophobia (fear of spiders).
Cynophobia (fear of dogs).
Thalassophobia (fear of drowning).


:Theme Songs/s:
As One Older Brother- Kimetsu No Yaiba OST.
Song of Storms (Rozen Cover)- Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time OST.

My Cats

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Last edited by Akira; May 25th, 2023 at 08:28 PM.
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