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Old May 9th, 2023, 06:27 PM
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Ainz Ooal Gown Ainz Ooal Gown is offline
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Default Re: Last Wolves On Earth #2 (Private)

Originally Posted by Shadow View Post

Czar smiled up at Athena, half hearted and tired. “Yeah. I’m sure it will. Everything always does. It’s always night before day.” He hummed, attempting to throw in his own two cents. Comforting the parent as always- his emotions, though addressed in theory, were never fully truly a priority when it came to actions. His heart hurt as he had the sudden realization that it was probably a similar case for Athena as well, but he too could do nothing about it. How could he help her when he was going through the very same thing?

He shook the thoughts from his head. No, now was time to focus on his father. “Don’t cry…maybe mom will cheer up in a few days…” A lie. He knew it, he knew that his mother would never be the same. The real question that plagued his mind is was this her rock bottom… or would she get worse?


Ketsueki, who had just put his head down after an early mornings shift of errands lifted it once more in irritation to see who dared bother him at this moment in time, however, once he saw his beloved the aggresion left his body instantly. “Merayu,” He hummed happily. “How are you? How was Kumu?” Any progress?”

Shadow smiled as his children. A lie, he knew. They were saying things that they possibly didn't believe. But if it would rise their spirits even a little, he would believe them. "I hope so. I feel change coming soon, and it will be for the better for all of us." He said with a refined confidence to his words.

Merayu jumped at surprise. She didn't expect Ketsueki to be here. She must not have noticed him out of her tiredness. Still, she flashed him a smile and greeted. "Ketsueki." She huffed. Her eyes looked back to the entrance. "He's such a quick learner, it scares even me sometimes." She said with a smile as she walked to her nesting area. "He will become one of the most combat prepared wolves at such a young age if he keeps this pace up. It's like everything comes naturally to him." She praised. "It's both inspiring....and exhausting as his teacher."
Everyone makes mistakes. You just need to make an effort not to make the same mistake again. - Ainz Ooal Gown
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