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Old June 23rd, 2023, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by CreeperLover649 View Post

{ @Moonraven }

(I should mention that the training threads for the borders I have no idea where they went. Deadmoon( @/gs373(if that's how you spell his name) ) did a hunting training thread with Tigerpaw. Everything else she doesn't have anything about. She may know how to fight and other stuff from watching others. But official training is nothing but borders and hunting and maybe a little fighting)

Tigerpaw met Twilightstar's eyes. It's about giving me a mentor. She took a deep breath. "I have done the borders and hunting. I do not think I have done anything else, or I just don't remember." She said. "I am very sorry for my reckless actions. I have learned my lesson and I will not do them again." The orange tabby she-cat hung her head down.

It was very off-putting to hear that a cat her age has only had two lessons done, but after thinking about how much trouble she's been up to in the past, it made sense. "Alright, I'll be assigning Moonwhisker [ @Pangoligon ], as your mentor. She should be able to get you caught up on whatever you're missing, and hopefully, get you on your way to your warrior ceremony." Twilightstar quietly prayed that Moonwhisker remained one of the rare dedicated mentors within the clan. "I'm trusting you to keep your word Tigerpaw, do your best, and keep your nose out of trouble." The leader dismissed her with that.

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune View Post

| Dapplebreeze |

"Oh not at all, my dear, not at all. In fact, I came to ask you the very same thing," Dapplebreeze remarked, shaking her head as she spoke.

These past moons had been... vexing. Taxing. Brutal, really. Even for her. Dapplebreeze had lived through a lot. There had been so many times of need. So many times when WindClan almost didn't make it. Shouldn't have made it. But they did. And they were always stronger for it. One of the many reasons the former queen was such a proud member of WindClan. Her clan had proven to be a clan of champions. No adversity had conquered them, even when they came back to back as they had these past few moons.

But... The clan did survive. It always did. StarClan willing... it always will. But it had taken a toll on its warriors. Some still seemed to be reeling from the events. Most seemed to be settling in nicely, of course. It was hard to remain nervous under the careful guidance of their leader. The medicine cats had been working nonstop to help those injured, and the deputy had been sharp and swift in ensuring for food and their borders to be secured even as they were getting settled into their new home. He'd even led the patrol to find their new camp himself! All of them, caring for the clan. Ensuring the well being of those who looked up to them.

Which begged the question... who looked out for them? The medicine cats had each other. They could support each other. And honestly, with the weight of the stars on their shoulders, it made sense that they did. Who better to understand the toils of their work than one who went through the same? StarClan could not have granted Cowtuft an apprentice at a more opportune time, truly!

Fallownose himself was also doing splendidly. He seemed to be getting along quite well with the... newcomer. The thought of their deputy consorting or considering such a cat as a mate - she wasn't blind, it was clear there was affection - while there were plenty of strong, capable felines amongst WindClanners was... not something she agreed with. She hadn't agreed with it when her son had chosen a kittypet for a mate, and she would not be seeing it as an acceptable thing anytime soon. But... the stranger made the deputy happy. And he had fought for a clan he had no stakes in. Perhaps if he were to join the clan... maybe then the patched molly would be more inclined to approve of the union.

Unfortunately, this left Twilightstar seeming... quite alone. In this new den, this new place, after having lost a life... potentially having lost a son. Who took care of her during this time of recovery? Had she been taking care of herself? Or had she simply taken to burying herself in her work? Attending the needs of the clan and ignoring her own? Perhaps it was Dapplebreeze's own maternal instincts flaring up after having lost her two remaining kits to the fire, but she would rather die than see the leader burn herself out with no one to lean on. It was this that spurred her on. Motivated to continue. She was not one to intrude upon the lives of others so boldly on most occasions, but this was not most occasions, now was it?

"How have you been? After... well... everything. The clan is recovering fabulously thanks to your expert care and leadership, but if I may be so bold as to inquire as to your own well being? I know how much you do for the clan, Twilightstar, but I hope you remember you have friends down there. We are all here for you as well if ever need be... and dare I say... even if not," the former queen purred.


@Moonraven [Twilightstar]

Twilightstar tipped her head curiously at Dapplebreeze's inquiry. Her ears jerked back and a slight frown sat on her face as it dawned on her what Dapplebreeze was trying to do for her. The words were kind and the sentiment even sweeter. The frown turned itself upside down, she smiles something heartwarming and tender. It didn't reach her eye though, that single green orb was full of sorrowful regret. She felt bad, but she wasn't sure she could do... this again. Each one hurt more than the last.

"At the moment, I'm displaced, coping, but I'll adapt and I'll be fine." She meowed in a steady tone. Twilightstar had cats, the rare few, that took a genuine interest in her wellbeing. They served as almost emotional support rocks, that understood that everything wasn't as fine as she made it out to be. She could call them friends, potential lovers, kin. But they never stayed, every last one that she tried to form bonds beyond those of a leader and Clan, they vanished. Either they died or left. They took their toll on the lilac feline. Her mother, her brother, her kits, her apprentices, her deputies, and medicine cats, her warriors. Twilightstar's had cats that managed to worm their way into her heart, and regardless of how they left, scars replaced them, scars so deep they remained unseen.

Twilightstar was tired, she had three lives to go, and at the moment, was coping rather well so it was okay. It was easier to just swallow all the pain, the discomfort, the fear, the loss, and give her everything to the Clan. It was... safer that way. By no means would she ever suggest any cat bottle or bury their feelings, and trudge through day-to-day life like she did. Cats would and could shatter under such distress. Twilightstar, thankfully, had more than enough practice concealing, and she wouldn't call it not feeling. It was more like repressing certain feelings.

She was thankfully gifted with an unshakable will of resolve and a near-blind ability to focus on one single desire, that allowed her to stand where others would crumble. Through that, she's built her wall, on the inside it was strong, sturdy, and indestructible, on the outside inviting, resilient, and stable. She could give her clan all her attention, her love, her understanding, or her concerns without asking for anything in return. If she was being truthful, she didn't want anything from them. She was just happy if they came back to her alive, and healthy, and didn't cause her unnecessary trouble.

So as grateful as Twilightstar was for Dapplebreeze for trying, it was less heartache-inducing for the leader to work her emotions and thoughts out on her own. She did not want the molly to become another scar for the leader to carry around till the day she was finally able to rest. "I'll be alright, but thank you sincerely for the concern. I know that I have the Clan on my side should I need any of you."

Originally Posted by ares View Post
• Cloverpaw •
scarred cream-and-white molly with disabled hind leg and blind right eye; aqua blue eyes and folded dark brown ears with a darker rim along the edges


Wolffang will be your mentor.

Cloverpaw could’ve swore that she felt her crooked smile falter slightly. She did not hear that right. She absolutely didn’t. “Come again?” she rumbled, tone slow as she lifted up a brow as her eyes made contact with Twilightstar’s green. Her brain had to click and churn for a brief moment as she silently comprehended the words that escaped the lilac leader’s maw. Wolffang, the former deputy, Ashfeather’s tormentor, was her mentor. To be quite honest, Cloverpaw wasn’t the type to argue, or talk back to specific topics, but this? This just felt utterly unreal. She was half tempted to half-heartedly cough out the words ‘your joking right’ to the leader to implicate that Cloverpaw did not believe that she was earning that tom as a mentor, but she forced herself back. There wasn’t any way that she was going to talk back to her leader all just from receiving a cat that she disliked as a mentor. She wasn’t that stubborn.

Yet, the darkest corners of her crevices were telling her that maybe Wolffang has changed. Maybe he learned from his mistakes and became a better cat? Cloverpaw resisted the temptation to scoff at her own thoughts; to roll her narrow shoulders in resentment from the ridiculous thought. There wasn’t any way that Wolffang could’ve possibly changed. That tom did nothing but simply resent Ashfeather and treat her worst than dirt. All because she had her differences. How in the hell wasn’t he going to the same to her? With a sharp swipe of her tongue across her maw and narrowing of her eyes, the scarred molly sharply sucked in a breath of air before slowly exhaling. Great StarClan this was rather hard to take in. “Has he changed?” she questioned, voice almost silent and yet equally hard in tone. She forced herself to not trail on any further for why she had asked such an awkward question.

Did Wolffang truly change? Did he become a more respectful tom-cat instead of a tom that only wanted to see perfection in cats? Was he finally not so snuck-up and arrogant as he once was? Did he actually care for the weak and sick instead of tossing them away like rubbish? Cloverpaw could go on and on about how many questions she desired to ask. Yet, she knew they were foolish. They were just mentally her opinions changed into questions. That’s what she knew. However, there was a light to the dark tunnel and in case her training with Wolffang didn’t work out [which she found was bound to happen] she had Twilightstar’s son, Leechscar to become her mentor. Which, she never really did interact much with the leader’s kits, yet she had remembered seeing them as kits. It brought a mental pang to the molly’s stomach from the bitter thought of herself still as a crippled apprentice while they were all warriors.

Her thoughts of the matter quickly diminished when Twilightstar mentioned that she will be giving Cloverpaw her full name, which quickly caught the molly’s attention. Well, at least that was better than her not receiving a name at all and possibly carrying the name of a ‘paw furthermost of her life. She couldn’t help herself but be curious of what name Twilightstar will give her. Will it be Cloverbright? No, that sounds to cheerful of a name. Cloverbreeze? Nah. Too breezy. Cloverleaf? Okay, that’s just after the flower. Cloverpaw just gave a small shrug of her narrow shoulders as she daintily twitched her whiskers, her aqua gaze fully focusing back on Twilightstar again. “I don’t have any concerns, Twilightstar. I’d like to earn my name change, in a good manner, I mean.” She quickly added in that last sentence so that she wasn’t sounding like she was demanding her new name or something. That was just wrong.


@Moonraven [Cloverheart was going to be her warrior name, but if you have something better in mind for her I won’t mind! ]

Twilightstar watched carefully as Cloverpaw processed who her mentor would be. Twilightstar could see that the she-cat was obviously holding her tongue, which Twilightstar was grateful for. She wasn't really up to debating about her decisions. When she did finally speak, it was a question that Twilightstar had to think about. Has he changed? She would say yes, undoubtedly, but even though she's said this more times than she had toes on all four of her paws, Leechscar refused to believe her. So she decided to settle on something less argumental.

"You can see for yourself about that but do know that I wouldn't offer him as your mentor if I thought he remained unchanged." She wasn't looking to sow unwanted chaos within the clan. Plus, she'd never want to put Cloverpaw under more unwanted stress than she already has. "I believe he's a good warrior, he's learned to be more empathic and understanding of those with disabilities, and I do think he truly regrets how he treated cats in the past. He's gone through quite an ordeal of his own that I believed helped him with his change of heart but that's his story to tell if he so wishes." Twilightstar replied thoughtfully.

A relaxing grin replaced her stern expression as Cloverpaw proved to be willing to give training with Wolffang a try. "Wonderful, then from this moment forth you'll be known as Cloverheart," Twilightstar told her. "You'll have to put in a lot of work to earn your warrior status. I'm sure there will be times when it will be frustrating, painful, and there will be doubts. Yet, I know that you'll do great. I believe you'll make a wonderful warrior, but if anything gets too much remember that I'll be here for you for whatever you need. You just have to ask." Twilightstar leaned in attempting to give the molly an affectionate lick to her forehead.

"Now then, let's figure out how to get you out of here without harm, and then you can go find Wolffang and relay the news to him. He's normally hovering around Leopardsong." Twilightstar goes to veer around the she-cat to the opening of the tree hollow. It wasn't high, but still, she couldn't help but worry.

[I love Cloverheart, I don't get a lot of heart suffixes in WindClan. We can wrap this up if you want to do one last post. I'll get everything updated on the allegiances.]

Originally Posted by Kay~ View Post
- @Lillian - @Moonraven

"I would like to join Windclan because I feel I would be better suited here. Yes there has been trouble with my clan, but Riverclan is my past now." Mistycloud mewed in reply. She had chosen Windclan for reasons, there was reasons she didn't pick Thunderclan or Shadowclan.

"I could even teach your cats how to swim, if you'd like," the white warrior said calmly.
Originally Posted by Lillian View Post
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Amber-yellow eyes blinked at Twilightstar when she mentioned teaching her something. What is she talking ab- oh. Huh. I didn't even realize how easy that felt. Weird. Fallownose would have to ponder of that later. Maybe it had just been Primal Instincts.

He allowed Mistycloud to speak first, waiting until she finished to give his own input. "The RiverClan patrol was quite hostile when they came upon Mistycloud asking my patrol about joining WindClan. Luckily, it didn't devolve into a fight, although one of them said she was no longer welcome in RiverClan."

Fallownose didn't understand why a random warrior was kicking her out, though he could see why they would be upset. Oh well, it was Pikestar's problem if his warriors were on a power trip, not WindClan's.

"I'll also vouch for her, Twilightstar. When I tracked Briarpaw to the Outskirts and found her drowning in the lake, Mistycloud was also there and rushed to my aid. She risked herself to help me pull Briarpaw out even when she didn't have to."

@Moonraven @Kay~

Twilightstar was thoroughly concerned about the fact that Mistycloud didn't want to give an actual reason for leaving her clan other than that she felt better suited in WindClan. Cats don't just up and leave their Clan for no reason, it was a big decision to leave everything and everyone you knew behind. She smiled faintly at the prospect of learning how to swim, she was hoping for someone to teach the clan how to fish since they now had a location to do so. But still, that wasn't enough to sway her.

Fallownose's added in his own words and they did little to alleviate her concerns, although was pleased to hear that Mistycloud had tried to aid Briarpaw. "While I appreciate immensely what you did for Briarpaw and WindClan, it doesn't take away from my concerns about why you threw away your loyalty to RiverClan to join WindClan. Fallownose is willing to vouch for you, so I'll trust you, and won't push for a real reason for abandoning your former clan. But keep in mind, if whatever the reason you left RiverClan for causes trouble for WindClan, I will not be sending my Clanmates to die for you and you will be told to leave." Twilightstar warned adamantly. "If that's clear, you'll need hunting lessons at the minimum to join WindClan as a warrior."

Originally Posted by Lillian View Post
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The deputy leapt up into the hole of the Galewood that made Twilightstar's den, a scowl on his face. He didn't want to disturb right after the Gathering when she was tired, but this issue needed to be addressed. He also wanted to know what the hell Scalescar was thinking.

"Twilightstar, I've brought Scalescar here so we can discuss the incident that occurred during the Gathering. I noticed a commotion happening where he was, and saw a ThunderClan apprentice extremely upset that he seemed to be involved with Dawnbreeze. I recognized her because I had to force them to sit apart at a Gathering several moons ago when things got tense between a ThunderClan warrior and Scalescar when he was still an apprentice. Honestly, the fact that the relationship is with a cat outside is the least of my concerns. I want to know why the hell an apprentice was devastated to see you with another warrior. Those kinds of relationships have no place here, or anywhere!"

The last part was growled at Fallownose's former apprentice, his tail lashing back and forth and anger clear in his eyes.

@Moonraven @Queen_Coral
Originally Posted by Queen_Coral View Post
Scalescar walked into the den with fallownose, the tom flattened his ears as fallownose talked. The blinded tom lashed his tail as he listened"With all do respect I didn't know frogpaw was near me, Dawnbreeze was never involved in the commotion, things have changed My relationship should only stay as friends not as lover relationship, I know that is what my relations was with her back then but it has changed.

I don't know why the apprentice was devastated to see me with dawnbreeze!, I had no intention to start up a commotion!
" the scarred tom spoke up then sighing he figured he wouldn't get pass this"If you see my actions wrong then go ahead and give me my punishment, I would rather take the shame then to keep the conversation long" he admitted with head lowering.

Surely he had no intention for the commotion, and he had changed sure being friends with frogpaw was ok but being lovers at paw was something he was gonna get in trouble anyway so why not just take the punishment.
@Moonraven @Lillian

Twilightstar was in the middle of grooming her wet pelt when Fallownose came in with Scalescar behind him. Ah, yes, she had nearly forgotten about what upset the deputy at the gathering since she was in the middle of being vexed with Bumblestar's overaggressive. She didn't stop grooming her long pelt but did listen intently as the two toms spoke. Once she got caught up and both had said their piece she remained quiet in thought for a moment.

"Well first off, you, Scalescar are contradicting yourself. You said that you and Frogpaw shared a potentially romantic relationship as apprentices, clearly to the point that Fallownose had to break you two up at a Gathering. Yet, you have no clue as to why Frogpaw would be devastated to see you admitting your feelings to Dawnbreeze. It seems that you led the poor she-cat on and then broke her heart. No wonder she caused a commotion." Twilightstar was aware that that was not the point of this conversation, but Twilightstar did want to make sure that Scalescar understood how.... fox-hearted he sounded right now.

Both toms seemed to be overlooking that there was a poor she-cat in emotional pain right now because of Scalescar's indecisiveness. But, again that is just Twilightstar being a bleeding heart and wasn't really her problem. It just hurt a little to hear, is all.

"But that's beside the point. It seems to me that Fallownose's anger is justified, there can never be romantic relationships between warriors and apprentices. It's wrong, and that is an unspoken and unbroken rule that all four clans follow no matter the circumstances." She stated lifting her head to stare at the inexperienced warrior.

"However, it seems to me that whatever feelings you had for Frogpaw as an apprentice were erased when you become a warrior. You had no intention of continuing the relationship and turned your attention to Dawnbreeze, who from what I've heard has happily become your mate. Yes, Frogpaw was hurt by this, but that is her problem to deal with hopefully like you she'll turn her attention to a cat of her age and rank within her own clan. Still, I don't want to see you two together anymore at any gatherings." She's never heard of it but it didn't mean old feelings could be rekindled, even with a mate.

Twilightstar swung her single eye over to look at her frustrated deputy. "Fallownose, I understand your anger, but I don't see the need to add a punishment for this. Scalescar knows what he did was wrong, obviously. However, love as far as I can tell is not an emotion that can be controlled. I've seen so many cats up and abandon their clans out of love, however, Scalescar has proven that his loyalty to his clan stands above love, and has even sought a mate within WindClan. His relationship with Frogpaw was nothing more than a foolish apprentice's fling, that ended after he became a warrior. If you believe he needs to be punished, then do so." Twilightstar wasn't overly concerned as she saw this as more or less a mistake on Scalescar's part, one that he'd spend a bit trying to remedy.

Especially if Fallownose wasn't the only WindClan cat who had caught wind of the drama. She knew she'd be keeping a closer eye on Scalescar herself, and that there would always be just a touch of worry when it came to his loyalty to WindClan for a bit. It's not like he'd be living this down any time soon. But if Fallownose felt that Scalescar deserved more than just that, it's not like Twilightstar would refute him. He was Fallownose's former apprentice after all, there was always this sense of responsibility that came with apprentices a warrior has mentored even after they had become warriors and mentors themselves. That bond didn't just vanish into thin air. So, Twilightstar waited to see what Fallownose had to say.


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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