Thread: Starry Meadow
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Old July 9th, 2023, 11:55 AM
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Default Re: Starry Meadow

(WARNING: This post contains internalized ableism and mentions of abuse. Please don't read it if these topics bother you.)


Small, skinny, black she-cat with a light gray belly and tail-tip; has a crooked jaw, mangled tail, and one blind eye.

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The small black she-cat nearly jumped out of her skin when a warm, wet tongue rasped over one of her undersized ears. However, the familiar scent drifting toward her on the sun-kissed greenleaf breeze told Twistedpaw there was nothing to be scared of. Her slim shoulders relaxed as she turned toward Brightpaw. Her foster sister's tan-and-white face glowed golden in the sunlight, the fresh green grass providing a beautiful backdrop. She would've loved the flowers. A hard lump formed in the apprentice's throat, and fresh tears shimmered in her mismatched eyes - one dull, the other cloudy and colorless. She would've, Twistedpaw wanted to say, but she couldn't get the words out. Her crooked jaw only opened slightly, dangling wretchedly before she managed to tense it up again. She didn't want her Clanmates to look at her and see that hideous jaw open, swaying discordantly with the breeze, though the wind wasn't what moved it.

Brightpaw's face blurred, then cleared as Twistedpaw blinked the salty tears out of her eyes. They slid down her face, their dark paths invisible against her round black cheeks. Light plops sounded, hardly heard by her tiny ears as they landed in the grass. Looking into Brightpaw's eyes, their brown hue turning them to shadows against her sun-warmed pelt, and seeing the brightness in them... the glimmer of tears... It was too much for Twistedpaw to bear. The black she-cat looked away, her pink nose twitching as she sniffled. Whenever she thought of Fireflame, it felt like a badger had kicked her in the chest. It hurt so, so much. The last time Twistedpaw had seen her, talked to her... She'd made Fireflame, the gentle, loving queen who'd accepted a kit despised by her own mother cry. Twistedpaw felt like a monster. No, she was one. She certainly looked the part.

The black-furred apprentice was drawn out of her dark thoughts by Brightpaw's mew. She looked up, blinking in confusion. "H-huh?" she meowed in a choked, distorted voice. Starry Meadow... Twistedpaw had spouted the name without thinking. It made sense - it was a meadow where their deceased Clanmates were laid to rest, their spirits sailing toward the stars. Her paws tingled with the significance, the gravity, of this beautiful, flowering field. She also felt her pelt prickle with embarrassment at Brightpaw's words. "W-well... I d-don't know if T-Twilightstar has a n-name for th-this place y-yet... I-I don't w-wanna intrude... It was j-just..." she began shakily, her voice humble.

She was cut off by a friendly, high-pitched voice. Twistedpaw turned to find Leopardsong, the appointed kit-sitter, staring at her, along with Wolffang. Her cheeks felt like they'd explode with heat at the compliment from the former; they were hotter than the greenleaf sun soaking into her matted black pelt. She remembered Leopardsong well from the fire. The Snow Bengal she-cat had been a pleasant, stable presence during those terrifying days, and she often hung around Wolffang. She ducked her head, feeling herself shake with the pressure of their gazes, Brightpaw's and Leopardsong's words. "I-I..." she began to stammer, shaking. For StarClan's sake, the fear-scent rolling off of her must be overpowering. Every cat in the tour group must be able to smell it. Especially Brightpaw and Mousefern, who were nearby. She fidgeted, long claws tearing at the green grass before she remembered this was a burial site. With a tiny, alarmed squeak, Twistedpaw quickly sheathed them and scuffled her paws over the ground. Please don't get mad at me for that! Oh, she was such a featherbrain. An inconsiderate, pathetic mess of a cat. Her heart was pounding, the blood roaring in her flattened ears, invisible against her round head...

Wait! I didn't say thank you to Brightpaw or Leopardsong! Twistedpaw's head shot up. How rude she must've seemed! "Th-thank..." she began in a tiny voice, only to have someone else speak up. It was the great leader herself: Twilightstar. Praising Twistedpaw's spur-of-the-moment, quickly-conjured name. And now this place was officially deemed Starry Meadow. Twistedpaw's head spun like a moss ball tossed between a pair of rowdy kits. She ducked her head again. Twilightstar had accepted her name? She'd wondered if Brightpaw and Leopardsong were just being nice since that was their nature. Twilightstar could've easily ignored her. But she'd taken the name suggestion. Her pelt prickled, feeling like it was being scorched by the ferocious flames that had destroyed WindClan's old home. She hardly knew what to say, what to think. It was such a huge honor... but was it one she deserved? Someone as wretched and messed up as her? Twistedpaw knew Twilightstar liked her, which was a miracle in itself, but something like this... Her name getting accepted for such an important place...

"Th-thank y-you," she managed to choke out, trembling like a blade of grass caught in a gale. "I-I... th-this is a-an honor..." Speaking was an effort, but Twistedpaw had to say something. What if my Clanmates are angry? she wondered with a thrill. What if they don't want such a sacred place named by someone... someone so hideous? Someone who takes twice as much work to get half as far... someone who drove her mother into exile... A tiny whimper sounded in her throat. The shock and pride were replaced by fear. Twistedpaw tried to look at her Clanmates' faces, but they were all a blur.

"A-are you s-sure?" she sputtered to Twilightstar. Immediately, she felt worse. I shouldn't question my leader's decisions! This kept getting more and more awkward... Why did I say anything? I don't deserve this! I don't want to make the Clan mad or... or ruin this burial site! But Twilightstar had chosen her name. Twistedpaw's mortification made way for some of her previous pride and another emotion, happiness. This really was an honor and far, far more than she deserved. It didn't erase the other emotions, though.

Feeling the need to explain her name choice, Twistedpaw stammered, barely managing to lift her gaze, "I-I th-thought of it b-because... it's a m-meadow, and our Cl-Clanmates are b-buried here... And th-their spirits g-go t-to the s-stars, in St-StarClan... S-so, th-that's why I s-said S-Starry Meadow." She swallowed hard, barely managing to keep the drool inside her mouth. Above her head, she felt her bulging light gray tail-tip twitching erratically. "I-it's n-nothing special, r-really... B-but th-thank you. Th-this means... a l-lot... as l-long as... everyone else is... o-okay w-with it... I d-don't wanna... upset anyone..." Was she saying any of this right? Twistedpaw didn't want to sound conceited or like she deserved this honor, but she also didn't want to discredit her leader or the kindness of the other cats. She saw Wolffang nod at her before looking away, and her pelt flushed with nervous heat again. He accepted it... but he'd also saved her life. What did everyone else think?

@RedLeif (Brightpaw) @Moonraven (Leopardsong, Twilightstar, and Batglare) @Omari (Mousefern)
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