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Old July 28th, 2023, 10:42 PM
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poppy poppy is offline
✧ 'tis the damn season ✧
Join Date: Jan 2021
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Gender: she/they
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Posts: 10,522
My Mood: Mysterious

Default Inactive/Future Cats

name - Plumscorch
past names - Brightkit, Brightpaw, Plumpaw
affiliation - RiverClan
past affiliation(s) - n/a
rank - Elder
past rank(s) - Kit, Apprentice, Warrior
gender + birth sex - trans mtf
pronouns - she/her

personality - kind, maternal, stubborn, grumpy, temperamental, cuddly
quirks - she can get really cranky really fast, loves a good cuddle
notes - she has slight separation anxiety, and almost always needs to be around someone

allegiance desc - massive white molly with blue-gray flecks and one amber eye
detailed desc - a large white molly with messy fur that sticks up in random places. has blue-gray flecks on her head, shoulders and flanks and has a twisted hind paw. is missing her right eye due to clawmarks marring her right half of her face, and her uninjured eye is a warm orange
design notes - she has a scar going across half her face from a badger attack
refs -

name | @user | relation | "thoughts"

Snowhawk | @jupiter | Uncle | "He was always so good to me. I know that he wasn't the best cat, but if there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that my uncle Snow loved me. I wish he wasn't taken away from me so soon, and I hope to see him again. He was more like a father than my actual dad was, and I think that's why I can't hate him- even if he's a murderer."




name - Sparkkit
past names - Lucy
affiliation - RiverClan
past affiliation(s) - Loner
rank - Kit
past rank(s) - n/a
gender + birth sex - female
pronouns - she/her
age - 1 moon (approximately 9 days)

personality - Spunky, sincere, bubbly, bright, talkative
quirks -
purrks - the collector, master scout
notes -

allegiance desc - small, lithe striped tan molly with gray eyes and large eyes
detailed desc - Sand Abyssinian with short fur, a cream striped muzzle, large ears and eyes and gray eyes
design notes -
refs -

name | @user | relation | "thoughts"

Mallowmist "Mally" | @Valient | Friend/Rescuer | "I don't know where he is, but I love Mally! I can't wait to be besties forever and ever!"
Beanstar "Sproot" | @vellichor | Leader/Friend | "I'm super glad he let me come live with him and his friends!"
Mama | NPC | Mother | "She's my bestest mama ever! I just... don't know where she went. I miss her bunches, I hope she comes back soon!"
Daddy | NPC | Father | "He was always so nice, but I just remember him yelling a lot. I wish he would come back so my family can be together and I can show him how great it is here!"





name - Doepaw
past names - Susie
affiliation - WindClan
past affiliation(s) - Kittypet
rank - Apprentice
past rank(s) -
gender + birth sex - afab demigirl
pronouns - she/they
age - 6 moons

personality - Rude, loud, brash, annoying, classy
quirks - Terrified of the dark, bugs and water
purrks - none
notes - none

allegiance desc - plump light brown molly with white paws, white freckles and brown eyes
detailed desc - tba
design notes - tba
refs - none

name | @user | relation | "thoughts"





name - flypuff
past names - lysander, flykit, flypaw
affiliation - windclan
past affiliation(s) - thunderclan,
rank - warrior
past rank(s) - kit, apprentice, loner
gender + birth sex - amab
pronouns - he/they
age - 14 moons

personality - the sweetest most awkward most anti social and friendly cat you've ever met, his personality is incredibly contradicting of itself. He's awkward and nervous but a people pleaser and wants everyone to love him but also wants everyone to leave him alone but also doesn't want to be left alone because he doesn't want to be lonely. he's also terrified of children... no one knows why. he's either dumb but pretends to be smart or smart and pretends to be dumb, it's impossible to tell. WIP
quirks -
purrks - noneee
notes - has a stutter

allegiance desc - runty black tom with light gray ears, a poofy tail and orange eyes
detailed desc - a short and scrawny tom, fly has always been small for his age. he has short fur except for an extra bushy tail. His ears are large and rounded and light gray, and his eyes are a dull, autumn orange
design notes -
refs -

name | @user | relation | "thoughts"





name - Cloudpaw
past names - Cloudkit
affiliation - WindClan
past affiliation(s) - none
rank - Apprentice
past rank(s) - Kit
gender + birth sex - amab male
pronouns - he/him
age - 8 moons

personality - Cloud is roughly based off of my old character Blizzardwind. He's blunt and sarcastic when provoked, but usually he is quiet and a boy of few words. He's brutally honest when it comes to sharing his opinion, and fiercely loyal and prideful of his Clan and family. It would be easier to convince a tree to separate from its roots than to try to get him to not defend his family fiercely. Not a cruel or aggressive cat, he's never found snapping or breaking down, he just gets quieter and colder. He also never lies, and is quick to speak his mind and make things clear when he's upset.
quirks -
purrks - beefed up t1
notes -

allegiance desc - fluffy white tom with blue eyes
detailed desc - tba
design notes -
refs - x

roleplay examples - x


Rainpaw | @TawnyNeedsACoffee | Sister | "tba once rped"
Goldenpaw | @ameko | (half/full idk) Brother | "tba once rped with"

Brackenheart | @ameko | Father | "We weren't close, but I wish he hadn't died."



credit to @/Tac Nyan for this character!!


Current Name: Skyfall

Past Name(s): Skykit, Skypaw

Future Name(s): N/A

The prefix Sky- was suggested by one of her mothers, Driftsong. It was meant to represent her light blue-gray pelt, which looked like the clear sky that stretches across WindClan's territory, unblocked by trees. The suffix -fall was given to her by her leader, Twilightstar. It accompanied her prefix and was meant to represent how she looked like a piece of sky that had fallen to the earth.

Nickname(s): Sky, Breezy

The nickname Sky is used affectionately and informally by her kin and those she's close to, taking her prefix and dropping the suffix. Breezy is another informal nickname used by various random cats because of how fast she can run.

Gender: She-cat; AFAB; she/her

Sexual Orientation: Polyamorous omnisexual omniromantic with a preference toward toms; graysexual grayromantic

In other words, Skyfall is attracted to cats of every gender, but she has a preference for toms. She experiences attraction infrequently. However, she's willing to be in a relationship with multiple cats at once.

Age (in moons): 27


Current Affiliation: WindClan

Past Affiliation(s): N/A

Future Affiliation(s): N/A

Current Rank: Warrior

Past Rank(s): Kit, Apprentice

Future Rank(s): N/A

Mentor(s): Rabbitleap: Light brown transgender she-cat with a white muzzle, ear-tips, chest, belly, paws, and tail. She has copper eyes.

Apprentice(s): Pebblepaw: Gray cisgender tom with spots varying in darker and lighter shades of gray covering his pelt. He has dark amber eyes.


Body Type: Skyfall has a build that's common for most WindClanners. She's small, with legs that are long in proportion to the rest of her body; if she stood next to an average-sized cat, the top of her head, not including her ears, would reach just past their nose. Her tail is very long, but elegantly so. She's lithe and fine-boned, with small, delicate paws, a gently tapered muzzle, and semi-long, finely pointed ears. Despite her delicate build, she's covered in lean muscle, which is especially thick and prominent in her legs.

Fur Type: Like many WindClan cats, Skyfall has short, thick fur. She keeps it smooth but not sleek; it stays down, but it lacks a glossy sheen. It's incredibly soft to the touch.

Fur Coloring: Skyfall has light blue-gray fur. Her underbelly - which barely peeks between her front legs and creeps onto her sides; it's hard to see unless her stomach is exposed - is white, along with her toes and the underside of her tail.

Eye Details: Her eyes are oval-shaped and incredibly clear, easily catching the light and reflecting things.

Eye Coloring: She has deep, rich blue eyes.

Scars/Deformities: Skyfall has a small scar on her right flank caused by her brother, Mitepaw, when they were apprentices. It occurred while they were battle training, and he accidentally had his claws unsheathed. She has another scar, a set of small bite marks on her left shoulder, gained when she accidentally stumbled into a fox den about a week after her warrior ceremony. Their mother wasn't there, thankfully, but one of the cubs jumped onto Skyfall's shoulder. Its teeth were sharp enough to leave a scar.

Other: N/A

Image(s): N/A

Voice: Skyfall has a light, airy voice that often sounds distant, like it's lost in the clouds.

Gait: She walks softly and elegantly, hardly making a sound even when she's not trying.

Scent: She has the typical scents of her home Clan, WindClan - peat, grass, and rabbits - but her scent is heavily infused with heather and gorse flowers.

Diseases/Conditions: Due to her small, delicate figure and short fur, Skyfall is more likely to get sick when it gets cold.

The following will be ranked out of 10.

Coordination: 8/10. Skyfall is a pro at using every part of her body swiftly and efficiently. However, she's better at it while hunting than she is while fighting.

Reflexes: 10/10. Her middle name is "reflex"! (Figuratively, not literally.) She reacts to obstacles quickly and is great at playing the defensive.

Strength: 4/10. Not good; below average. She has some muscle, which helps a lot, but it's better for helping her run long distances and not for fighting in battles. Her small, delicate build makes it easy to overpower her - if you're able to cope with her swift reflexes, that is.


Detailed Description: Skyfall's name may represent her appearance, but it also embodies her personality. This young she-cat's head is almost always in the clouds. She likes to drift away from reality and get lost in her own made-up fantasy worlds, her mind in constant motion. This makes it difficult for her to pay attention when she's supposed to, leading to her often missing out on information and garnering a lot of annoyance from others. However, this wild imagination of hers helps Skyfall find multiple solutions to tricky problems - usually ones that others don't think of. Her sense of problem-solving and creativity are like no other, and this is something she's often praised for. Her ability to get lost in her mind also helps her deal with rough life events.

Skyfall is incredibly adaptable, willing to adjust to new environments with a flick of her paw (wrist). Something goes wrong? Something changes? Skyfall's gotten used to it before anyone else. Unfortunately, she can be quite blunt while talking with others, not understanding why they haven't moved on if she has. It isn't easy for her to sympathize or understand other cats. Skyfall is lost in her own world, interacting with others when necessary or if she's close enough with them. This means she doesn't react as strongly to pain or grief; she moves on easily.

With her go-with-the-flow attitude, Skyfall is very laid-back and remains neutral on most topics. This lack of caring can make it difficult for her to understand the gravity of situations, choose sides when it's important to do so, or condemn those who do wrong, but it also helps her stay out of most conflicts and go along with life instead of wasting mental capacity worrying over everything or panicking. She doesn't get scared easily and often acts on impulses.

This she-cat craves freedom. She hates remaining cooped up in camp, forced to abide by strict sets of rules or demands. She does what she wants when she wants... well, with some exceptions. She values alone time, though she isn't shy around others. That being said, Skyfall still cares about WindClan, even though she's unlike most of its warriors. She's free-spirited but loyal to those she loves, and she'd fight to defend the warrior code despite her qualms with its restrictions. WindClan keeps her safe, and her sense of duty tells her she must repay the favor - even if she's only paying attention to Clan affairs half the time.

Traits: Inattentive, imaginative, creative, clever, adaptable, blunt, unsympathetic, detached, introverted, laid-back, unopinionated, brave, impulsive, free-spirited, loyal, dutiful

Mental Age: It depends on how you look at it. Skyfall is quiet and mature enough to seem her age, but with her inattentive nature and head constantly in the clouds, she can seem like a young apprentice.

Psychiatric Complications: Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder (not caused by trauma), Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (click the links for more info on both)

Phobias: Thalassophobia (fear of drowning), claustrophobia (fear of confined places), arachnophobia (fear of spiders), ophidiophobia (fear of snakes)

The following will be ranked out of 10.

Sociability: 3/10. She can cope with dealing with others if she has to or wants to (ex. family, friends, her apprentices), but usually, she's terrible at interacting with others. She tends to get distracted mid-conversation, can be blunt or rude, and tends to avoid interaction.

Outlook (1 being very negative, 10 being very positive): 7/10. Skyfall has a generally positive outlook, but she isn't super optimistic.

Responsibility: 4/10. This varies. A lot. Skyfall doesn't do well with specific commands, preferring to operate on her own terms. She tends to get distracted while performing her duties. However, if she's out training an apprentice or on a patrol, she'll put in more effort... though that won't stop her mind from wandering.

Cleanliness: 8/10. Skyfall doesn't care much for appearances, but she takes good care of herself. She can also impulsively groom her fur when she's stuck in a daydream and/or forced to lie around. However, the amount of time spent outside can ruffle it, so it usually stays smooth instead of full-on sleek.

Generosity: 2/10. Skyfall is loathe to give up things for others, but she might have a shred of compassion somewhere. Maybe.

Manners: 4/10. Manners who? Skyfall doesn't care for them. However, she keeps herself presentable enough for them.

Bravery: 8/10. Skyfall doesn't get scared easily and is willing to jump into things without much thought.

More Logical or More Emotional: Emotional

Favorite Season: Greenleaf. It's warm, so she isn't likely to get sick and get confined in camp. Prey is abundant, so she can run the moors and hunt without a care in the world.

Favorite Food(s): Rabbits

Favorite Word(s): Wind, Moor, Open, Free

Favorite Sound(s): The wind whistling in her ears and the swish of grass in motion

Greatest Hope: To become the best hunter in WindClan

Greatest Strength: Her speed/agility and cleverness

Greatest Weakness: Her lack of physical strength and getting easily distracted

Worst Nightmare: Being trapped in a dark, damp place with water and snakes

Deepest Darkest Secret: She's imagined running away before, but she's too loyal to WindClan and her family to do so

Most Treasured Memory: Running across the moor right after her warrior ceremony and bringing down a massive rabbit

- When she's caught deep in a daydream, she'll often make odd facial expressions, mouth words, mutter, or even exclaim things aloud
- When she sits or lies down, she's very fidgety/twitchy/antsy, even when she's about to go to sleep
- She often has a clouded look in her eyes
- She often doesn't look directly at those who are speaking to her
- She can randomly break out into sprints, then stop and freeze for a few seconds before continuing on her way

Theme Song(s):

- Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson
- Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield


- Harebreeze: Mottled brown cisgender she-cat with a white underbelly - which barely peeks between her front legs and creeps onto her sides; it's hard to see unless her stomach is exposed - and toes. The underside of her tail is also white. She has pale blue eyes. Biological mother.
- Driftsong: Solid pale blue-gray transgender she-cat with deep, dark green eyes. Biological mother.

- Cocoonstripe: Pale brown, almost white, cisgender tom with classic tabby markings and light green eyes. Driftsong's second mate. Adopted father.

- Muddash: Dark, rich brown cisgender tom with darker mottles and deep, dark green eyes. Biological brother; same litter.
- Cloudheart: Mottled gray non-binary (AFAB) cat with a white muzzle and toes. They have pale blue eyes. Biological sibling; same litter.
- Hillfoot: Light-brown-and-pale-gray cisgender she-cat with green eyes. Biological sister; same litter.
- Mitepaw: Solid dark brown cisgender tom with amber eyes. Biological brother; same litter.

Best Friend(s): Rabbitleap, Muddash, Hillfoot, Cloudheart

Friend(s): Mitepaw

Neutral: N/A

Acquaintances: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Crush(es): N/A

Significant Other(s): N/A

Offspring: N/A



Cocoonstripe: "He's awesome, supportive, and one of the few cats who understands me. He doesn't reprimand me for having my head in the clouds, and he always makes sure to fill me in on anything I miss. I'm really glad my mother chose him as a mate."

Driftsong: "Like Cocoonstripe, she's always there for me and doesn't get upset when I mess something up. I feel happy and safe around her."

Muddash: "I couldn't ask for a better brother. He can be a bit tough to deal with sometimes, but other than that, he's great to be around. He's always ready to crack a joke even though he seems all stiff and serious on the outside."

Hillfoot: "No one can be as free-spirited as me, but Hillfoot's pretty close. I love hearing about her dreams! She's also great on a hunt, unlike a certain Mud."

Cloudheart: "They're a nice, calming presence. Whenever I need to be away from all the craziness, and I don't want to go out on another run, they're always there for me."

Harebreeze: "I like Driftsong more than her, but Harebreeze isn't a bad mother. She takes care of me and makes sure I'm doing alright. I love her. However, she can get a bit too up-in-my-business - and serious. She doesn't understand my desire to daydream like the others."

Mitepaw: "I mean, we had a good relationship while he was alive. I don't get why everyone made such a big fuss out of him accidentally scarring me. He'd listen politely whenever I talked about my life. He's dead, but what can I do? There's no point in feeling bad about it now. Besides, I'm sure he's happy in StarClan."

Rabbitleap: "She was a great mentor! Like Cocoonstripe and Driftsong, she understands me. She could get a bit annoyed with me sometimes, but she was so patient and explained things in a way that made me want to listen. I don't know if I would've been made a warrior in time if I'd had any other cat as my mentor."


Pebblepaw: "I wanted to train him, I really did. He held me back from a lot of lone hunts and runs on the moor. But turning him into a WindClan warrior was important to me. Then he disappeared. I was a bit disappointed at first, but now I don't really care. I don't think of him much; why should I? He chose to leave the warrior's life. I'm sure he's out there on his own adventures."




Place of Birth: WindClan's nursery in their old camp

Date of Birth: July 22nd, 2021

Beliefs: StarClan, the Dark Forest. She believes cats who live outside the Clans have their own separate afterlife.


Skykit was born to Harebreeze and Driftsong of WindClan alongside her siblings, Mudkit, Hillkit, Cloudkit, and Mitekit. Driftsong's second mate, Cocoonstripe, often visited and played with them. Skykit had a tendency to wander off and not pay attention, which led to a lot of scolding. Her parents told stories of ShadowClan and the trouble they'd caused in the recent past, which was intriguing to Skykit.

She and her siblings became apprentices. She was given Rabbitleap as a mentor. Rabbitleap struggled at first to deal with Skypaw's tendencies to go where she wasn't supposed to and stop paying attention. Skypaw was falling behind. So, Rabbitleap worked out a curriculum with her apprentice, letting Skypaw talk all about her inner fantasies and then working those into her training. Skypaw caught up quickly to her siblings.

Unfortunately, when Skypaw was 10 moons old, one of her brothers, Mitepaw, who had gone to explore a tunnel he wasn't supposed to go in due to his interest in becoming a tunneler, was caught in a tunnel collapse. He died, and his body was recovered the next day. Skypaw mourned her brother, losing herself in her daydreams to cope with his death. However, it didn't take long for her to come to terms with it, and she didn't understand why it took her parents and other siblings so long to come out of their grief.

Skypaw became a warrior, Skyfall. At 18 moons old, she got an apprentice, Pebblepaw. Skyfall did her best to train him, occasionally missing sessions, but she was more on-task than her family and friends expected her to be. However, Pebblepaw disappeared one day. Skyfall searched for him, going on a little adventure beyond the borders, but she quickly gave up and returned to everyday life in WindClan.

Currently, she serves as a warrior. She's only on the fringe of recent Clan events, not paying much attention to them or caring much about the conflict with RiverClan.


Creation Date: November 22nd, 2023

First Post: link

Purrks: Kitty Softpaws

name - sugarkit
(sugarpaw, sugarbuzz)
past names -
affiliation - riverclan
past affiliation(s) -
rank - kit
past rank(s) -
gender + birth sex - male amab
pronouns - he/him
age - tba

personality - hyper, goofy, playful, dumb, flaky, spunky, dumb, clumsy
quirks - always acts like he's on a sugar high
purrks - none
notes -

allegiance desc - white tom with spiky fur and very pale calico patches and dark green eyes
detailed desc - none
design notes -
refs -

name | @user | relation | "thoughts"





FULL CREDIT TO @/furrensic

name ; creekpaw
name meaning ;
creek - markings, colors. paw - rank
clan ; windclan
age ; 7.5 moons
gender + pronouns ; nonbinary + they/them [amab ]
sexuality ; unlabeled
personality (7-9 sentences) ; creekpaw is your local spitfire. outspoken and feisty, this little cat says anything and everything. without a care in the world for authority, creekpaw isn't afraid to humble someone if they feel it needs to be done. nobody is safe from their words, not even family. despite this, they are very protective of the ones they love and will do anything for them. they aren't talkative per say, if they had to be described they'd be described as an ambivert, just leaning closer to an extrovert. very adventurous and hard working, creekpaw is always up for a challenge or a patrol. they love to discover new things! they do experience self doubt, but tends to keep it to themselves in fear of ruining their reputation as a confident cat. they have a deep fear of death.
skills ;
insane amount of sass
appearance ; creekpaw is a slender white feline with splotches on their face consisting of different shades of brown - this pattern is a long their back and ears. their tail is a dark brown with tabby stripes. near the bottom of their paws are light brown. their fur isn't long, more medium length, but slightly spiky. they have a bobbed tail. they have bright yellow eyes.
distinctive traits ;
bobbed tail, bright eyes.
major/key events in history ;
- became an apprentice at 6 moons
- mother passed away when creekpaw was only 6 moons.
- mother had exited camp and ran into a badger, she did not make it back to camp
- creekpaw is still grieving and struggling to move on from the incident.

possible new oc after major downsizing

name - Mothkit
past names - none
affiliation - TBA
past affiliation(s) - outsider
rank - Kit
past rank(s) - none
gender + birth sex - amab
pronouns - he/him
age - 3 moons

personality -
quirks -
purrks -
notes -

allegiance desc - large, long furred silvery white tom with droopy ears and light orange eyes
detailed desc -
design notes -
refs -

name | @user | relation | "thoughts"





nightshade | birdsnow | daybreak | fallenkit

Last edited by poppy; November 21st, 2023 at 07:18 PM.
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