Thread: Willow's Rise
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Old August 12th, 2023, 05:52 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise

Eeeeeeeeeee Rosey thought they were clever! No one ever thought they were clever! This prompted borderline dancing as, tail whipping wildly in the air, Roseraven might need to dodge that a couple of times, the full grown maine coon mix pranced around beaming. No shame in this one really. They were dancing abound muzzle turning purple, play bowing at Roseraven a couple of times for no real reason but happy and happy to be with someone they liked!

Couldnt just dance around here forever however, they were here to hunt!

"Right so how about we each choose a place to place half the berries and bet what prey we think is gonna go after each area? Whoever is more correct gets...... uhhhhhh..... I didnt think that far ahead. They win something?"
Mudhound had no clue, maybe Rosey had an idea. But they were, in the meantime, trying to figure out how they would win this little competition. They werent that competitive about it, they just wanted to have fun with it and give it a good go.

So what and where... hmmmm.... hmmmmm..... OH! Right there at the base of the willow tree was some little bits of displaced dirt! Like a little mound of fresh soil! Mudhound knew what that meant! Voles! Usually, it could also be moles but the tripod was betting voles for no particular reason. Thats where they would put their half of the bait but for now the maine coon mix kept quiet letting Rosey go first.

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Last edited by Rani; August 12th, 2023 at 11:41 PM.
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