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Old August 19th, 2023, 03:09 PM
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Default Pantorix: The new Contennent: Main Roleplay

Name: Jade Grimm
Gender: Female
Basic Appearance: A lean, toned female with shoulder length light brown hair and vibrant green eyes.
Personality: Outgoing and confident, she’s incredibly intelligent but reckless and brazen. She’s got a good heart but a short and fiery temper that makes her say and do things she regrets later. Stubborn and slightly prideful, she tends to stick up for others that need it. She doesn’t tend to care about others opinions on her, and has a sharp tongue and sarcastic sense of humor that can throw some people off. Prone to get into physical fights because of her temper, and can get violent towards those she perceived as an enemy. Very mischievous and likes to cause chaos when she can.

Name: Orion Pollux
Gender: AMAB male, he/him
Basic appearance: tbh I'm too lazy to type this again in the past 5 minutes, so just go look at the Murder Mystery form
Personality: same for appearance, just go look


Name. Lucy Smith.
Gender. Female.
Basic appearance. A very short and very skinny 13 year old girl with dark brown skin, very long, very
wild, and very messy hair and dark blue eyes.
Personality. A very wild, very rebellious and very unruly girl who has a sweet and overprotective side that she only shows to her family and friends.

Name. Sarah Parker.
Gender. Female.
Basic appearance. A very tall and very chubby 17 year old girl with light brown skin, short very light blonde hair and dark green eyes.
Personality. A shy, quiet and fearful girl who is very sweet and helpful inside, which only her family and friends know.

Name. Danielle(Dana) Copper.
Gender. Female.
Basic appearance. Tall and skinny 16 year old girl with white skin, very short dark brown hair and one yellow eye and one brown eye.
Personality. A mature, nurturing and motherly girl who is very helpful and kind. Very protective of everyone, especially her cousin Jonathan(Johnny) and her sister Annabell(Annie). Is a natural leader. Can be very strict.

Name. Jonathan(Johnny) Peterson.
Gender. Male.
Basic appearance. An average height and chubby 15 year old boy with light brown skin, medium length black hair, and amber eyes.
Personality. A spoiled rotten and immature boy.

Name. Annabell(Annie) Copper.
Gender. Female.
Basic appearance. A short and muscular 14 year old girl with medium brown skin, long orange hair and hazel eyes.
Personality. A naive, playful and childish girl. Looks up to her sister Dana. Loves everyone.


Name: Kenzie Cove
Gender: Female
Basic Appearance:
Before; A tan female with freckles and blonde hair and blue eyes
After; A paper white skinned female with dark purple [almost black] hair and eyes. She also has small black demon horns and a tail. She wears a black cropped hoodie and black ripped jeans.
Before; Calm, Kind and Careful
After: Quiet, kind, strange, protective, extremely focused and calm


Name: Lillianna Sage
Gender: Female
Basic Appearance: A dark-skinned 16-year-old girl with long black hair and blue eyes, she currently wears a black oversized cat hoodie with a pouch, she keeps all her snacks in there
Personality: she's shy and rarely talks, and when she does she hides her face with her sleeves, talks to cats sometimes

@Levi 99

Name: Kurokami, Nekomata (In western form Nekomata Kurokami)

Gender: Male

Basic Appearance: Nekomata is a handsome young man in his teens (15 to be specific) with a height of 172cm (5’8”). He keeps his messy black hair short (though it tends to grow long if he doesn’t cut it every six months or so), and he has sapphire blue eyes with small, round pupils that become narrow when he is serious or angry, resembling that of a cat.

Personality: Meet Nekomata, a stubborn and strong-willed individual who at first glance, exudes an aura of charming cheekiness and boundless cheer. Life is his playground, and he embraces it with an infectious smile and laughter that resonates daily. An innate ability to connect with others makes Neko outwardly friendly, however, beneath this amiable facade lies a darker side. A side that is not afraid to delve into the realm of ruthlessness. Having been taught by his father for years, Neko is a force of nature when it comes to martial arts. He finds joy in the battles that tend to find their way to him since it helps him to get stronger, but he doesn't intentionally go looking to start them unless he has good reason. That being said, he isn't the type to back down from a fight either, If someone picks a fight with him he won't hold back no matter who it is, seeing as how it goes against his motto. In contrast to his physical abilities, Nekoma's mental abilities are just as sharp. Cunning, intelligent, and quick-thinking, he's able to plan and scheme effortlessly, while his perceptive nature allows him to pick up on subtle details and unravel complexities quickly.


Samantha O'neil:
A average height girl with tons of freckles, big green eyes and pixie cut blond hair. she typically prefers to be prepared above all. She Is an Agent assigned to Keep Taps with the group via computer transmission & radio. not part of the Task force specifically, but the one to go to for info. no superhuman abilities.

Clover McSage: a Small Shorty with soft and warm emerald green eyes. she has long, straight hair thats black at the roots and the rest is forest green. her hair often hides her expression & gets in her face. She Often prefers to be in solitube due to her outcasted nature. often left feeling quite Like the Outcast, she often Feels a Deep Sense of Longing to be loved. she's been charged the Task force rank of Wildlife Angel. she's got the "Genetic chemical strain" known as 'Genetic Creation' allowing her to manipulate molecules and DNA. she's often found using this ability to restore extinct animals and create creatures unknown.


Name: Ciara
Gender: Female
Basic Appearance: Tall slim 19-year-old girl with light gray skin, long dark gray hair, electric blue eyes, an eye scar over her left eye, and wears T-shirts, pants, and a pair of purple shoes.
Personality: Ciara is a kind girl who sees the world in a wonderful light. Adoptive sister to Jackson, she has memory problems and gets scared by the littlest of things. She hates fighting and seeing others unhappy, and will try to help them, regardless of what they have done. However, she can be triggered if her family and friends are hurt, and when she is, her rage is something to not be reckoned with. Ciara doesn't show emotions very much, but also has a love for animals, exploring, nature, sweets, peace, and is a great friend to have, trying to understand the world around her.

Name: Jackson Parker
Gender: Male
Basic Appearance: Tall 17-year-old boy with spiky brown hair, green eyes, and freckles all over his face. He wears T-shirts, pants, and red-white shoes.
Personality: A prankster and ultimate gaming machine, Jackson has a thing for electronics. He loves to prank others with his friends and game on many different games on his PC. But when he's not doing all of that, he has a kind heart. Jackson has an adventurous spirit, and loves to play pretend sometimes. He is a fast runner and has a thing for horses and dragons. He can be triggered easily, and he is ruthless, much like his adoptive sister, Ciara, who also as a temper similar to his, only it's... Harder to provoke her. But other than that, Jackson likes to hang out with friends, play games(online and physical), explore, and so much more.
@shaded Flower 's Characters

Name: Oliver Hamilton
Gender: Male
Basic Appearance: An Olive-toned boy with jet black hair. He has plenty of dark freckles across his face, arms, and thighs. His eyes are a dark brown, looking yellow in the sunlight. He stands 5'10, and he's been like that for a year.
Personality: He's quiet and keeps to himself. He loves to draw and read, and wants to be a taxidermy on day. He can be very affectionate when he finds someone he respects and treats him like a person.


the Rules Of This Roleplay are To Keep it PG-13 & under. yes bood & gore can be possible in this rp, since they basically are Building a New World on this Contennent & later on in the rp the whole contennent & task force will be mystiriously worpped to an entire new PLANET. where they will get to create the world & basically be its guardians. or gods/goddesses/godix's if you prefer to call em that.

the team will have to work together to survive though, working as a team to get things done with their new abilities.


rule breaks of either last mention policy will get reported as well.

Now Lets Get Dangerous!!!!

each person has been given a transmition communication watch to communicate with each other and with Samantha.
they also have been given tech and other communication devices.


Clover Took a Deep Breath before Crawling out of her tent with a yawn, rubbing her eyes... quietly she set up the computer on a crate before gently rousing the others... "time for our first task breifing" the soft spoken girl said gently

Pet's name: Zeki Of The Frozen Dawn

Last edited by Ragwort; August 25th, 2023 at 09:12 PM.