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Old January 26th, 2017, 10:13 PM
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vantrums vantrums is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Waluigi View Post
"Ohh, so you must be an app-apprentice then!" She said, bouncing alongside Pricklepaw, testing the word. Honeykit giggled at Pricklepaw's first question. "Yup! That's me! I get to be an apprentice in a few moons time, like you! Is it fun? You get to explore and hunt and do all sorts of things!"
She started babbling away again, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

When Pricklepaw asked about this being her first outing, she nodded, gazing up at a random bird in the sky. "Every time I tried to escape, my momma or the other queens told me to 'stay inside, you're too young to go out there," She said, impersonating a queen by making her voice croaky and low. Honeykit hardly noticed the environment around her during her babbling and nearly bumped into the nursery's wall in the process.

Her focus was completely re-ignited once Pricklepaw revealed the discovery he'd made as a kit. A tunnel. Honeykit couldn't believe it. She let out an excited gasp, her little body crawling right up to the entrance. All this time, right next to the very den she resided in, and she hadn't even noticed it? "Can we go in?! Can we, can we?"
Pricklepaw snorted out a laugh at Honeykit's impression of the queens. She was pretty spot on, he had to admit. He'd heard that exact same scolding many times as a 'kit.

With the tunnel revealed and Honeykit right at his side, Pricklepaw had to shuffle around to make enough room for the both of them. He didn't answer her question immediately, just thrust his head through the tunnel entrance and parted his jaws so he could pick out the different scents easier. He was able to distinguish his own scent, now stale and barely there; overlaying that was the fresher, yet still several days old, trace of mice. Thankfully, however, there was no sign of any predators.

Satisfied, Pricklepaw backtracked out of the tunnel and stepped aside to let his little companion move forward again. "Go ahead," he urged, "It's safe. And I'll be right behind you." He doubted she needed the reassurance--she seemed as keen as he had when he first discovered this little clearing--but he'd wanted to give it nonetheless.
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science."
- Albert Einstein

If I don't reply quickly, it's probably because I'm on mobile! My tablet's messed up so I can't get on here on the computer often.