Thread: Starry Meadow
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Old November 18th, 2023, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: Starry Meadow

| Dapplebreeze |
Agatha Kitty - Inactive

Battle stance long forgotten, Dapplebreeze could no longer be bothered to remember her surroundings. It was only her pride and her sense of decorum that kept her from running to her daughter, alongside that admittedly still present fatigue that she hadn't quite been able to rid herself of. Not even these things could stop her from opening her forelimbs to accept her daughter's loving embrace as the younger molly rushed to her. It had always been a flaw of hers, to never quite be able to remove herself as a parent. Her kits would always remain so, no matter how old they were. It was nothing that benefitted the clan. Strong warriors should stand without their parents' help. But she knew her kits could, so their choice to allow her to stay present in their lives was something she would never be able to take for granted.

"Oh my little bird! How I feared you wouldn't find your way back to us. But of course I was here. I will always be here to wait for my precious, bravest of birds," the former queen cooed as she attempted to encircle her own paws around her sobbing daughter, making a motion to pass a soothing, loving tongue between her hears.

As Bravebird continued speaking, Dapplebreeze's expression darkened, remembering the chaotic day. That inferno had been horrid on its own, the stormy blaze searing their clanmates and home. And yet somehow, she always found herself wishing that had been it. That there had been nothing else to test them. StarClan had shown them no mercy that day, however, and in their darkest hour, they found themselves attacked by a band of worthless rogues playing clan and foxes. Foxes! Of all thing!

The patched warrior had not been present for the foxes. The clan had separated. She had been in charge of the team building the clan's new camp wall. Had she known that the sick and injured would be targeted by an even stronger foe than the cats who had dared look upon them as weak and defeated simply because they were injured - a foolish mistake, had they no sense to realize that they hadn't been defeated, but survived the hellish flames - she would have stayed behind. Fought tooth and claw against the foxes. Gratefully, the round, dainty looking molly hadn't been needed, and considering how she had kept her apprentice safe, she would consider that a victory. One that had not felt fully won until now, with the return of her precious daughter.

"Oh come now, my dear. We both know that there is no need to apologize. The flames alone, the soot and smoke changing everything. And as for the brigands that dared to pull you into the tunnels! You were lucky to escape with your life! No... not lucky. Skilled beyond recognition," Dapplebreeze mewed, her voice laced with unfiltered pride as she returned her daughter's gaze with a loving one of her own.

Any residual ire she had reserved for that horrible nightmare was gone in an instant. It was simply impossible for the plush furred warrior to think of anything at the moment that did not involve her complete joy at having her daughter back. Back and well, with her memories intact this time. Not wondering who she was. True, it might be a tad selfish of her to wish for her little bird to remember her, but... it wasn't entirely so. Family might not be the center of a clan's backbone, but... she could never deny the absolute joy that being in the company of one's own loved ones provided. And after having lost so many... it was a gift she was beginning to cherish all the more fervently with each passing day.

"You have nothing to apologize for, my darling. It wasn't your fault you couldn't remember me. You came back! No mother could dare dream for more. Now! What do you say we bring you back home proper? Let's go meet up with Twilightstar, my dearest. I can't very well imagine her being disappointed with your return. Especially..." Dapplebreeze paused, her features darkening once more before she continued. "There is much to catch up to. Trouble brews in the horizon, and war might be knocking on our borders and walls before long. Let us make haste."

@birdie [Bravebird]
| I am not sure if you would want to roleplay Dapplebreeze catching Bravebird up, have it happen in the background, or waiting for them to reach the leader's den so that Twilightstar can welcome her first into the clan? Let me know and I'll throw Dapplebreeze to the leader's den or continue on here as you prefer. Also, she does say to make haste, but she will pause a few times during the journey, as she has been sick and while she is recovering, she's not fully better yet! |
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

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