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Old December 5th, 2023, 10:50 AM
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Default Re: Lab Partners { p }

Originally Posted by peppermintbubble. View Post
[ @sock ]

There was a laboratory out there called I.P.S. Lab. The meaning for the I.P.S.? Nobody knows. The lab was responsible to hold dangerous and creepy people from the insane asylum, and use them for experiments. One experiment was called Test Subject "Demon Side", or Flame as her real name. She had a mental disorder known as Bipolar, giving her two different personalities. The other side of her kind nature was a dangerous criminal who loved to see people suffer. And this lab didn't help.

The experiments here were given powers. And these powers only made them worse. Flame's devil side was given the ability to sense other's pain, and her normal side can still feel other's pain. She isolated herself from the other experiments, fearing she might hurt them.

Then one day, one experiment called Test Subject "Plant Control" decided she had enough and used her powers to cause vegetation to break through the walls and roof and floor of the lab, forcing an evacuation. Other experiments decided to turn as well. But almost no one survived. Except... For Test Subject "Demon Side" and "Plant Control", the only survivors. Or... Were there more?

[ After the destruction of the lab ]

Sunlight shown onto the destroyed lab. It was located deep within a forest to protect the world. The trees swayed in the wind. The only survivors stepped out into the jungle around them.

[ Personality Active: Flame ]

Flame didn't know what to do. Sje wanted to keep herself away from the others. But her demon mind was going to say otherwise real soon. So better hide now than wait. Taking off, her bare feet cut on the ground, the bright blue shrubs she was wearing made her stick out like a sore thumb. She decided to bury herself in a bunch of leaves and twigs and hide that way. Maybe that would do something... Oh, she hoped she wouldn't be found...
(actually, the fire girl had destroyed the lab also, the scientists weren't mean, if that's what you think :0 they were actually very nice)

Fern "Plant-Control"
she/her || has blonde hair tied back in a long braid. her eye is blue. A vine grows up her left arm, around her neck, through the back of her head, and through where her right eye should be. it's a thorny vine with occasional golden blooms. a large flower blossomed where her eye should be. she has a pink flower in her hair

Of course, she'd been outside before. All of them had, at one point or another. But that had been the yard. This... this was new. The sheer size of it all had shocked her, at first. She watched the two who had survived - Juno, a girl who controlled fire, and a girl she didn't know - escape into the trees. She decided she should follow. Fern stepped forward, once, twice, and then she started to run. The gentle rhythm of her feet against the soft soil and dry leaves sounded beneath her as she ran, unsure of where she was going.

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