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Old December 27th, 2023, 11:40 PM
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Ladiebugg Ladiebugg is offline
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Default Re: victors by history were the written

Originally Posted by BEAR. View Post
The turnout was less than Goatscrunch expected, and his tail whipped with his irritation. He were in the clearin' this time! Ain't no reason more cats not showin', less they don't like storytime but that alone was nonsense. His stories was great. The BEST. Since Goatscrunch was so irate, he decided to mention all of ThunderClan just to make sure he was heard.
In fact, Goatscrunch was so focused on the lack of attendance (in his mind) that he did not seem to notice a wild Redhawk masquerading as a kit. Or perhaps he ain't give a damn, 'cause unlike many warriors Redhawk wasn't tryna fight him. Pointedly, he raised his voice - doin' his best to make a ruckus 'cause he liked attention. "Today's story ain't gonna be for soft-'earts, so if any of ya gotta problem wit that git outta my sight." He don't wait to see if anyone gonna listen 'n leave, pushin' onward. Goatscrunch lived on borrowed time, he ain't got all day. "Starts long ago, when the forest were naught but a young'un.

"Back in this day, camps was less structured than they was now. Our warriors believed they has driven off most of the predator threats, so the territory ain't seem so scary. Even guardin' camp were near unheard of, 'cause it just don't seem needed. Our camps was mostly underground, 'n rarely had issues from things like foxes 'n badgers.

"Well, one day some kids decided they wanted to explore the world above. The tunnels was fine, but the fresh air were too temptin' to their lil' minds. Led by Thicketkit, they snuck outta camp-- it weren't too hard with the guards bein' lazy, but they still wanted to make sure they could get out without a hitch. They traveled through endless darkness, seekin' out the signs of an openin'-- fresh air, light, ya name it, they looked fer it.

"Eventually, they found their way to the surface. The moon was eerily dull, casted over by dark clouds. The light that shone through were only a lil', but the kits could see well enough to wander through the woods. All was quiet, 'til they broke through the woods 'n found a lil' clearin'. They ain't know it at the time, but it were Cattail Pond-- the iconic cattails swayin' in the cool night breeze.

"Perhaps it were the forest maskin' sound, or perhaps the sound merely ain't exist 'til the kids stepped into the clearin'. Either way, as soon as they neared the pond, they could 'ear a noise. A shufflin' sound, the sound of claws scrapin' against dirt. A low growl that seemed ta echo 'round them, growin' closer as they huddled together."

A short pause, a rough cough. "Anyone wanna guess the cause of that sound?"

DaylightPaw listened to the kit's responses with a smile.