Thread: Object hunt!
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Old January 2nd, 2024, 06:29 PM
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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
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Default Re: Object hunt!

| Sprucepaw |
Kitty Softpaws - Active | Ultimate Predator - Inactive

Fudge was cold and miserable. He wasn't lonely, however. Never lonely. In order to feel lonesome, he would need to care about the other cats, and he most certainly did not. The star worshipers were far too chatty and annoying for him to deal with. In fact, the only reason he even wanted to be closer to someone else right now - assuming he even wanted this, which he obviously didn't - was because he was frozen. Forget the fact that he had a lush, silky, long fur coat. Evidently long did not mean cold proof. It just seemed like life enjoyed throwing little jabs at him whenever he let his guard down for just a bit. Bet life thought it was hilarious, but you know what? He could laugh about it too! He just... chose not to. So there! Hah! No... wait... that might defeat the point he was trying to make.

Deadpanned gaze staring everywhere and nowhere at the same time, the young apprentice's expression betrayed none of his innermost thoughts, making him bear an almost bored countenance. Which in part was rather fitting, as he was most certainly bored. The only cat he cared about in the clan had betrayed him. They had dared to be littermates with her! With Angry. And now he was terrified of spending too much time with them. The last thing he needed was to have the leader notice him and kill him for daring to breathe in her general direction.

A loud, screeching voice finally accomplishing the task of pulling him from his innermost thoughts, Fudge looked up, his tail twitching in annoyance. He had no idea who this cat was - a paw judging by her age - but he already disliked her. So unnecessarily loud. Couldn't she just take her yowling elsewhere? So he could be cold, miserable, and most certainly not lonesome in peace? Honestly, you'd think cats in this place didn't get bored of seeing each other's faces all day.

It took the chocolate point some time, but a small, reflective blink crossed his eyes as he finally made sense of what the she-hawk - hawks were the ones that made the loud, screeching noises, right - had stated. A game? A searching game? Wait... was this actually a game, or had the apprentice lost something and was trying to get others to search for her? Because if that was the case, he was on to her! He was on to her like a sting on a nettle! And he should know about that! He'd had to learn to walk with those awful, horrible stingers on his everywhere after the herb fiend's devious trap!

Suspicious as he was towards the apprentice's real intentions, he shrugged, deciding the point was meaningless. He was bored. There was nothing to do unless he decided to tell some warrior where he was going and what he was going to do, and that was far too many words for one moon, let alone a single conversation. At least this way he had a reason to move, and maybe even get a little warm in the process. Stepping forward, Fudge joined the gathering group, carefully staying at the sidelines. Last thing the Birman mix needed was to make a potentially chat-less endeavor a conversation waiting to happen. Perish the thought... ugh.

Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

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