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Old January 25th, 2024, 01:43 PM
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Default Re: Contested Herbs in Leafbare [HERB HUNTING EVENT]

Garlic Feather
Purrks; Just a scratch| Beefed up tier 1|
He-Him { River Clan } Warrior

Making his way back Garlic Feather had the uttermost superiority in his mind, as if his team was the only one that should be winning. Of course he was acting like this, he'd just become the luckiest alive with his findings, he had braggers rights without even winning yet and it was amazing. More then amazing, the best! He hadn't checked that Mink Paw was following or if Jay Frost or Toad Paw had came back yet, but he was honestly chuffed that he'd gotten such a good find. Did he forget to tell you he got a good find? So many herbs!! Garlic Feather personally would never live this down, he'd be mentioning all the way to elderhood if he ever got there. 'Tansy Paw! I got 1 Rosemary 1 Lavender 1 Burdock Root and finally 1 Elderflower.' Now he said it out loud, it didn't sound very impressive. But still he was happy!
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