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Old February 23rd, 2024, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: ⚡Malcontent⚡

Originally Posted by Starfall View Post

He/Him || ThunderClan Deputy
Beefed Up Tier III || Just a Scratch || Hulk SMASH

Did...did the warrior think he was an idiot? He could clearly watch him try and sneak up on him, there was nothing sneaky about it. He prays for RiverClans youth, prays to any God that will listen that they aren't as daft as their older generations. That they learn to roll over when told to. They grovel when they should.

Even with all the annoyance Spiderthroat felt at the lack of sneakiness, the Apprentice clawing at his shoulders pulled his attention away momentarely. Giving the Warrior a chance to push him off to the side. A snarl ripping from his throat as his shoulders were torn, and his breath knocked out of him. Spiderthroat did not yield, however, finding purchase in the ground below and sinking his claws into it. Keeping himself from stumbling to his side.

Shoving his whole weight forwards, aiming to knock the Warrior back slightly. The claws only scratching at surface level of his fur. "Rich coming from a Scale eater. How many of our kits died from your poison?" he hissed back, pure malice coursing through him, unfiltered hatred as he swung his claws up, aiming to meet at Beanfloat's cheek and slice upwards, across the eye.

Giving his opponent no time, he refocused his attention on the Apprentice. They held no punches for RiverClan, why would he hold his for them. He wasn't here to be kind, nor fair, he was here to send a message. Since the Apprentice wasn't too far from the pair Spiderthroat launched forwards, claws outstretched.

[Powerplay permission given ! ]

He only used his claws to hold down as he aimed to bite the face. Making a connection with the mollies eye and raking upwards with his bottom fangs. His teeth hooking into her ear as he ripped his head up. The eye was unsavable, ear, tattered and ripped. Blood was in his mouth and he felt no remorse. It was a lesson, and a warning for the entirety of RiverClan.

[End of Powerplay Permission]

Aiming to snatch the Apprentice's scruff, and hoping to toss her in the direction of the other Warrior. [ If it lands, Spiderthroat will be using his Hulk SMASH purrk /w\ ] Spiderthroat would take that as his leave. He wanted to maim, to kill and slaughter. His head screamed and ached. But he wouldn't stoop so low as to kill an Apprentice, and if she didn't get her eye checked on right away, he may as well have killed her. "I'm finished with you both. Take her to get healed, or don't, I don't care." with that, he walked off and looked around. Making sure his idiot of a leader was still alive, and actually fighting.

Kind ❀ Sweet ❀ Patient ❀ She/Her
“Sweetness can be found anywhere, you just need to look hard enough.” @Leafy

Honeystep was in a tussle with a Thunderclan cat but once they fled she looked over to see that Springpaw had been mutilated. She ran over to Springpaw and checked her over really quick before hissing at the deputy. "All of you are monsters. You blame us for a few bad actors that we not wanted anything with and yet you all come here on your own to kill us in our home. Our children? Don't think I didn't see a kit that was nearly kidnapped." She growled. She was not one to fight with her claws but she was willing to use her words. "Those border ruffians are dead, and the poisoner, which the rest of us weren't a part of, has been exiled. The bad actors are gone yet you still kill.. If you cared so much why not track down Ottersplash down instead of this horrid scene?!" Perhaps she was repeating herself but no one she heard so far mention that the entirety of the clan wasn't a part of those horrid deeds. "We try to move on peacefully and this is what we get? Murdered in our own homes? Despicable. Peace was never an option for you savages!"