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Old January 31st, 2017, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: Dusk Syndicate Gathering Mound

Originally Posted by narwhalgirliv View Post
Patchy bristled, if only she wasn't such a high rank, she would have knocked the life out of this cat by now. "You're just playing hard to get aren't ya?" She managed a smirk, "I came from the clans as well so don't think I don't know a bit about you, but I wasn't there during your reign, of course, I was here, a pregnant she-cat, helpless, but once my kits were born, I sought out my destiny, and that is to rule of all of the Syndicate, some day it'll happen, and you'll be sorry you ever disrespected me." She spat sharply.
Singe's anger boiled under his pelt. He was completely over this cats company. Great, first day as a true Syndicate member and I already have more enemies than acquaintances. He thought irritably. He growled in a low rumble. "Hard to get? No, just protecting myself." He said, his voice tense and taut, almost strained. "Honestly, I don't care where you came from. I'm talking about right here and right now. I gave you the information you wanted, now back off." He spat furiously. He knew this was probably getting out of hand, and that no, it wasn't wise to be arguing with a guard. He didn't care at this moment. It had been several moons since he had unleashed all his anger and rage out in something. And now that it was flowing, he didn't feel like stopping.
~Mony will forever be my Twin Star~
~~ yo it’s nighty ~~
~~ I’m trying to come back. All my character will be scrapped and I’ll be starting over. Some of my characters will remain in Starclan, all my main ones. They’re open for roleplay if you would like that. Other than that I’m starting over completely. ~~