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Old February 28th, 2024, 03:39 PM
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Default Re: ⚡Malcontent⚡

Originally Posted by Streamtail View Post

Tw: Depression

Streampaw rises from her place on the ground, gashes and smaller wounds covering her body. Most of her wounds are small and not much she needs to worry about, but others are bleeding pretty heavily. Now that the adrenaline has worn off, she can really feel the soreness and sting of her injuries, she really didn't think she had this many. The apprentice staggers to her feet, that's when she realizes; she's crying. Droplets of water are falling to the blood-stained ground, Starclan, are these for... are these tears for Riverclan? No. No, these tears are for something even bigger than that. These tears are not something she can control, it's the violence that leaves such an empty hollow inside of her. The thing that makes it so unbearable is how big a part it plays in life, for the clans, for everything to be as peaceful as everyone so desires it to be. Those cats who came here to stop this battle, it was meaningless. They were just a couple fish trying to swim against the current of life and nothing more.

Streampaw blinks away a couple tears, trying to clear her blurry vision, but to no avail; they just keep coming. The lithe white molly- her pelt now stained blood red- starts after her leader and clan. Then it starts.

Would Mother have wanted this?


How many cats did you severely injure?

More than I would have liked to have.

You monster, how can you live with yourself?

I-I... I don't know. I'm a failure, I can't protect anyone and now I'm willingly hurting others? I didn't have to go to this battle, yet I still did. Prove my worth to my clan? More like trying to prove my worth to myself.

Streampaw's eyes widen as all these thoughts pop into her head, no... no, not again. Not now, not here! The apprentice's tears become more numerous as they stream down her cheeks, is she really this worthless? So much of a burden?


Her questions are answered as she hits the ground with a soft thump, lying on the bloody grass unconscious.

(Open for anyone to help her out! ^^)

32 moons old//purrks - none//ThunderClan

Rowanfrost saw the unconscious she-cat slumped on the ground. He ran over and pulled her up by the scruff, hoisting her onto his back. She's not dead, he thought. But she was heavily injured.StarClan, how am I going to get her across the river? he fretted. Letting the limp form slide off his back, he grabbed her by the scruff and swam as best as he could. Blood stained the water and his pelt was heavy, but he couldn't care less. All that mattered was keeping as many cats alive as possible. This was just one more life he could save. He finally managed to pull himself to the bank, and slid the limp form of the young apprentice onto his back. He trudged through the forest, soaking wet but determined to save this cat. He narrowed his eyes, blood streaming down his face from the wound over his eye. "You will not die on my watch."
leopard. trampled this place with cats | Rat(e)piales launches rats onto this sig |
Rose side-eyed the cats and rats. Was she here because her name was Kat? | oakcrane graffitis "oakcrane wuz here" everywhere

Character Creator! (read the description please, i just made a new version of someone else's game that had limited color options. it is their art, not mine!)