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Old March 20th, 2024, 07:37 AM
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nyx nyx is offline
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Default Chapter 1

Chapter One

"Come on, wake up!" Nightkit exclaimed. She playfully tapped on Barkkit's sleeping body.

"Huh..? Why..?" He mumbled, barely opening his eyes. Nightkit rolled her eyes.

"Tumblestar is calling for us! The whole clan is waiting." She was jumping up and down. The kit life was nice and all but she was already excited to become a apprentice. She couldn't wait to hunt and fight and be noticed for her skill by the other clans. Once she learns the basics first that is.

"R-right! Let's go!" He stumbled to his paws and they both raced to the center of camp.

"Now if we can start," Tumblestar’s whiskers twitched as the two kits raced out of the nursery.

"Barkkit and Nightkit have reached the age of 6 moons and it is time for you to be apprenticed." Nightkit tapped her paws happily and bounced with excitement. She glanced around at the set of warriors wondering who would be her mentor.

"From this day forward, Barkkit, you will be known as Barkpaw until you have earned your warrior name. Your mentor will be Riverstep." Tumblestar glanced over at the dark blue tom.

"I know you will pass on your knowledge and skills to Barkpaw." Nightkit glanced over at Barkpaw with a knowing grin.

"Lucky choice for mentor!", she whispered. He smiled at her and turned to touch noses with Riverstep.

"Nightkit, from this day forward, you will be known as Nightpaw until you have earned your warrior name. Your mentor will be Horrnetstrike." She looked over to the pale yellow tom.

"I know you will pass on your spirit and focus onto Nightpaw."
Nightpaw felt her fur deflate as the realization sunk in. Horrnetstrike had his name for a reason. He was an ill-tempered cat and no one wanted to get into a fight with him.

Maybe he'd be nicer to his apprentice. She shook her head and tried to lighten up as the clan cheered their new names. Horrnetstrike stalked over to her and they touched noses. His eyes looked as though he was already looking at disappointment.

When most of the clan trickled away leaving Nightpaw, Barkpaw, Riverstep and Horrnetstrike mostly alone at the clan entrance.

"When are we going to start training?" Nightpaw blurted out excitedly. Horrnetstrike gave her a nasty look.

"When I'm ready." He spat. Nightpaw lowered her head. "Right.." Riverstep gave her a sympathetic look and batted the irritated tom on the shoulder with a paw playfully.

"Let the kits be excited. You know I was just like that when I was their age. They still have so much to learn!"

"They also need to learn respect for the older warriors." Riverstep chuckled at his clanmates' words and turned back towards the apprentices.

"Are you kits ready?" They squeaked yeah in unison and giggled. The four cats padded through the forest, Riverstep leading the group.

"The first thing you'll need to know is how to catch prey." He stopped and turned towards the apprentices. "Lift your noses and see if you smell anything."
Nightpaw turned her nose to the air and smelled. She could smell dirt, grass and trees but she couldn't smell anything else she recognized.

"I smell..a mouse." Riverstep's eyes lit up at his new apprentice.

"Good! Now let me show you how-"

"I'll do it." Horrnetstrike butt in, already padding over to where the mouse was.

"Oh well then," Riverstep stammered, "Horrnetstrike will show you both how to catch prey." Horrnetstrike dropped into a crouch and both apprentices tried to mimic him.

"What he is demonstrating is the hunter's crouch. For a successful one, keep your body, tail and ears low." Riverstep educated.

"Make sure your off wind from your prey so they don't smell you."
Horrnetstrike inched closer to the mouse and pounced. He wrapped his teeth around the mouse and bit down hard.

"Simple." He said, as he put the mouse down and buryed it under the earth. Nightpaw’s eyes widened in awe and Barkpaw let out a small woah. "I wanna try!" Nightpaw squealed loudly. Horrnetstrike scowled at her. "Not if your going to alert all the prey in the forest!" She shrunk, embarrassed. He turned to Barkpaw.

"Maybe you can quietly demonstrate the hunter crouch." Barkpaw nodded quickly, not wanting to get yelled at, and dropped into the crouch.

"Lower your body a bit. It's harder for us longhaired cats." Riverstep jokes, trying to light up the mood. Barkpaw altered his stance and Riverstep nodded.

"Perfect! Now you try Nightpaw!" Nightpaw stepped over next to Barkpaw and copied the pose.

"Great job you two!" Riverstep gleamed. Horrnetstrike nodded and looked at the sky.

"It's getting late, let's head back to camp." He dug up the mouse and led the remaining cats back to camp.

Barkpaw and Nightpaw headed straight towards the fresh kill pile. "I'm so hungry." Nightpaw drooled at the sight of the birds and mice. Barkpaw nodded in agreement and took a vole from the pile.

"I hope your planning to take that to the elders." Horrnetstrike growled, laying down the mouse he caught onto the pile. Nightpaw practically jumped out of her fur.

"Oh.. yes we were...just about to do that." Barkpaw smiled awkwardly and looked at Nightpaw. Horrnetstrike twitched his whiskers impatiently, eyeing them. The two apprentices padded over to the elders' den, trying not to look at Horrnetstrike staring behind them. When they entered the den, they saw Tumblestar, Tawnywave and Blisterednose talking with Snapbranch. The two brown tabby cats looked alike even if one was smaller and one was older.

"I really think StarClan is trying to tell me something." Tawnywave whispered. Her voice was dripping with worry. Tumblestar stiffend and her fur rose.

"Wait for another sign. Then we will act." Snapbranch looked at his daughter worriedly then focused his attention on the apprentices.

"Well hello Barkpaw and Nightpaw! I see you have a vole, is it for me?" The cats all turned to the apprentices and Nightpaw shrunk, feeling like they just interrupted something very private. Barkpaw touched shoulders with Nighpaw comfortingly and nodded to the elder. He stepped forward and passed him the piece of prey.

"Ahh a nice juicy vole! Thank you." Snapbranch smiled politely. Nightpaws eyes drifted to meet Tumblestar's but the leader’s eyes looked distant.

"Let's go see our new den!" Barkpaw mewed, and Nightpaw brightened up and nodded. They trotted out of the elder's den. Nightpaw smiled at Barkpaw gratefully. Suddenly a loud yowl came from the camp entrance. Nightpaw whipped her head around to see where the sound was coming from. She saw a warrior yelp from the camp entrance.


Last edited by nyx; March 20th, 2024 at 07:45 AM.
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