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Old March 26th, 2024, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Fading View Post

Purrks: Silver Tongue [Active]

Howlingkit watches her grandmother with interest. Briefly making eye contact before looping back her paws then to the prying amber ones that were basically ripping into her own. Exhaling softly, the shekit’s posture is straight. She had a reputation of being rude, mean or whatever her siblings and called her. Let them all believe it, let them fear her. “I-Get it together. You just have to “lie” your way through. She won’t know, no one would know about him. About that starless cat, the blindness and her connection to the stars. The dream with that Shecat. With Heron.

No, that would bleed into the legacy. She couldn’t do that. Howling clears her throat. “Apologies, I haven’t had the best day…Could she tell? Does she know something was off? Howlingkit had known herself to have what she would call a silver tongue, if it worked this time was the real questions. “I have disliked the name “Howling” for quite some time, the only reason i’ve kept it is because of my sister. But I don’t think we will be as close during apprenticeship, it’s a fear of mine. A very big fear of mine, but it’s time to spread my own wings of sorts.

A lie. Another one, what wasn’t a lie anymore? Her own world wasn’t real at some parts. So what made this so special? Maybe it was the fact she had never said something like that towards her own blood. A shudder spreads through her pelt. Hopefully her grandmother would dismiss it as a breeze but that was unlikely. Howlingkit inhales deeply, her anger slowly building as the leader prys into her anger towards her “mother”, she would have lied but it wasn’t worth the risk. She had already shown her cards towards the Shecat. So the rest? The rest was as real as she could make it. “…My anger directed at her is because she is not a mother. The second her paws could carry her, she left us. She left us, her own blood, to someone else in the nursery!” Tears of anger fill her eyes. Get it under control. But she couldn’t. It was failing. The image of cruelty was slipping further and further.

Howlingkit let them fall, claws gripping the earth as rage shakes her body. The words that form are filled to the brim with rage. Towards who? She didn’t even understand it anymore. She wasn’t real, she neither were emotions.

Father is nothing better. He told me he would come back after he handled something with Smokekit, he never returned. I had to cling to Sunny for the time” Sunny. Mirekit. The realest of this whole scheme of the stars.

If Howlingkit had play the part to get an advantage for herself and Sunny in this world. Then she would play. Play the part that she was meant to play…and that was the daughter of an enforcer and medicine cat, granddaughter of the leader. She would kill for it, if it meant Sunny was alive, if they remained as close as they were.

But that was only if it was necessary. And even Howlingkit didn’t fully understand it.

[ @Undertaker ]

She didn't answer her question, not really. Dawnstar got an answer as to why she kept the name, the obvious dislike of her current name, and her concerns about parting from her sibling. But no actual reason as to why she wanted Heron as her name. It wasn't hard to tell that she was evading giving a direct answer and trying to change the topic in some roundabout way. That alone had the leader's suspicious up, along with her body language, but she decided to leave it alone. If the hairball didn't want to tell her the actual reason that was up to her.
"If you're worried about staying close to Sunny." The leader was taking an educated guess that Sunny was a nickname for Mirekit, the only one of Howlingkit's siblings Dawnstar had seen the other get along with. "I can give you two the same mentor so that way you can train together." Dawnstar offered.

She found no reason to argue with her assessment of Lostspark. Whether she was a good or bad mother seemed to be more of an opinion as most of Lostspark's kits didn't seem to share the same resentment that Howlingkit had of her. Dawnstar, personally, felt that her daughter made the right call to leave the nursery and continue with her duties to the clan. Howlingkit seemed to take it as a lack of love from the she-cat. This resentment ran deep.

She observed the angry tears that ran down the kit's face in silence, interested as she brought up Darkfall's failings as well. To the leader, it sounded like this one was a bit of a spoiled brat. Neither Darkfall nor Lostspark had up and left her, they simply had other priorities to tend to. They were still in the clan and if she wanted to, she could put in the effort to make them pay attention to her. Dawnstar didn't get this brat at all. Being overly dramatic for no reason.

As much as Dawnstar would like to know if the kit had been given a real reason to hate her parents, such as being afflicted with blindness or disability due to Lostspark's deal, she kept her maw shut. No need to stir up more drama here.

"In my opinion, you got off lucky. A mother and a father, even if they're not the best at least their decent parents, and a bunch of siblings, even if they're annoying and you don't get along with most of them. I know cats that would die to be in your paws. My mother was the polar opposite of yours, I got all her attention growing up, but it came at a very steep price and a lot of pain, my father I've no clue who that is. Don't get me even started on my siblings and grandmother, but stories for another time." Dawnstar yawned.

"If you want to be angry with them, do so. But it's a waste of your anger. Focus on the one good thing you got out of them and training, you can make a good life for yourself here without your parents' interference if you work hard enough."

"You've indulged me, even if you didn't answer all my questions, I'll allow your name change. I'll get it changed at the next meeting." Dawnstar told the young cat. "If you need anything else, I'll always be here." The leader told the kit, allowing to her leave if she had nothing else she wanted. The dark tabby felt this strange disappointment, her thoughts about the Howlingkit being a little like her were dashed in one chat.

Originally Posted by Willie Warf View Post
Sharpfrost smiled as her leader commented on her appearance. "Oh, believe me, they tried! That's where the gifts came from actually! Here." She said nudging the elder's head and the leg of the warrior over to her great leader. "I just got them Great Dawnstar! So there fresh!"

She sat before her gifts bowing her head in respect. She hoped this gift might help her gain more of Dawn's favor.

Dawnstar cocked her head at the head and the leg dropped towards her. That was new, she normally got pelts, not body parts. She was probably going to have to bury them and wait for the flesh to decay before she could place them in her den. Rotting flesh never smelt good.

"Wonderful work," Dawnstar meowed to the molly. Sharpfrost has always been an attention seeker, but not the same Shadefrost had been. Not nearly as aggravating. "I appreciate the new gifts, I'll add them to the rest of my collection. Why don't you get cleaned up before someone in the clan throws a fit about your scent."

Originally Posted by Mica View Post
ShadowClan Enforcer
she/her | 38 moons
[Large black cat with a half-white muzzle and pale green eyes, one gouged out]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3
· · ────────────── · ·
[Dawnstar - @Undertaker ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Mistlewhisker padded up to the den entrance, clearing her throat to warn Dawnstar of her presence if her scent hadn't already. "Dawnstar. I have something I would like to run by you, if you have the time."

Dawnstar's ears jerked towards the mouth of her den as soon as Mistlewhisker's paw steps were within hearing distance. She knew they were being polite, but she did wish her Enforcers started entering as they were allowed to her. They had enough of Dawnstar's respect that they were given more freedom than the rest of the clan. "Enter Mistlewhisker." Dawnstar replied.

The muscular feline stretched as she sat up in the nest. She licked at her paw and waited for the one-eyed she-cat to heed her words. "Now, what is it that you want?" Her amber eyes locked on to the green one as she waited for her answer.

Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz View Post

Enforcer Commander
Shadow Fiend | Agatha Kitty

Oh, stars.

How many times could he pester the leader in a moon? This was too important to leave unspoken. He had to get his suggestion to the leader before the next meeting. He was sure that was coming soon with everything happening. He was also aware of the -ark kits ages, they'd be needing a meeting just to address their naming ceremonies.

"Dawnstar," Hawkbite called from the entrance of the den, awaiting a welcome -- an annoyed or not. Once he got approval, he'd step inside with a deep breath.

No use in greetings, he was already inside. "I have a suggestion for you, on our deputy, or lack of," he spoke cautiously. His gaze studied her expressions. Usually, the tom would outright suggest himself, just as he did the first time, but he swallowed his pride. He had someone else in mind he believed could shine.


Oh, him again. His visits were so frequent now that didn't bother sitting up as he entered. The she-cat stared at the Commander with a mild glint of curiosity in her amber eyes. He normally brought her something interesting to discuss. However, this topic got a low snarl of aggravation. It wasn't really directed at Hawkbite, more at the annoyance of having to find another deputy. What was this now...five? Six? She couldn't recall right this second.

It was infuriating to think about. With the clan's recent failures, she had no one in mind outside of her Enforcers. Which could work, but she'd have to work out replacements beforehand. She only had five of them, with Lostspark's promotion. She still didn't like sticking them in as deputy, that rank was known for failure. She just needed an idiot competent enough to take care of patrols and keep quiet. While she did all the important stuff.

"Let's hear it." She snarled without lifting her head from her paws. He wouldn't suggest himself again, would he? Dawnstar had given him a great position within the clan as it was, Hawkbite did not need the deputy rank.

Originally Posted by Poprock View Post

Apprentice || He/him || 9 Moons || Purrks: Bewitched: Goop

Breathe in. Breathe out. Goopypaw stood in front of Dawnstar's den - hoping that calming his breathing would soothe his racing mind. He knew the gravity of what he was about to suggest to his leader. Was this even a good idea?? Perhaps he should just turn around and slink back into his nest. Thunderclan cats would get killed because of his plan, cats like his friend Mantispaw.

But some dark part of the apprentice did\n't really seem to care. These were the same cats that hurt Hawkbite. One of the few who actually saw Goopypaw as a cat with potential instead of a lost cause. He couldn't just let their viciousness go unpunished. It... it wouldn't be right! What if they went for Squirrelpaw next? Or Mistlewhisker? Or his siblings? No. Goopypaw needed to protect the ones he loved. Besides, Thunderclan was asking for it...

One last huff then Goopypaw was cautiously pushing his way into Dawnstar's den. Upon spotting the leader amongst her lair of skulls and pelts, the apprentice bowed his head. "S-sorry for the intrusion ma'am. But I have s-something I want to run by you. I've been training with Mistlewhisker and um... well she's h-helped me hone my skills. And I w-want to use them to a-avenge Hawkbite and Ospreysplash and Shadefrost. If you're willing I ... I have a plan in mind." He paused for a moment, his front tapping anxiously. Hopefully Dawnstar would be willing to listen. If not... perhaps his sticky pelt would be the newest in her collection...

She heard him before he gathered the courage to step inside. She couldn't tell it was until they finally mustered up resolved and stepped through the opening of her den. Dawnstar peered at the paw with unsettling golden orbs after he entered. Goopypaw, a new visitor she didn't get often. She stared wordlessly at the apprentice, waiting and watching. After his respectful nod, she didn't have to ask what he wanted. He just dove into his reasoning.

So, he's been training and wanted to put his skills to the test against ThunderClan. Her gaze dropped to the annoying tapping of his paw, and then back to the apprentice. "Well, since the clan has yet to prove they're ready for a raid, I don't mind trying something else. What do you have in mind?" She asked. She could always tell him no if it was something ridiculous or dumb. Hearing them out never hurt.

Dawnstar: Beefed Up Tier 3 || Mindreader
Leechscar: Master Scout || Ultimate Predator

Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and will shred you if you enter her den. She has a semi-closed den policy.
ShadowClan Resources ||| Dawnstar ||| ||| Kit Curriculum Finder
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