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Old April 10th, 2024, 04:37 PM
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Default Re: Stealth Training Egg/Hawk [p]

Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz View Post

Enforcer Commander
Shadow Fiend | Agatha Kitty

Hawkbite would watch with interest, although his response was perhaps not one Eggpaw was expecting. Perhaps. Hawkbite thought for a moment, crouching down and looking through the shrubs and trees. An idea came to mind.

Rising to his paws again, the Commander looked back towards Eggpaw. "Have you ever tried staring at something straight ahead of you and stalking towards only that object? Ideally, this would help your body stay in a somewhat straight line, why don't you give it a try?" he'd suggest, gesturing for the apprentice to go.

He/him - 12 - 14 Moons
Eggpaw forced is eyes from rolling. Of course he had already tried that. If this warrior thought he could cure him of all is problems in their first training session, he was very mistaken. Still, maybe worth a try? Something could change, and he might manage it this time.
Though stars knew how annoyed he would be if he proved Hawkbite right.
Once again slipping into a crouch, he fixed his gaze upon a pine a decent distance away and started forward. As expected, he felt the unexplained tug on his side, his steps, try as he might, began to veer off the route. To reach the tree, he had to constantly jerk himself straight. He turned back to his mentor with a gaze that said 'there'.

Ain't much that I know what to put 'ere...

"And that, my friends, is how a revolution dies." - Haymitch

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