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Old April 11th, 2024, 09:57 AM
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MockingRabbit MockingRabbit is offline
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Default Re: Experiences on WCO

I can relate to so many of you. It has been an amazing time on this site, and one that I will never forget -unless I bash my head really hard and lose all my memories. Then again, I am sure the words "Warrior Cats Online" would still resonate something within me.
Unfortunately though, I am in that phase Nyan mentioned, with decreased activity and low motivation, and also stress that I cannot get my replies out in a timely manner.

I still look back on this site with fond memories though. I have grown so much since joining, I probably wouldn't recognise myself if I ever spoke to that younger me.
I used to have 15 characters, and do one-liner posts, then decided to move onto small paragraphs. On;y StarClan knows how I managed that lol.
My greatest achievement (on this site) though, was winning Writers Unite in the summer of 2023. I really enjoyed that.
Well... Then during the last several months of that year, I turned to short story competitions. There would be a new one every two weeks, and eventually I just felt completely drained. Writing became more like a task for me, rather than a hobby, and I felt that I could no longer have a paw in both worlds. I began to drop characters, and lose interest in the site. It saddens me, for once, this site meant the world to me. I realise that sometimes the past is the past, and should remain that way.
Don't think I'm ready for that quite yet though!
I have been reading some of the books recently, and my siblings have been blasting the audiobooks too, so my interest has been rekindling. Maybe this time too, like Nyan, is my Golden Age.
That would be, if I weren't moving within the next few months. We have been preparing the house, making it look better and cleaning up all the dodgy bits, ready for new owners. 'S a lot of work, and though I wish it weren't so, that means less time on here.
So after, maybe? We'll have to see.
See, once we've settled into out new home, we'll be 12 hours ahead of where I am now. That's right, New Zealand. *blows air out of cheeks*
I mean, I probably could make it work, but it wouldn't be the same. We'll have to find out.

What I need here, what would help my fix some roots into the ground and hold on tight and heave myself back into activeness again? Friends.
Yes, I have friends here! No mistake, but not... True friends. People that I know well, and know me back. Someones to care about, and talk to freely.

There is so much here that I haven't said, like how much more solid my characters have become, how my writing has improved, how fluent my fingers are over the keyboard, my spleing and gramaticalies, etc, etc, etc. But I think I have enough here for now, and I really, really need to get some replies done!
So I'll end it here and say may the odds ever be in your favour, stay safe, and always, always bring a towel with you. 07 0/

Ain't much that I know what to put 'ere...

"And that, my friends, is how a revolution dies." - Haymitch

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