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Old April 20th, 2024, 12:59 PM
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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
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Default Re: Whac-A-Mink [WC/ShC]

| Lightningstorm |
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active

Lightningstorm's herb storage was nowhere close to the sorry sight it had been mere days before, but it still didn't sit well with her to rely solely on it. This was not her first battle, and she had learned before just how useful it could be to grab herbs as you went along. These minks were scary business. She hadn't seen one yet, but she had seen their work. The wounds that their claws and teeth proliferated. Their mere presence was dangerous. Walking to battle with them would be a fool's task if she did not take advantage of the perks of newleaf that abounded all around her.

She dipped her head, grateful that Twilightstar had conceded to her request. The older molly would have been well within her rights to deny her. Impulsive as Quillface - ooh, maybe not call her that to her face - could be, she was strong. And she lived up to her name well enough. Usually she wouldn't have asked for such a valuable asset on the field, but this was no normal battle. Danger lurked everywhere, just as much from their target as it did from their allies. ShadowClan had never quite lived to the levels of tyranny and loathing that the medicine cat had learned to associate them with in her younger moons. But she wasn't an idiot. At only seventeen moons of age, she had nowhere near the experience some of these other cats did. To see ordinarily level headed - if perhaps goofy - cats like Crowtooth and Leechscar be so obviously suspicious about their newly found friends, the calico wasn't quite certain of how willing she was to take a risk. To be accompanied by anyone who might not be able to handle themselves. Or who might turn on her just as easily as ShadowClan, if the others' suspicions were to be believed.

"No worries, you can leave that part to me. I'm well used to dealing with Bravebird on her... pricklier days," Lightningstorm mewed, the ghost of a smile flickering over her face before she turned towards the lynx point as Twilightstar called out to her.

"Since we're working together, figured I might as well let you in on the herb plan. We have herbs in camp. More than enough to deal with injury. But I've long since learned overconfidence won't work none here. I'll be needing you to carry cobwebs and broom with you - it works the same as marigold, and I have a better stock of that on me - while I search the path on the way to the meetup spot for any more herbs. Remember, we are looking to only take care of life threatening situations on the field. Anything that can wait for us to get back, it waits. Can't afford to sacrifice a life just because someone decided to stick their face too far up close a mink's arse and got scraped in the process."

A small hint of smugness crossed her gaze as she stared at Bravebird, knowing full well the warrior would probably not appreciate the remark, wholly preferring it that way. The warrior and her hadn't seen eye to eye in moons. There might have been a time when the two of them would have been friends, especially considering how well they had worked together, but that was in the past. She preferred to remind herself of the fact that the warrior would forever place her clan first. After being reminded so callously just how much of an outlier she was, the healer knew the connotations behind that. If it was between saving a clanmate or her, the lynx point would leave her to die in the muck. This fact was no longer painful to think of, but one that she needed to reinforce in her mind. She could not fall into the trap of seeing herself as one of these cats.

Their conversation done, the herbs sorted through, the wiry framed molly followed after the leader, keeping behind from the main group as she looked for more herbs to stock up on. Silly it might seem, but it served a double purpose. Her herb stores would not be completely empty once they returned if she could work on restocking in advance. And if she used the herbs she had just gathered? It worked just as well. That would have meant they didn't have enough in the first place.

Her pace slow, meticulous, and precise, Lightningstorm almost forgot about the warrior that accompanied her, voice muttering to herself as she coated a stick with many a cobweb, sticking her head into any underbrush she could find, knowing the best ones to seek out the arachnids in. Two angry spiders and a couple of dead ends later, the molly had managed to obtain cobwebs and marigold alike - an easier find during newleaf - a pleased look on her face as she juggled the herbs in her delicate maw. Task accomplished, it was like a light glimmered in her eyes as she remembered her companion, turning around to spot if she was still with her. Somehow, she couldn't see Bravebird thinking this part of the preparation to be quite as exiting as she did, but finding so many extra materials outside of a herb patrol was an extraordinary find. Twitching her tail, the healer cocked her head, signaling towards the border, ready to rejoin Twilightstar and the rest. With any luck, they had managed to beat ShadowClan in getting there.

[+3 Cobwebs | +2 Marigold]

@Moonraven [Twilightstar] | @taillow [Bravebird]
| Sorry about the timeskip there, talli! I wanted to make sure that Lightningstorm managed to get some extra herbs in. Feel free to have Bravebird respond, though! I'm always up for their banter. |
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

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