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Old April 21st, 2024, 01:14 PM
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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
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Default Re: Too late, too early [p]

| Lightningstorm |
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active

Her vision swimming, the apologies of the queen... It all made things seem so surreal for a moment, making her believe that she was looking at Tufty. It was disconcerting. Was she so desperate for safety? For warmth? For a sense of belonging? That she would see him in any cat? Never mind that the looks were... very clearly his. That if it wasn't for the eyes not fitting one could almost mistake the two. Almost. Even in her stupor Lightningstorm knew well enough that he was gone. That he would never return. That he had been exiled, and had quite possibly not been granted a return to the stars upon his death as he so rightfully deserved. Because she held no doubt as to his death, merely doubt at the efficacy of justice when turning to the cats of olden times.

"F-failed..." the medicine cat muttered, her paw on her head as she tried to remember that long gone visit.

It had ended so... abruptly. Lightningstorm had assumed it had all been part of a dream. That she had imagined the whole thing. She'd remember bits and pieces of it. Enough to know that StarClan was floundering for some reason. That they didn't have the strength to help to the degree they normally would. It seemed odd, truly, considering how ThunderClan was obviously favored. But this feline here... this... Larkthroat... that looked so much like him. She was offering to tip the scales. To even the playing field some. Even if she had her doubts as to how useful this would be, as to how long StarClan would keep this promise... she was willing to give it a try. A pessimistic, would be surprised if it sticks try, but a try none the less. She would prefer to be proven wrong than to put her hopes in cats that had let her down time and time again, but nothing would be gained if no venture was ever taken in the first place.

"Peaceful dreams... That's a bloody laugh," she muttered, a mirthless laugh escaping her as she finally lifted her head, lapis hues meeting the queen's warm brown tones. "I might be bitter and skeptical. I know what I am. But I have never been too proud to turn my nose at any knowledge that could help."

@Rani [Larkthroat]
| You are free to drop this roleplay, no worries! I just feel bad not responding now that I could get a breather to catch up with it. |
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-open den policy.

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