Thread: [Approved] Firestorm
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Old April 22nd, 2024, 12:26 AM
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Default Re: Firestorm

Barkblaze | Male + He/Him | StarClan
Long-furred white cat with black spotting and green eyes.

Disgust. Abject disgust for this clueless, foolish, prideful child in front of him and the tom that faded in with stars in his pelt showed his feelings by the fang he bared at her.
"I wasnt going to say selfish more as I was going to say pathetic. Quit your yelping you overgrown whelp you deserve the fate and death youve earned, and are doing little to prove to me your few virtues over-weigh your many flaws."

The medicine cat stalked over, heavens reflected in his pelt as he scanned this cat judgmentally, internally wondering if the successor of his once role was shaken in the brain to choose her as a mate. She was small, weak in heart and mind, loud and foolish and seemed to think her far fetched dreams and 'special' bloodline made her something over her actions. Actions that'd lead her here.

"Lets correct your false narrative before we delve further into why Im frankly inclined to reject you now and let someone else deal with your wailing.

You seem to think you are needed, like your help has been the thing to make or break Lightningstorm, as if you havent done nothing to bridge the chasm between her and her clan. You act like you havent done nothing but widen that gap by standing between her and those that could help her trust again like your protection could even do anything to stop a determined clanmate. Youre no great fighter girl, what do you think you could stop should the worst come?
No, you let the distance widen and let a cat you claim to love remain isolated and reliant just on you, when you could not in fact promise that you'd remain with her.

And dont bring up your kits 'needing' you, it is the sad reality that many grow up just fine without parents at all and yours still have a far more capable mother then you still living yet.

Further do not lie to me you little fool, one rabbit, two voles, and a mouse in the last two (maybe more) moons that didnt even make it to the clans store and so are uneaten, I am awed by your 'stocking of the prey pile'."
The sarcasm dripped off of the toms words, green eyes blazing as he glared. "And your 'healing help' amounts to little also, as while youve offered plenty of times I cannot find one instance where it'd been accepted by the actual medicine cat youre mated to, and where youve put paw to herbs and healed. Pray tell, how exactly is that lack of doing 'helping' anyone?

Do not lie again whelp or it will not end well for you as it's already hurt your chances. Youve done little but socialize over the last two moons and that isnt bad, growing kittens takes time and effort, but at least admit to the lack of contribution youre claiming to have made."

Liars were not the cats Barkblaze wished for his clan, even ones doing so without maliciousness and who were just not thinking their words through out of desperation.

"Now Id comment on your failures when it comes to your kittens however I know my colleague wishes to do that himself so I'll instead focus on another avenue for now."
Barkblaze could almost feel the fury from Lichenflood and frankly he'd forsaken kits and mate for his role, so had little personal input on the matter. Judgement? Certainly, but he had stronger feelings on her shameful claim to greatness.

Though they, at least, were cute in their naivety with such goals, Firestorm was old enough that she should know better.

"You dare, dare to make such assumptions on the future of windclan?! You should be ashamed you little leech of a cat! You contribute nothing to the clan but mistakes and a swelled ego but think you deserve the honor of leadership? I can tell you now, YOU. DO. NOT.

You mourned and claimed to love Fallownose as an uncle but see his death as nothing but an opportunity for you to ascend! You vile little thing, were your tears and care for him false or did you just not respect him and his effort to windclan at all that upon his death your only thought is how you and your lifetime of nothing 'will' somehow be better then his? Your ego and pride is without bounds child, reign it in, you know nothing in your lounging and being pampered in your life about the hardship leadership brings and it is clear by how you disrespect both Twilightstar and his efforts to give you that peace and plenty.

Your views on leading a clan is that of a child! You brag and claim and declare with nothing to back you and a complete lack of care for what you desire actually entails it only shows your foolishness! Your ego is detestable as your goals and so makes you detestable in turn!

I do wish Blazingstar was here though, so he might see you and feel shame. Bloodline means nothing whelp, you being his kin means nothing when youve not even shown a shred of his honor and drive and frankly youre tarnishing his name by your actions. Do you think he'd actually be proud of you and your tantrum right now? Do you think he believes leaders become so by blood and that you sharing his would be all it takes to make you a worthy cat?
The answer is no, Ill inform you as I fear youre so blinded by pride and deficient of a brain that you wouldnt realize that without being directly informed."

Blazingstar and many others became leaders with no legacy and bloodline, the few that did were a minority that either brought their kin low by their actions or succeeded not by that blood but by effort. Firestorm showed her complete lack of maturity by bringing her great whatever grandfather into this, as it only showed how much she paled in comparison.

"By all that is known, Im not sure how you function if you believe those things, much less how Lightningstorm can actually love you when you think so little of her. She is a fully grown medicine cat who's done far more and experienced more trials then you can ever imagine! She is not incompetent and what a horrible mate and cat you are to say someone you claim to love is hopeless without you there to guide her! She. is. a. medicine cat! You are nothing in comparison! And yet, you think so little of her!

You deserve nothing! No leadership, not her love, not your kits nor your life and how dare you blame the stars when this all of this is
All. Your. Fault."

Barkblaze laughed, panting for air he didnt even need as he looked at Firestorm like she was less then dirt, a cruel smile curling over his face. She'd succeeded in making him hate her so quickly in a way that was rare for a medicine cat that died for his clan, and so now he'd enjoy watching as the truth even she in her pride could not deny crushed her.
"Ah but you dont even realize what you did, do you? Youre naive and just dont think, and it has left you blind to the truth. I wonder, can you even come to realize what happened without us spelling it out for you? Maybe you should try."
Lichenflood would be bringing her to reality soon regardless on if Firestorm managed, but his way of doing so would probably be much less gentle.

@Dark @taillow @Starfall
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