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Old April 22nd, 2024, 03:51 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications


  • I currently have Discord.
  • I am uncomfortable with DETAILED kitting roleplays.
  • I have emetophobia and voreaphobia.
  • I have school and a crappy Chromebook, so I might have activity drops for like 1-2 days.
  • I plan to put 4+ hours into the role every week.
  • I have a HK in storage so I'll use that. (mostly because i don't want to have wasted 10,000kk-)
  • I have ADHD so I am easily forgetful and have a hard time writing long posts.
  • If Riverwhisper isn't chosen, I have a plot where he's killed set up. Nothing to do with him not being chosen, of course.

let me present riverwhisper!

this is in the form of an interview, so here is the guide:

brief personality overview
riverwhisper is a thoughtful, calm, and compassionate tom. he loves to help out his clan and just loves riverclan in general.

"Ok. So, I'm going to ask you some questions."
"So, what is your outlook on RiverClan's current situation, what with it's leadership?"
"Well, I'm sad that Birds stepped down, but she had too. She was clearly too sick to lead the Clan well. I just hope Fadingsun and Mistyshard can keep RiverClan together, for good."
"Understandable. RiverClan has had some... rough patches lately. So, next question. Do you think you'd make a good and reliable medicine cat to help put RiverClan back on its paws?"
"With training and practice, yes. All I want is to see RiverClan strong and secure, like a willow tree."


NOTE: Since this is an example, it may contain minor powerplay since it is not a roleplay. I am a very strict 'no powerplaying' enforcer.

Riverwhisper stretched. More herb lessons today. And he would teach some apprentices what he knew. "Mistyshard. Do you mind if I go and collect some herbs? I'll go near Haven Springs. I heard there's some marigold there." he called. Riverwhisper enjoyed being the RiverClan medicine cat apprentice. It made him feel like he could help his Clan- the best Clan in the forest- to be as strong as it once was.
The young medicine cat returned with herbs bundled in his jaws. He set them down at Mistyshard's paws. "I got marigold, tansy, watermint, and some borage." he said, listing the herbs. He purred as his mentor nodded in approval. "Good work." she said with pride in her eyes. "I've trained you well. And you learn so quickly." Riverwhisper ducked his head with embarrassment. "Only because I had the best mentor." he responded. "You've got bees in your brain," said Mistyshard good-humoredly.
Riverwhisper smiled as the apprentices watched, starry-eyed when he taught them herbs. He finished, and one of the apprentices gasped in admiration. "Now, when you're warriors, and one of you gets a thorn in your pad, you'll know what to do." he concluded. He turned as he heard Mistyshard call his name. He padded into the medicine den. "Yes?" Riverwhisper asked. "Can you treat this kit who has a bellyache?" she mewed. Riverwhisper nodded. "Watermint or juniper berries." he meowed, listing all the possible treatments he could think of, and gave the kit those herbs when his mentor nodded approval. The kit bounced up and down. "I feel so much better! Thanks!" mewed the kit with a purr.


Dusklion (@/taillow)
"Riverwhisper, hm? Well I don't interact with the tom that much, but he's pretty bold. Fierce, I'd say. Could do without defendin' cats who don't deserve defendin', but hey at least he's loyal to RiverClan. That's a good start."

Seabreeze (@/Dolomedes)
"Riverwhisper? Well, I can't say that I have encountered him a whole lot, besides the meeting and then during a... less than savory hunting patrol. Wasn't his fault of course! He even seemed to be trying to help but it was something a bit too personal to heal with a few words. I think he has good intentions and tries to help out which is what this clan needs. An alright tom in my mind."

See here!

More Interview!

Question/Layout Credit to @/JusticeRabbit (some things changed)

'Why do you want to be a medicine cat?'
"Well, I want to help RiverClan be strong. And I want to help my mate, who's expecting my kits."
'Would you be biased as a medicine cat?'
"Well, it depends. If a cat was the leader and was less sick than another cat, I would treat the other cat."
'Would you be active as a medicine cat?'
"Yes, absolutely. I would always make sure no patient went unhealed."
'Would you stay true to the warrior code?'
"Well, I'd be a medicine cat, and while we still have to follow the warrior code, some exceptions can be made, as in borders mean nothing to us. But other than that, yes."
'would you be honest and truthful?'
"Of course! Why shouldn't I? If I lie, a cat could die. Their blood would be on my paws..."
Question 6
'Would you tell other high ranks and medicine cats of the messages sent by StarClan?'
"Yes. But if it was a vision of the leader or deputy betraying the Clan, I wouldn't tell the one in the vision. I would get the other medicine cats and the high rank not in the vision."
'would you train an apprentice?'
"Why do you ask? Of course I would, once Mistyshard makes me a full med cat."
Question 8
'would you risk one cat to save another?'
"Hmm. It depends on if the cat is close to me or someone in power. Risks do have to be taken, after all."
Question 9
'would you learn herbs quickly?'
"It'd take me a while to get used to it, but I think so!"
'would you ever have a mate?'
"I already have a mate... does that mean I can't be the MCA?"
Question 11
'If a cat had been almost killed, and you found the fur of a clanmate in their claws and pelt, would you say something?'
"Yes. But if the cat who had tried to kill the other cat was a family member or friend... No. I'd always say something."
Question 12
'if you accidentally fed a cat yew berries or too much of the wrong herb, would you say something about it?'
"Yes. I'd feel terrible. I would never trust myself again."
'if a cat were to kill a family member, and then get sick or injured, would you take revenge on them?'
"They wouldn't be in the Clan if they broke the warrior code like that though? But I believe no cat should die, no matter the cat. Except maybe Bumblestar."
'if you were on an herb patrol, and came across a badger or fox den, what would you do?'
"I would run straight back to camp and report it to Fadingsun, and then prepare for any injuries. I would try to fight it if it came to camp because of my warrior skills.
'if a cat in the med den was attacked by a dog, badger, or fox, would you protect them?'
"Like the fox, dog or badger got into the med den? Yes. I would kill it to protect a patient."
"what if a cat tried to murder you?'
"Report them to the Fadingsun. Murder (or attempted murder) will not be tolerated in RiverClan."

'same question as above, except said cat is the leader?'
"Report them to the deputy. If there is no deputy, I will commune with StarClan to try to depose the leader."
'If a cat from another Clan came into the RiverClan medicine den because it was closer, would you purposefully not treat them as well as you could?'
"If the cat is from a Clan we are at war with, yes. But other than that, no."
'what if you got injured?'
"I would treat myself last. The Clan comes before me, always."
'If you caught a cat who had murdered someone, and they tried to give you "hush money", would you agree?'
"No. Why would I? That's a terrible thing to accept!"

leopard. trampled this place with cats | Rat(e)piales launches rats onto this sig |
Rose side-eyed the cats and rats. Was she here because her name was Kat? | oakcrane graffitis "oakcrane wuz here" everywhere

Character Creator! (read the description please, i just made a new version of someone else's game that had limited color options. it is their art, not mine!)

Last edited by glitch; May 1st, 2024 at 10:06 PM.
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