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Old April 28th, 2024, 04:55 AM
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Default Re: foggy dreams and bone deep guilt [p]

Originally Posted by Marigoldwhisper View Post

"Keep your head up! You need to look at the world around you!"

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

Seeing things appear out of thin air the second time was just as mesmerizing. Objects and odd smelling plants suddenly materialized in front of Minkpaw, like freaking magic!

This was exciting, wasn't it? They had finally got through all of the hard stuff all the tears and finally it can just be them being pals. Just them goofing around and learning news things. Marigoldkit made a strong effort to listen to every mew that came out of Minkpaw's mouth. She didn't have to repeat anything to herself, she was just that good at retaining information! Her eyes stood fixed on the herbs next to Minkpaw's flicking tail, her hazle eyes squinting as she looked through the thick cold fog.

Cobwebs... Yup she already hated those. Well, not the cobweb itself, it was more like what was in them that freaked her out. When she was an outsider she had once mistook a spider for something else. Long story short, Marigoldkit was far more than terrified after seeing the furry creature. Just thinking about those...things... Made chills run up and down her spine like a colony of fire ants.

Wide eyes looked down at the curled moss. She knew about those but she was surprised that they were used for something other than bedding. Regardless, she was grateful that both these herbs were widely available. Since their was a medicine cat now, a fact she was still trying to get used to, she'd probably only have to use these herbs in dire situations or if she ever happened to be alone. It was still very valuable information. She smiled excitedly, her whole body bobbing up and down in a rhythmic bounce, almost like an odd spasm.

"It did," Marigoldkit reassured through white smiling teeth. "It made plenty sense. I had no idea you knew all of this, Minkpaw! You've been holding out on me!" She teased.

It felt good to know something that couldn't suddenly change within the span of a wingbeat. Plants and earth and water were all set in stone, just like herbal knowledge. She wouldn't have to worry about her whole world rolling upside down if she kept facts as her rock.

Marigoldkit was excited to test this knowledge as well. Even though she knew that it would be a while before she could ever physically help anycat she was still going to make sure to perhaps stay near the medicine den and try to figure out what injured cats might need and how she could help in her head, like solving a difficult puzzle.

She was positive that Misty.... Barb? Mistybarb? No, no wait... shard. Mistyshard probably had it all covered. Still! It would be fun!

(Hahaha! Don't worry, it's perfect)

->> minkpaw <<-
[ she/they | outsider | 13moons ]
a dark blueish grey and white she cat with silver eyes

the pleased, easy smile playing on minkpaws lips turned bittersweet at the mention of knowing "all this", and she huffed a hollow chuckle, voice taking on a hard edge without her intending "yeah i kind of spent every waking moment the past 4 moons trying to be what i am not, i guess. thats why i know 'all that'" she was bitter. plain and simple. her emotional response to not being chosen had quickly changed from sadness and denial to anger. anger at herself for not being enough, anger at fadingsun and birdsnow for being fools, anger at mistyshard for not knowing her darn place. anger she felt was hard to control so she attempted her best to ground herself in the moment again, think about marigoldkits enthusiasm and the shine in her hazel eyes. no. every thoughts of herbs just resulted in the same emotion. every thought of teaching herbs was like watching the thunderclanner slice their claws through her face again, take her sight and unable to do anything against it. only this time they werent a single cat and they werent simply taking her sight, it was like they had sunken their claws in her heart and lungs, deflating and draining every little bit of live, and tearing until it became unbearable.
everything she couldve been. everything they had taken.
"anyway,..uhm" her own voice pulled her out of thought again, snapping attention from the spot in the grass she had been staring at back to marigoldkit and the herbs. "next up, this is very important, we're going to look at toxic herbs" white tipped paw reached out again, gently pulling on one of the dock leaves. on top starry deep green dock rested a pawfull of smooth red berries. the berries smooth, round body had a sort of waxy look to them and in the center the rims of red hugged a dark green, almost black looking seed. "these are deathberries. and the thing all three of these plants have in common is that you will never touch them. do not try to squeeze through the bush, do not pick any, do not ever eat one. you will die." minkpaw hoped the sharp edge and serious tone in her voice was enough to make her point stick. hopefully mistyshard would grow a singular braincell and teach the other kits and apprentices too..minkpaw wasnt so sure of that. "they grow on a bush with many green and sometimes yellow-ish thin needle-like leaves. if youre close to one you will smell it. they have a really intense bitter scent." she reached out to the next leaf, briefly stocking in thought, "if you ever get in contact with the berries you should generally be fine, but please wash your paws after." the next was one of the two purple flowers remaining, meadow saffron or 'purple flower', "this is meadow saffron, some cats call it 'purple flower' but it doesnt really matter what you call it. its also highly poisonous.. as you can see, its a light almost lavender colour flower with long petals, a milky white-purple-ish stem and deep orange-yellow stamen. it grows in meadows and generally practically everywhere, dont eat it, dont touch it, just leave it alone."
the last, deadly nightshade, she hadnt been sure what version to show marigoldkit since it looked drastically different without the flower part.
"this is deadly nightshade, it has relatively smooth off-green and sometimes a bit greyish leaves but the most dangerous part are the black berries. " she pointed towards the starry berries resting on top of a equally starry dock leaf, "before the berries form, there is a dark but not very intense, almost dirty looking purple bell shaped flower, yellow stamen. like before, dont eat it, dont touch it et cetera. do you have any questions?"
hopefully it hadnt been too much for the kit, too serious or heavy, or too harsh, but she couldnt bear soften her voice for any of the explanations.

( girlboss gatekeep gaslight urge watch former clanmates die? ) ( that was funnier in my head goddamn )

"i wish things were different, but it werent us who changed."

my bios | rooks requirements
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