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Old April 29th, 2024, 06:53 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Foxine View Post
Snowkit saw the leader's smile. Uh-oh, she thought. But she lied, and said, "I looked through it multiple times. I'm certain I got everything." She showed no signs that she was lying.
(Silver Tongue in use)

Twilightstar twitched her tail but said nothing more about the kit's behavior. "Alright, shall I help you get down?" Twilightstar asked the kit with a curious cock of her head.

Originally Posted by Rani View Post

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 51 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

Yes! Approval for scouting and his weird predator plan that was probably gonna be a mess to implement.... Ah well, Crowtooth was never one to shy away from blood and if shadowclan could master the (admittedly vile) act of skinning a creature so could he. Though the tunneler would at least keep his morals in this, while they never had any.

The tom grin and nodded at the leaders orders to bring a buddy, already planning on snagging Bravebird and Silverrose given the two mollies had been awfully bloodthirty of late. ...Actually most of Crowtooths molly friends were perpetually ready to pop somethings head off of its body at the slightest provocation. ....Maybe that said something about his friendships and so him come to think of it.

Of course no compliment came without an ego kill and even as the tom beamed it was rapidly overcome with an almost comical fake offended expression at the tease. Maybe it was because he trusted the leader so and spending time around her brought him back to younger more innocent days but the tom succumbed to more juvenile instincts and promptly blew a cheeky raspberry before thumping his head down on his paws as if he was sulking.

Which was a bad idea as the food coma from the rabbit they'd shared set in, triggering a huge yawn from the tom as he pondered if he could get away with a nap today. "Ill be careful, promise. An' once I run the cats through a final check o' their skills I'll bring some names fer ya ta keep in mind, this project will serve as a good trail, if nothin' else." Another yawn. "Stars now that 'm full 'm ready fer a nap, ya get me?"

The leader used to take a lot more naps from what Crowtooth could recall, but he hadnt seen her in one of late.

Actually... No reason they both couldnt nap here at the base of the leaders den, and if Twiligthstar wanted to leave early to do duties it wasnt like she had to kick him out of her den.

"I think Im just gonna crash here for a mo' if thats alright, ya can join me if ya like?..." The toms increasingly groggy rasping did little to hide the hopeful tinge to his voice, ever appreciative of the company and eager for the overworked molly to take a break. Though he was basically already drifting off personally, feeling full comfortable and safe where he lay.

@Moonraven (I totally forgot to wrap this up but we can call this the final crow post for this rp if you'd like!)

[Sounds good to me]
Yawning was contagious. The leader found herself fighting off one after Crowtooth's. His promises to be careful reassured her to a certain extent. But it wasn't like she'd never not worry about him, in the same way she'd act with the clan. It was difficult not to worry when there was so much to worry about. At the mention of a nap, the leader's shoulder slumped slightly.

The eaten rabbit sat heavy in her belly, like a rock. Twilightstar was tired, but as she was in this constant state of exahstion, rarely did she bother ackowling the state. She missed being able to sleep without her mind going into overdrive, her anxiety surfacing and reminding her of everything that she'd never get back. She missed her kits, both adopted and birthed, she missed old friends and clanmates, she missed her brother and her mother, but above all she missed the simple life of a warrior she left behind.

But she didn't regret where she was right now, but being able to sleep easy and uncaringingly as she did in the past... Twilightstar shook away her petty, unchangeable concerns, and got to her paws at the offer to rest with Crowtooth. "Sure, I'd love to just give me one moment." Twilightstar purred as she climbed to her paws and grabbed their rabbit's remain.

She went to bury them outside of camp and return a moment with dirty paws. Twilightstar plopped herself down beside Crowtooth, pressing her flank against the dark tom's. She dropped her chin onto of the warrior's back, near his shoulder blades, and yawned once again. Leechscar was the only one who napped with her usually, Crowtooth's bulky form was similar to her anti-social son's. She shifted a little bit to get comfier and swiftly fell asleep no long after. Having someone around to rest with always soothed this knot in her chest. The leader dozed off without any worries for once in a while.

Originally Posted by Bean View Post
╔. ■ .═══════╗

He/Him - 23 Moons - WindClan Warrior - Purrks: Bewitched
Fluffy cream tom with gray rings on his body,
a skinny build and green eyes

╚═══════. ■ .╝

Phew. Okay. You Got this. You got this. Just walk in and talk to Miss Twi. Thats all you have to do. Not like she has been leading the clan long before you were born. Except she has. Don't make a fool of yourself don't make a fool of yourself.... HERE I COMEEEEE!!!! The cream and gray tom trotted into Twilightstar's den, smile on his face. "Hey Twilightsta-" and yet again Flashfeather found himself on his face. Stars, he was cursed for sure! He quickly scrambled to his feet, pelt hot with embarrassment. "I-I'm so sorry miss!!!" he apologized, dipping his head. THE ONE THING I DIDN'T WANT TO DO HAPPENED!!!! NOW TWILIGHTSTAR IS GONNA HATE ME WHEN I HAVENT EVEN TALKED TO HER!!! YOU FOOL!!!! Panic flashed through his head as he tried to correct the situation. "I-I can clean all the dens for the next season-cycle and go on all patrols j-just please don't hate me!" he begged, his fur shaking. Oh stars oh stars oh stars oh stars oh stars oh stars she's going to exile me for sure!! I'm going to have to live as an outsider and I'll be apart from my clan ohhh stars why did you have to make a fool of yourself you dummy!!!!!!! "I oh stars I am sosososososososososososo Sorry miss Twilightstar please don't exile me I'll do whatever you want I Uhhh I'll leave if you want just please please please don't exile me! I-I can get you whatever you want to make it up to you I swear!!!"

[ @Moonraven - cursed anxious boy has arrived ]

The one eyed leader blinked her eye as the cream and gray tom entered her den. The young warrior started off happy, but tripping over seemingly nothing and face-planting derailed that happy train. It was like a bomb of anxiety was set off in the den, mixed with just enough panic to make the fur along her spine bristle uncomfortable. Had Flashfeather always been this anxiety-ridden? The WindClan leader couldn't recall at the moment as she was to busy trying to keep up with Flashfeather's rambles.

The WindClan leader got to her paws and took some tentive steps towards the panicking tom once it sounded like he ran out of breath. She attempted to sooth the frazzled warrior with a light headbutt and some gentle, comforting licks across ear and forehead.

"Calm down, Flashfeather, I'm not mad and I'm certainly don't hate you or having any intentions of exiling you. You didn't do anything wrong. You're not in any trouble." She trilled softly. Twilightstar was genuinely concerned about this little panic attack. Was he always this...much or was it just with her? Cause if this was his normal level of axiety, Twilightstar truly had no clue how he functioned day to day.

"Did you hurt your head?" She quired, leaning in to looking at where he had fallen on his face. He didn't seem all that worried about himself.

Originally Posted by blxze. View Post

Blazesong was aware she was late. After all the chaos, she had completely forgotten to
Report back to her leader. So she had brought her usual peace offering. An unfortunately
Loud and large Beetle was dangling in her jaws. It was a glorious hue of green, a rather
Delightful sheen of shimmer. She wrinkled her nose at the noise. She wished it would just
Shut up. Dropping the Beetle, her eyes narrowed in dismay as it made a loud, angry noise
At her, and skittered off. "Crap," She mumbled, displeased. Then she recalled why
She was really here.

"I was gonna give that to you, yep yep. Peace offering for being late, yep! After all
The chaos I forgot; never informed you nope. About the exile. Never did... nope.

She shook her head in disapproval. Silly Little Bird! How dare Beetlebopper forget that.
Tail twitching left and right, the mottled gray and white short-hair paused a minute. Oop.
"AAH! Sorry for intruding yep-yep! Shoulda waited, hmm? Yep. Uhm... yep-yep! Rights.
Rights. Exile went well!! Hollowsfoot meandered right away, yep-yep. Didn't put up a
Fights, nope. He did says he wantsa come backs one day,, yep-yep."
Unsure of what
Else to chatter about. She sat peaceably on her rump, one leg splayed out and her Lavender
Hued eyes glaring for a moment where the Beetle had skittered off to. Traitor. Then, she
Dragged her gaze back to the leader. Little Bird was too silly for her own good, yep-yep!

| @Moonraven [Sorry this is so late! It slipped my mind.] |

Blazesong arrived carrying something with her. Twilightstar's green eye lifted to meet the molly's as she began talking. Whatever Blazesong had it was very much alive, she could see it squirming around. Then it fell and off it went. Peace offering? She was lost at first until Blazesong meowed about the exile. Hollowfoot! Twilightstar had almost forgotten about him with all the commotion as of late. Twilightstar has an assortment of emotional turmoil that she's been trying to shove aside or ignore. Her abrupt decision to exile Hollowfoot... she still wasn't sure how she felt about that.

"That's alright, I forgot to thank you for your help. I'm glad to hear that he left without any trouble. Whether he'll be able to return... that's something I'll have to think about. Anyway, I appreciate the gift, it looked rather pretty before it ran off." Twilightstar chuckled, eye darting in the direction of the beetle. She'd have to hunt for it later. It's been so long since she's gotten a bug as a gift. She wasn't fond of insects, but she wasn't one to turn down a gift whether she liked it or not, it was the thought that counted.


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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