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Old May 2nd, 2024, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: "I'm Not Sure About You" [P]

Originally Posted by Dolomedes View Post

He/him | Riverclan Lionheart | Moons: 17 | Purrks: Go with the Flow | The Collector | Ultimate Predator |
“Ocean waters rising above your neck
You feel the glass start to crack.”
TW: Death, injury, dissociation

Seabreeze flustered a bit as Hailstorm started talking about kits and mates all of a sudden and he realized that yes, he had asked about the future plans but like those kinds of future plans. The lionheart didn’t really want to talk about his love life with a feline that was pretty much a stranger to him basically. “Maybe you just aren’t into she-cats? But uhh, same, no feline has caught my eye either… though I meant like plans for the clan? Like uhhh, patrolling and chores and the likes.” Seabreeze offered a bit embarrassed still by the topic of conversation. Man, he really hoped that Hailstorm didn’t think that Seabreeze was attempting to pry into his life earlier, the lionheart really did just mean like normal things. Though as he opened his jaw to speak angina and try to cover up the social blunder by talking about literally anything else something caught his attention and it wasn’t in a good way.

Blue eyes shot from Hailstorm to something far ahead of them, they were near the outskirts border, Seabreeze wanted to do a border patrol so he could calm down and convince himself that Riverclan was currently safe from things like Oustiders with all the drama with them lately but… His eyes widened as the pair of them got closer and he was able to see further past the border. “Is that a body?!” The lionheart halted and froze for a moment as the shock of the situation washed over him. But there was no denying, that was a dead cat near their border, and in the air was a heavy scent of death that said it had been there for some time. The lionheart dropped the herbs that he was carrying and raced across the border and into the outskirts officially. It has got to be an outsider. Surely it wasn’t a Riverclan cat, right? Seabreeze wouldn’t be able to handle seeing a clanmate dead from an oustider, because there was no way that it wasn’t an outsider that killed them. Cloverpaw’s body as it was set down in the clearing came to mind, the scent of iron and blood heavy enough to make him taste it in his own mouth.

Seabreeze had been half right. It was a feline he knew… Antlermutter? Yeah, the cat from a meeting not too long ago, they had gone missing and tried to get back in muttering nonsense and the likes. Fadingsun and Dusklion had sent them away from the clan and now they show up dead not long after in the outskirts. Carrying wounds that were given from a fight, their throat was torn out, the blood was dried around their body, clearly from pouring out of that wound. Seabreeze took in a shaky breath and turned to Hailstorm, expecting the cat to be at his side or at least approaching him, “They were exiled before this happened, they’ve been dead for a while. It must’ve been an outsider given their current activity around Riverclan lately.” Seabreeze felt like he was giving a report, and he felt like he was separating himself from his own body the same way he did when he was stuck watching as Cloverpaw’s breaths became more sporadic and shallower.
[ @Spider-in-the-corner - Hailstorm ]

hailstorm nodded "oh for the clan!" he thought raising his eyebrows with out a word "oh uhh yeah maybe." he said a bit unsure heck he wasn't sure if he even like anyone at all things like that was hard for him due to him not being the social or talkative his mind rambled but stopped as the heavy stench of rot hit his nose "What..." he chocked out the smell was terrible probably dead for at least a week or more "Who's?" he said walking up to see Antlermutters rotted body nearly colored a dark crimson red with dry blood on the trail "Yeah maybe an outsider or something else" he said trying to pick up any other sent but the rotted smell was to strong "No good no good at all." he said "We need to report this to fading sun,well you need to." he said looking at the body "Ill bury him, dispite being exiled he was a river-clan warrior and deserves to be burred." he said his voice calm but his eyes held something from his past that was hard to read "or we can both bury him..." he stopped in his tracks looking at the claws of the dead cat seeing fur between the claws despite drenched in blood it carried a slight white color but the sent was to far gone to guess who the cat could be a few came to mind but no cat made since plus it would not be criminal if any cat did it as a outsider on ricverclan territory due to boarders and such
Most perms are allowed for attacking my characters just pm me for anything major like broken bones or blinding!

Last edited by Spider-in-the-corner; May 2nd, 2024 at 05:32 PM.
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