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Old May 2nd, 2024, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by blxze. View Post


Flashpaw was still suppressing trembling as she trailed into Dawnstar's den. Her eyes appeared
haunted after what she'd just seen. Murder. She was certain now that Foreststrike'd been
murdered by someone in her clan. She tried her best not to think about it, or she would become
hysterical. Rotten. His corpse. She wasn't sure if Sootspirit was still behind her. She was far too
jittery to focus on that right now. Her tail dragged on the floor of the den. The warrior was slaughtered.
Who knows who did it? The body was half rotted anyway. She had been slow making her way
back to camp, enveloped in thoughts; most of them bad. What if they came for her, next? It
scared her, the thought did.

She took a deep, shuddering breath. Stuttering was not ideal. She had to speak properly to
get the job done. D-Dawnst-star? I-.... Th-there was... something h-happened. Her
voice was careful and tender, like at any moment her calm exterior may shatter. It-It's
She took another deep, shuddering breath. Don't cry. Don't cry.
Stay calm. Relax. Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. It's okay. It's okay. She wanted to 'Float',
but her calming method took time. Time she didn't have to waste.

| @Undertaker | @Maybi |
Originally Posted by Maybi View Post
Sootspirt entered Danwstars den with Flashpaw, sitting down next to the seemingly traumatized apprentice. She hoped it didn't look bad that the apprentice would give the report, but it was her report to give. Her eyes narrowed when Flashpaw started stuttering but she didn't interrupt, she would take over the report if she needed to but for now she sat waiting for Dawnstar to reply. Sootspirit was about to suggest Flashpaw breath for a minute but the apprentice was doing just that's and Sootspirit felt sympathetic towards her, wondering if she should try to comfort Flashpaw but didn't know how. She decided to sit in silence.

@blxze. @Undertaker

So usually these two would have been met with a furious hiss and claws flying at them. The Queen of Mean did not recall giving either cat permission to enter her den and as they were neither her kin, her Enforcers, or kittens, they should know better than to walk into her den. However, considering Flashpaw's rather fragile state, she'd let it slide this once.

Her amber orbs didn't soften in the slightest as she observed Flashpaw. She looked over the cat for any injuries, but it seemed she was just spooked terribly by something. The apprentice was doing her best to hold it together though. Flashpaw started speaking and then cut herself off with a stuttering breath.

Stifling an annoyed sigh, Dawnstar glared at Sootspirt but got nothing from the cat. The she-cat seemed more interested in staring at Flashpaw instead of explaining anything. Seriously, Dawnstar hated wasting her time.
"Relax, Furball." The leader growled as she lifted a forepaw to groom her face. "You're training to be a ShadowClan warrior and we do not give into fear. Whatever has got you so spooked, remember that you have all of ShadowClan and me at your back." Dawnstar told the apprentice, reminding her she was not alone, and as safe as she was going to get so long as Flashpaw wasn't reckless.

"So take a breath and then tell me what happened," Since Sootspirit's not talking. Dawnstar didn't add the latter thought, the quicker Flashpaw learned to conquer her fears the faster Dawnstar got to the bottom of this.

Originally Posted by Rose View Post

Guiding Minkpaw to camp was simple enough. Lostspark kept glancing over her shoulder now and then to make sure the apprentice had listened and kept her eyes closed. Eventually, when they finally ended up at Dawnstar's doorstep, at the mouth of Shadowledge, Lostspark paused by the looming den's entrance to unwrap her tail from around Minkpaw's shoulder. "You can open your eyes now." She said simply.

Lostspark had taken care to bring Minkpaw via the longest route she could think up, with so many twists and turns through the territory - plus the fact that Minkpaw was to be confined to camp for a moon - that backtracking would be impossible. There would be no scent to follow, no trail to track. Minkpaw was a sitting duck, and whether that be her gain or loss, Lostspark cared not.

Besides, as a cat who'd been blind once, Lostspark knew best the struggle of trying to familiar oneself with the land once sight was stolen. It had taken her a good while to gain confidence in her strides again, and she had already known ShadowClan's grounds. To a foreigner...

Internally shaking her head at herself, the lithe grey feline turned her attention to her mother's den. She wouldn't enter freely this time - would rather wait to be admitted so Minkpaw knew how to approach the Shadow Queen's den in case that wasn't a thing in RiverClan.

"Dawnstar? I have a newcomer here to introduce to you."

[ @Undertaker - Dawnstar / @alec - Minkpaw | ]
Originally Posted by alec View Post
->> minkpaw <<-
[ she/they | outsider? | 13moons ]
a dark blueish grey and white she cat with silver eyes
the way to shadowclan camp felt horribly long, too long to realistically be the fastest route but she had been ordered to close her eyes so it wasnt a far reach to assume lostspark wouldnt lead her directly to camp without ensuring she couldnt find her way back. their trek had been silent, not necessarily uncomfortably so, not in minkpaws opinion anyway, and she had mostly zoned out for a majority of the time. she thought about the moon she would have to spend in camp and how badly she already wanted to pledge her allegiance to shadowclan just to be able to do more than mere chores. but that was still in the future and dawnstar could still reject her. after a long time of just focussing on smells and sounds she squinted against the fading light, lostsparks tail had unwrapped from her shoulders but she stuck close. however stupid it was, she felt safer with lostspark next to her, despite the fact that she had been threatened with death the lithe grey she cat was more familiar than the other cats she could smell and hear.
with the prospect of meeting dawnstar in a matter of moments and the goal to leave a good impression, or..just not completely mess up, she straightened up briefly regretting that she hadnt spent more time grooming bi coloured fur to perfection before approaching the border.

/ @Undertaker @Rose /

Dawnstar's ears twitched with displeasure while listening to the paws walking to and fro outside her den. The leader's been in a nonstop bad mood for over a moon now. Bitter and snappier than normal, but could you blame her? ShadowClan used to have an unshakable and unrefutable hold as the fierce of the clans. However, as of late, they might as well have been kittypets stuck outside for the first time in their lives.

ShadowClan's been nothing but a disappointment as of late. None of the warriors within her clan were worth even being named deputy, and sadly she was mostly going to have to pick the most obvious choice, which also fueled her irritation. Dawnstar grumbled softly while staring at the opening of her den when her daughter's voice reached her ears.

Her annoyance with life dimmed just a tad at the sound of Lostspark's call. Curiosity overtook her emotions as soon as she noticed that Lostspark wasn't entering without permission. That's right, she had said something about a newcomer.

"Enter." Dawnstar snapped as she got up from her nest. She dragged her rough tongue down the pink scars along her shoulder and chest and waited for her order to be heeded.

Dawnstar: Beefed Up Tier 3 || Mindreader
Leechscar: Master Scout || Ultimate Predator

Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and will shred you if you enter her den. She has a semi-closed den policy.
ShadowClan Resources ||| Dawnstar ||| ||| Kit Curriculum Finder
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