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Old February 3rd, 2017, 06:46 PM
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AbsurdJinx AbsurdJinx is offline
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Default Re: Royal Iris [Private]

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post

Barracuda's hues gleamed as he padded down the streets, muttering to himself. "Silly twolegs, thinking they could contain me, hehe, they don't know where I I under the bed? Behind the curtain? Nope!" He mewed, his tail twitching as he padded forwards. His pelt looked well groomed, and he was a handsome cat- although he preferred not to think about that. It just reminded him of what a horrible life he had. Though Barracuda wasn't much for self pity, he did hate thinking of twolegs. What kind of monsters would force him to get wet, then yank a brush through his fur? He didn't understand. Thank goodness that was in the past- he was all too thankful for it. Barracuda hopped from paw to paw as he continued down the sidewalk, then stopped in front of a huge house.

No- it was more like a mansion. Barracuda knew a thing or two about these houses. He considered them to be prisons. "Wonder what the cat inside looks like. Spoiled, I bet. Rich, though, bet they'd help me out, hehe...check it out? Not check it out? Whatever I want to do, I'm special!" He purred, before taking a great leap towards the fence and climbing it. His claws hurt. Bad. But it would be worth it if the cat who lived there would give him something to eat, maybe help him out...who knows, he could even live in the giant backyard that seemed to be almost jungle-like in it's appearance. Whoever lived here was a lucky cat.

A thought suddenly struck the tom so hard that he nearly stumbled backwards. What if there is no cat here? he thought, glancing up at the huge house that seemed to be almost staring him down. Nervously, he took shelter under a tree and just kept staring at the house. Staring as hard as he could. He had no idea whether or not he should approach the door...twolegs liked him, right? They thought he was 'handsome' or whatever. He had no idea what these twolegs would be like, though.

Barracuda did not want to go through another horror-fest like he had just been through. It would be too hard to get away again. These twolegs were normally pretty careful about their special cats. Still, maybe they didn't even like cats. He could be chased away, he had no idea. Barracuda kept his hues glued on the door, glancing nervously at it as he waited to see whether a cat- or a twoleg- or perhaps one of those awful yapping mutts- would come out.
The purebred, gray-and-ginger Turkish Angora slipped through the flap attached to the bottom half of the front door. Her tail was curled over her back, and her head was raised high with confidence. The diamond gem dangling from her bright collar would bounce off her puffed out chest with every step. Her pelt was smoothed down from her previous grooming, and she smelt of coconuts due to her recent bath. When her housefolk returned to their duties, she decided to head outside for a breath of fresh air.

Her female owner has been growing in the torso, and the male housefolk would often treat her as they did her. He would act as if she were completely fragile, and he'd do absolutely everything for her such as serving her food in bed. Iris admired such a loyalty between the young rich couple. She cast a quick glance over her shoulder at the door of the nest, her thoughts flooded with that of her loving housefolk. They treated her well. Of course, there were pros and cons. She was trained constantly for upcoming shows, and she always had to keep up with her appearance. However, she received the most wonderful things. She was served gourmet foods alongside her housefolk, and she was given more attention than she needed. In general, her housefolk were incredibly loving, but they also knew when to be strict. Iris loved them.

She trotted onto the circled driveway, the hot cement warming her paw pads. Iris settled down on the small, pale gray circle within the larger, dark gray circle that was the driveway. In an instant, she was on her flank and basking in the scorching sun. Her legs were stretched out, cracking quietly as she tested her muscles, and she rotated her paws while flexing her toes simply for the relaxing feel.

She was not yet aware of the handsome tomcat hidden beneath the tree.
My activity is likely gonna be a lil' wacky, so please be patient with me if we're roleplaying! Thank you so much!
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