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Old May 14th, 2024, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune View Post

| Lightningstorm |
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active

The leader's lack of instant aggression or suspicion alleviated some of the tension Lightningstorm lived with on a daily, allowing some of the coiled stress in her shoulders to unfurl, the reprieve instantly welcomed. There were few cats in the clan the medicine cat could admit to feeling comfortable around, the mutual distrust she shared with so many of the warriors making her prefer avoiding their presence altogether. It was a harsh living condition for a cat who had once been a social butterfly, naturally curious about the ins and outs of the clan and constantly worried about everyone's well being. It was an odd shift she had found herself in, to still hold some worry for the health of the cats under her medical care but not enough to completely blind herself to the very real possibility that any one of them would kill her given the chance. The meeting with the leader allowed for a small window of time in which this constant struggle was nonexistent, and she relished in this freedom immensely.

"Just some reports for the most part," the molly mewed, her memory still fresh with the many visitors she had gotten to her den or late, both living and star dwelling. It was almost like she was given no moment to rest between everyone suddenly wanting to chat her up for some reason or other. The old her would have welcomed the talks, but she had grown far too paranoid and skeptical to see them as mere social calls. At least, as far as those who had been uninjured or in good health went.

"There's an apprentice of late that's become convinced he cannot be a warrior. Orangepaw. His father seems to have given him the idea that his breathing condition makes him a perfect candidate for a medicine cat apprentice, but I beg to disagree. I don't know where this mentality of cats unfit for warrior life are better suited as medics, but it most certainly takes more than simply not being able to be a warrior to be a bloody healer, I can tell you that much."

A snort escaped the lithe calico as she spoke, obvious frustration lacing her voice. She wasn't certain what had possessed Watertail to attempt to force her choice in such an awkward fashion, completely attempting to take away her right in the matter, but then... that was WindClan, wasn't it? Medicine cats didn't matter until someone needed to be healed... or until something went wrong. Then they were the number one cat to go to if only to scream at and blame until the problem solved itself or the healer in question was sent away... one way or another. She mildly wondered if this was how Cowtuft had found himself without a mentor when he had first been appointed medicine cat, and if only it served to make Lightningstorm admire the tom even more. To have survived so long when the odds were so stacked against you was nothing short of miraculous, especially with how reluctant the stars had been to communicate prior to everything turning itself upside down.

"What they think or don't think on the matter is really neither here nor there though, really. I've had plenty of warriors with his same condition as patients before. One was a guardian as well, so it can be done. Not with his attitude, I suppose, but it is a possibility. That said, if it is running what worries him so, I was wondering if perhaps the life of a tunneler would be more fitting for the lad? Crowtooth is another cat who requires juniper berries for his breathing conditions. And he does better than just alright, don't he? It's a tough job, and it requires finesse and good memory... but I figured that perhaps the knowledge that another tom with his same predicament is thriving in the position would give Orangepaw the boost he needs," she mewed, whiskers twitching slightly. She wasn't certain if this would work. Wasn't certain if Orangepaw truly was having troubles adapting to his training with his condition or if there was something else going on, but it was the most she could do as the clan's medicine cat. Offer options before relegating cats to lives in the elders' den at far too young an age, assuming the clan would even allow such a thing in the first place.

"Oh!" Lightningstorm continued swiftly, ears perking up as she realized she had almost forgotten the first reason she had come here in the first place. "Also... Firestorm? I love that she-cat, you know that, right? Absolutely adore that she stays with me in the medic's den. Makes the place far more lively. But she's gotta go. Order her to the nursery. Please! I'm bloody begging here, I am! If I have to clean up morning sick one more time because the herbs smell too bloody harsh I am dragging her by the scruff myself! Not to mention the kits should be born in the bloody nursery. Make friends from a young age. They've no business being cooped up in that prison with me."

@Moonraven [Twilightstar]
| Had not forgotten this! Between the storms, power outages, and the events my Lightningstorm response list took a big hit and I am going through it now! Sorry for the wait. |

The older she-cat was glad to see some of the tension in the WindClan healer's body drain. She assumed there was at least a bit of trust between them or a mutual respect enough for Lightningstorm not to feel stressed or judged around it. At the mention of reports, she perked her ears up.

Ah, of course it was Orangepaw. Hearing how Watertail put nonsense in the young cat's head was concerning. But it seemed like they both shared the same thoughts about Crowtooth. "Yes, Orangepaw, he came to me practically begging to be an elder because of his breathing issues. I allowed it for the time being considering he made it sound like there was no way he could continue training with his condition. I meant to speak to you and get your thoughts on it and to fetch Crowtooth to see if he'd be willing to train the tom." Twilightstar meowed.

"Alas, I've been a little consumed with other matters so haven't gotten around to it." She adds sheepishly. "But from what you're saying it sounds like he shouldn't have any issues learning, or at least tunneling. I'm sorry he's been such a bother in the medicine den, he's not supposed to be staying in there and he knows that. As for Watertail, if you haven't already set him straight, I'll see about speaking to him. Blind warriors, half-blind, missing limbs, cats with breathing issues, they've overcome their disabilities and served the clan fine as warriors in the past, I'm not sure what has Watertail and Orangpaw convinced you'll take him as an apprentice because of that."

Twilightstar would feel better if Lightningstorm took an apprentice, but certainly wouldn't force her for the clan's sake. She was doing her job well enough, there wasn't any need to add extra concerns on top of her worries. Worst comes to worst, if something happened to Lightningstorm, Twilightstar's already done the whole solo rank thing twice, what was one more time. Either StarClan would stick their nose in it, or Twilightstar would pick someone suitable to replace Lightningstorm. She didn't want Lightningstorm to feel obligated to do anything, she suffered enough.

"I'll see if Crowtooth is willing to do some training with Orangepaw, if he is convinced, he can't be a warrior, a tunneler will do." She promised, she just had to find Crowtooth later. She'd say Dustbunny, but Crowtooth had the breathing problem and thus the best to teach the tom.

A heartwarming smile appeared on her face when Lightningtorm mentioned Firestorm. Not the pair she expected to become mates, but it wasn't like she wasn't happy for them. "Kits, I'm happy for the two of you." Twilightstar trilled. "I'll make sure to get her into the nursery. I can't imagine how difficult it is in the medicine den with the strong scents." The leader recalled having trouble keeping food down and certain scents when pregnant. She could only imagine how difficult it was for Firestorm.

Originally Posted by Forgetfulshape View Post
Sleepybramble nervously padded up to the leader's den entrance.
"H-Hey, Twilightstar? I-I think one of the elders- some stocky, brown tom- died. I went to see if he was alright since he seemed stiff as a branch and he didn't move when I nudged him..."(she's on about Elkgrowl, owned by @RoboPrism. I'm having Sleepybramble notice since shes a caring cat and wants to help out a lot.)

Twilightstar flattened her ears as Sleepybramble entered, speaking about the death of one of their elders. "Elkgrowl has passed." She meowed sadly. She wasn't overly familiar with him, but a dead clanmate was always sad news. "You can call one of the warriors, Leechscar, Batglare, or Crowtooth, they'll get him out and buried at the Starry Meadow. I'll announce his passing at the next meeting. Thank you, Sleeybramble."

Originally Posted by glitch View Post

A pale brown tom with darker markings who is missing one leg with green eyes. His missing leg makes it difficult to move fast and sit properly.
Purrks: N/A
[tags ; @Moonraven ]

Vixenkit padded in, his ears low, as he was unsure whether he was supposed to be there. "Miss Twilightstar? I have something for you." he mewed nervously. He swept the maple leaf behind him with his paw, making sure that Miss Twilightstar didn't see it before he gave it to her. He sat down, shifting himself to make his missing leg more comfortable- and hidden. He was still quite embarrassed about it, and he was teased whenever he tried to join their games and couldn't run fast enough. He blinked his green eyes, trying to get the thought out of his head.

Twilightstar left her den as soon as she heard the kit's call from outside. She landed lightly amongst the root of the Galewood and blinked her eye at young Vixenkit. "Hello, little one." Twilightstar purred sweetly. She took a seat near the kit and flickered her tail behind her. "You said you have something for me?" She hoped whatever it was better than the gift Snowkit had left her. It hadn't taken her long to find the rock in the nest, but still.

Originally Posted by Bean View Post
╔. ■ .═══════╗

He/Him - 24 Moons - WindClan Warrior - Purrks: Bewitched, Kitty Softpaws, Two Left Paws
Fluffy cream tom with gray rings on his body,
a skinny build and green eyes

╚═══════. ■ .╝

PHEW! Twilightstar wasn't mad at Flashfeather! Horray!! He lifted his head up and smiled, shaking dust off of his cream and gray pelt. "Uhhh,, yup yup yup! I'm completely fine ma'am!" he said quickly. What the warrior didn't expect was his leader trying to comfort him. He let out a sigh. He was lucky to be in WindClan, he should have known. Twilightstar was so nice! "It happens all the time. It's just I've never really talked to you, and I-I wanted to get a good first impression on you... Stupid curse ruined that for me," Flashfeather explained to the older molly, getting back up to his paws. Shoot. I forgot what I was going to ask Twilightstar! Think Think Think!! IDEA! "So um I found some rabbit skulls while walking through the territory and I-I was wondering if you wanted one? As like a trinket for your den or something?" PHEW! HE WAS SAFE! A gift was a reasonable explanation for why Flashfeather would go to see Twilightstar! So it was a great idea. Plus, the warrior had no reason to keep two rabbit skulls, so why not give one to his leader? It wasn't the reason Flashfeather came here, but it was still a good reason.

[ @Moonraven ]

Flashfeather reminded her of a kit trying to show his parents that he was mature enough to leave the nursery on his own. It was cute in its little way.

"Well, I'm glad that you're okay." She replied, taking a seat while trying to wrap her head around why he was visiting. If he was just here to chat that was perfectly fine. Twilightstar just used to get some sort of report when it came to her warriors. When he got to the root of the visit, Twilightstar couldn't hide her amused shock.

"A rabbit skull? That's something I've never been gifted before." She chuckled. Just like Blazesong's beetle which she had yet to find, it was a first for everything. "If you'd like to give it to me, I'll delightfully accept it. I'm sure it will liven up my den." She answered gratefully.

Originally Posted by ChaosBringer. View Post
Beefed Up T1 [ACTIVE] Survival Instincts[ACTIVE] Just a Scratch

Whisperinghive padded to the entrance of the den, his expression hollow. "Twi..Twilightstar? May I come in?" He asked, his voice slightly shaky. He was a new warrior for Starclan's sake! He shouldn't be acting like a kit who fought with their mother. Whisperinghive's Flower had went missing...One of his only friends. Was he destined to be left? Did Starclan play a part in this?! Would Blazingstar..No. Whisperinghive shook his head and waited for an answer.


She was dragging her claws into the wood of her den again when Whisperinghive called for her. She dropped down back to all four paws and padded towards her nest. "You can come in, Whisperinghive." Most warriors just enter, but she could see how nerve-racking it might be nerve-racking for a new warrior to enter her den. "What can I do for you?" She asked, peering at the orange tom concerningly while grooming her claws.


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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