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Old November 1st, 2016, 09:16 PM
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Brooklyn Trees Brooklyn Trees is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Territory

Originally Posted by Lonestar23 View Post
Couragepaw was surprised at his friend's reaction and he recoiled slightly, his eyes flashing in both a surprised and angry manner before he realized it wasn't her fault- she was right, it wasn't right to ask her about it. Especially since it was a fake crush. "Sorry, uh...yeah, you're right, um..." He mewed, confused as to why Moonpaw had been quite so upset about it. "N-no, it's fine, there's nothing wrong with not having one, that came out wrong..." He stammered, feeling his pelt heating up again. This wasn't going very well at all. He was not happy with the way things were going at the moment, and he wished that he could just stop everything. Maybe pause time right here, or rewind it a bit and then stop so that they could stay best friends and not have their friendship torn apart by awkward conversations such as this one. "Sorry, I just thought cause Fernpaw is your might know her a little better?" He mewed, sounding more questioning. Well, I'm getting lots of answers, He thought sarcastically. The one thing that Couragepaw hated and could not stand was not knowing something. Generally he would try to figure everything out on his own, but because of all the sudden rush of everything, he was left confused and stranded on an island of feelings, so to speak. "I think there's...something you should...know," He mewed slowly, wondering whether he should tell her of his fake crush or not. He wouldn't tell her his strange thoughts and feelings quite yet...not until he could be sure. Because a broken heart was one thing that Couragepaw didn't need. Especially not at the moment, not when he was trying to learn and grow to be a good apprentice. Maybe he just wasn't cut out for these feelings. Maybe he should leave them alone and forget that they existed. But somehow...he knew that that wasn't going to happen.
Moonpaw flinched at the slight anger she saw temporarily in his eyes and took a tentative step backwards, just wanting to run away from all of this and this life and to forget about everything. For the first time in her life she found herself wishing that she was not part of the clans and that she had not been born to Windclan. It would be very simple to be a loner, she wouldn't have to be afraid of the unusual things that she was feeling or even, unfortunately right now, somewhat apprehensive of her best friend and somewhat angry at her other friend. Once she caught the reality of what she was wishing she immediately regretted it. She would never want to leave the clans! She took another small step away from him before realizing that Couragepaw was speaking again and she wondered if she had missed much of what he was saying. The cream colored she-cat felt herself becoming angry again at the thought of her friend as he spoke her name again and felt her ears turn backwards, tempted to fall against her head but not yet actually doing so. Moonpaw opened her mouth to begin to talk about Fernpaw, not entirely sure what to actually say or if she should speak wrongly of the other she-cat, but before she could actually begin speaking Couragepaw had begun to speak again.
The way that he spoke surprised her and the thought of Fernpaw was driven from her mind immediately. Something that she should know? She found herself at a full mental stop, blank-minded and just staring at the tom before she slowly blinked, trying to regain her previous thoughts and took a half-step towards him. She stopped herself from speaking, afraid that he would change his mind if she spoke aloud or gave some kind of response to it, as he didn't sound entirely certain of what he was saying. She was afraid that he would take it back.
~Techincally, the glass is always full. Whatever isn't filled with liquid or solid is filled with air.~
~Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you'll still land among the stars.~
~Crying doesn't mean that you are weak. Since birth it has always been a sign that we are alive.~

Hi! I’m Brook, but call me whatever you wish =^^=. I’m unfortunately not very active, and though I may come back every once in a while to say Hi, I’m not sure if I’ll get back to Roleplaying or not. Miss you guys.