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Old February 5th, 2017, 10:01 AM
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Default Re: Royal Iris [Private]

Originally Posted by AbsurdJinx View Post
The purebred, gray-and-ginger Turkish Angora slipped through the flap attached to the bottom half of the front door. Her tail was curled over her back, and her head was raised high with confidence. The diamond gem dangling from her bright collar would bounce off her puffed out chest with every step. Her pelt was smoothed down from her previous grooming, and she smelt of coconuts due to her recent bath. When her housefolk returned to their duties, she decided to head outside for a breath of fresh air.

Her female owner has been growing in the torso, and the male housefolk would often treat her as they did her. He would act as if she were completely fragile, and he'd do absolutely everything for her such as serving her food in bed. Iris admired such a loyalty between the young rich couple. She cast a quick glance over her shoulder at the door of the nest, her thoughts flooded with that of her loving housefolk. They treated her well. Of course, there were pros and cons. She was trained constantly for upcoming shows, and she always had to keep up with her appearance. However, she received the most wonderful things. She was served gourmet foods alongside her housefolk, and she was given more attention than she needed. In general, her housefolk were incredibly loving, but they also knew when to be strict. Iris loved them.

She trotted onto the circled driveway, the hot cement warming her paw pads. Iris settled down on the small, pale gray circle within the larger, dark gray circle that was the driveway. In an instant, she was on her flank and basking in the scorching sun. Her legs were stretched out, cracking quietly as she tested her muscles, and she rotated her paws while flexing her toes simply for the relaxing feel.

She was not yet aware of the handsome tomcat hidden beneath the tree.
Barracuda's hues gleamed like steel in the shadows that were cast beneath the trees, and a small, completely manic laugh escaped his maw. Getting to his paws, the tom stood under the tree, glancing over at Iris with an expectant expression. "Got something t'eat, darlin?" He asked in a drawl, before bounding towards her like an over eager kit. Barracuda was almost impossible to figure out, and with the moment he was acting quite the charmer. It was expected that he would be this way, trying to get her to maybe not exactly fall for him- no, that was dangerous territory- but at least be charmed by him.

"Ah, but where are my manners? Name's Barracuda. Former show cat at your service- or are you at mine? Eh, details arent important, wouldn't you agree?" He asked. His eyes were practically coming out of his head when he saw the diamond hanging from around her collar. If he had been a twoleg he would have taken her right then and there. After all, she would fetch quite a price back from her owners...Barracuda had gotten a good eye for that. Part of him sometimes wished he didn't come off as quite so crazy- after all, he was handsome, he could be one of those cats that...well...weren't the greatest. Barracuda could already feel his obsessive nature taking over. He licked his maw, shifting his weight, a grin spreading over it. He was obsessed with her- or her riches, more like. Trust was not important. The only thing that was was getting her to feed him, a clean up wouldn't be too bad either...and then he'd be gone.

Well, gone as soon as the interest wore off. The thing with Barracuda was, once you weren't a shiny new toy anymore, you were tossed aside as though he had never met you. And Barracuda, being an actor- well, an actor to the point where he was able to pretty much be himself without freaking anyone out. He kept his hues fixed on the she cat, tracking her- tracking that diamond, more like. He was pretty sure a mansion with a well-groomed, high society cat like this one was a universal sign of wealth. He had been in a nice house- a nice prison, more like, but it had still been surprisingly nice. He wondered if he would ever miss it. No- the shine had worn off of being a show cat. It was time to try something new.

Something exciting.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.

Last edited by lone; February 5th, 2017 at 11:01 AM.
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