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Old February 6th, 2017, 04:40 PM
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Cool Re: Dusk Syndicate Clearing

Originally Posted by Nighty View Post
Singe flashed a thankful look to the new cat who seemed to try to be intervening on his part, but honestly, he didn't care if he had to fight this cat. If he didn't then fine, his enemy would live a day or two longer. If he did have to fight, then he would drop it all into the fight. He was here to start anew, he wanted to forget his past, but he knew now that his past was a part of him and it always would be. So no matter how hard he wanted to leave it behind, he would have to carry it, deal with it and use it for the best. Singe gave a curt nod, thankful that at least some cat around here wasn't trying to provoke him further. He was about to turn and leave when Patchy spoke up again. "Sweet heart, don't stress yourself and waste your time on me. Obviously if you think I'm not worthy to be here then why do you care so much?" he said his voice soft and persuading. "But you do know that you're going against your precious leader correct? If he thinks I'm worthy by my work in the Clans, then maybe you should listen. And don't you start calling me names, weak of insignificant, because you have no idea how wrong you might be." he said his voice hardening. "You don't know what it was like, to my knowledge you were probably here cleaning your precious claws and fur, without a care in the world."
Rosemary smiled at Singe, and rose her head. She liked him. He was tough and strong, and certainly could hold his own. And he had secrets. She loved toms with secrets. She purred and stepped back closer towards him after easily dodging Patchy's careless blow. Let's see if I can get him under my spell... she thought. Her face expression changed. "See, she know's nothing! And I'm sure she doesn't want Onyx on her tail, but Singe, I think you are more then worthy to be here." she meowed, glancing back at Patchy. "I look soft and I look like a simple pretty face, don't I? Well, a tom like you could do me some good..." she purred flirtatiously, her eyes gleaming with a cute look. "Mind doing a gal a favor and stickin' around. I'd throw the haters off, and you'd keep my suitors at bay, deal?" she meowed, tilting her head cutely. "Please?"