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Old February 10th, 2017, 09:36 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by starfall View Post
Bluejay tilted his head to the side, annoyance began to blossom within the tom, "Instead of worrying about what's happened, you should worry about what you're going to do. Don't get hung up on the past." he snorted, he detested cats who worried about the past, but he hated cats who didn't do anything about it even more. He sat himself down with a huff and wapped is tail around his paws, his fur was an absolute mess, tufts sticking out in different directions, mud caked his paws sides, and how he managed to get mud all over him, only Starclan knows. He noticed her forced joy, that smile, it was true, but only for a few moments until both the light in her blue hues, and that smile, faded. It made his heart ache, the pain and confusion evident in her features, it made feel her pain for a few moments, but only a few.

His whiskers quivered, unsure of what to say, of what to do, he wanted to help her, make her fell happy, safe, but he didn't even understand his own feelings, so how could he help her with hers? He gave her a smile, not forced, or strained, pure, joyous, "well, It's nice to meet you Hawkfeather, My name's Bluejay. And I wouldn't have treated you any differently if you had a big nasty scar on your face, and if you were deputy." he stated, his tail tip flicked back and fourth, the word 'loner' sent a chill down his spine, and awful memories, fire, death, he hated the word, but it was what he was, well, part of what he was, and he hated it. His blue hues danced with pain and longing, but he pushed the memories away, focusing on the troubled she cat in front of him. He rolled over onto his back and let out a long sigh, tiredness sweeping over him once more, he really wanted to take a nap, but he also didn't want to leave Hawkfeather alone, he felt a pull twards the molly, a strong pull. "hmm So why did you get the name Hawkfeather?" he asked, he still didn't truly understand the reason behind the naming, he's watched his sister's warrior ceremony, but no matter how many times he's watched the naming ceremonies, Wingdrop, his sister, has explained it multiple times, but it never really clicked, but maybe the molly in front of him may be better at explaining than others.
Hawkfeather seemed to have forgotten all about her worries upon entering a conversation: it had been a while. Besides, still being young and not quite understanding all the 'ways of the world' just yet, she cocked her head to the side when the older tom spoke. "Huh? Oh yeah, yeah, I agree, absolutely, right," She mewed quickly, nodding her head. In reality she had no idea what he was talking about. She just liked to pretend she did, it made her feel more in control of the conversation. She glanced at him, to see if he would believe her or if he thought she was a complete lunatic. Probably the second one, with her expertise. She would end up getting pegged as a lunatic and he would walk away, never to be seen again. Either that or she would have made an enemy, which she did not want. Anything was better then an enemy. A friend, a partner, a companion...someone who didn't like her but tolerated her...anything! She glanced almost pleadingly at the tom as though asking him to forgive her for her silly, naïve nature.
The light had returned to her blue hues and she laughed, a light, airy sound that seemed to fit her very well. "Really? What if both my eyes were scratched out and I was stumbling around and couldn't see anything? What if I were the leader? Have you ever met him? Do you know what he looks like?" She asked. Appearances were something that Hawkfeather learned could easily be tweaked. As were first impressions. She wasn't sure what this cat had thought of her when he had first approached, but she was pretty sure what he was thinking now: Oh StarClan, what have I gotten into? It was the same thing that she could tell on every expression, but Bluejay seemed to be more friendly. Like Wrenclaw. He hadn't treated her like she was crazy, or stupid...he had treated her like a friend. Something she was thankful for. She hadn't seen her best friend around in a while, and wondered what had happened to him. Last she had heard he had ran off with some she cat, gotten rejected, come back to his old mate and gotten rejected again. Poor Wrenclaw. And his poor mate- or ex-mate, actually, too! She didn't deserve that. But...he was just confused. He needs help. Hawkfeather thought with a sigh, curling her tail more tightly around herself. "Anyways, it's nice to meet'cha too, Bluejay!" Hawkfeather mewed, her tail twitching back and forth as she gave him a bright, friendly smile.
"Okay, so when I came to the Clan- or was found, more like- my name was Hawke. I was a loner. Had been living on my own, trying to teach myself the ways of the world, so to speak, and to put things simply I wasn't doing too good. I was pretty sickly, and weak... again, wasn't doing too good. So ThunderClan took me in, gave me the name Hawkkit, and from then on I grew up here: Hawkpaw, and finally Hawkfeather. Oh yeah, I don't really know why I ended up being Hawkfeather...thought I'd have a cool name like Hawkcry, or Hawkglide, or Hawkeye...y'know, something real neat, but I ended up with Hawkfeather. Guess it's cause my pelt is super soft, feels really, I'll show you!" Hawkfeather mewed, getting up and brushing against the tom in a friendly manner, a smile still on her maw. Physical contact was no big deal to Hawkfeather. She found it an extra-friendly way of expressing thanks, or greetings, or appreciative gestures. She stepped back, blue hues gleaming as she glanced at Bluejay with an expectant look in her eyes, head cocked sideways.
"So? What do you think?" She asked, a quivering note in her voice as though she were nervous he might be angry with her for making physical contact. She didn't see the big deal, but he might.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.