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Old November 2nd, 2016, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Apprentices' Den

Originally Posted by fenic! View Post

Her life had been a mess. All of it.

Applepaw wasn't a cat who had a lot of friends, not from the time she was younger- her only friends were Swampkit, Seakit, Swallowkit, Willowkit, and Rainkit- Swallow would disappear during kithood, Rainkit to become an apprentice and then running away- and Willowkit, she was apprenticed to her own father, and then she drowned during her first lesson, carried away by the currents.

Seakit, now Seapaw- was her sister. And the moment that they became apprentices, they drifted away from each other, and it became clear that they had different ideologies, that they weren't meant to get along anymore. Even though they were related, blood wasn't thicker than water- she didn't really care much about Seapaw anymore, and she didn't think her sister did the same for her, either.

That all left Swamppaw, the only cat who'd ever been there for her in a time of crisis, a time where she felt like she was all alone. She'd gotten stronger now, but it was evident that they could be best friends, that they were best friends- and maybe even more. How much she wished she could just become his mate right now, that they'd rule the world together, that they'd be perfect. It was a kit's dream, but she wanted to be happy- and with other cats, she was never happy. Applepaw was a loner, and the only ones she trusted were her aunt and Swamppaw- and when he said he loved her too, her heart seemed to explode.

"..." Setting her head on his shoulder, the molly's eyes glimmered with happiness as she looked up at the other apprentice's gaze- he was amazing, and he was hers. This was the one thing she had that could not be stolen by her sister, the one cat who could never disappear from her life. "...You're my whole world, y'know that?"

"You're better than every single one of those stars up in the sky, combined. Because you're you, and I'm me- and you're perfect, Swamppaw."
(Imma make some stuff up, so don't mind meh XD)

Swamppaw could remember the day he had met Applepaw as clearly as if it had been yesterday. Of course, it had been her sister that had introduced the two of them. But Seakit had bounced off to hang out with some other cat named Hickorykit or something almost immediately after introducing herself. Applekit had been sickly and extremely shy, and he had been the complete opposite. He wasn't shy, he just didn't like getting to know people, and honestly he was a bit scary. However, something mirculous happened when he met the other kitten. He had liked her almost immediately, he had opened up, he became her friend, her family.

Of course, Applepaw had gone through a complete change throughout the time he had known her. She became stronger, courageous, the complete opposite of who she had been before. And Swamppaw changed too, he learned things about himself, he lost his family, he grew up. Applepaw could have left him behind when she changed as well, but she didn't, and Swamppaw didn't leave her behind either. They supported eachother, and continued to do that today, and will probably always continue to do that. They were best friends, and now they were something beyond that, at a place somewhere between friends and partners for life.

Swamppaw's eyes shined with emotion, so full of love for the cat beside him that it seemed to bring tears to his eyes. A purr rumbled in his chest as she laid her head on his shoulder, and he pressed his side to hers in response. "Of course, and you're my whole world as well. My whole universe. My whole... everything. I can't imagine my life without you in it."

His chest shook with a small chuckle after she had told him he was perfect, his ears perking. "I learned from the master," The apprentice mused as a response, leaning his head against hers.
|| Iris [loner]||

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