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Old February 11th, 2017, 01:16 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Originally Posted by Liquoris View Post
[Sorry short )

"I'm fine, really. It just scared me," Flowerdawn said as the group surrounded her. She rolled her eyes at the mention of Kestrelheart. "I'll be fine, besides, he's got plenty on his paws right now." She quickly finished plucking all the thorns and smiled at her clanmates. "See? Fine." She curled her tail around her paws, cleaning up any traces of blood that had already stopped bleeding.


Cedarbreeze glared at Flowerdawn and Mountianpeak. "We need to focus on hunting. You two go back to camp. I don't want to have to explain to Halestar why Flowerdawn keeps coming back to camp covered in thorns," she hissed. She wasn't really mad. At least, not nearly as much as she was dissappointed. Two of the warriors on the hunting patrol were acting like young apprentices, one was acting like a kit, and one wasn't sure whether he was an apprentice or a kit. How did she keep getting stuck with cats who didn't act like warriors? She stole a glance at Lynxfrost. While he was kind of hard to understand sometimes, he did act like a warrior. At least she wasn't alone. "Great Starclan I swear sometimes I'm surrounded by kits..." she muttered under her breath, not knowing if it was loud enough for Lynxfrost to hear or not. She knew she was far enough from Flowerdawn and Mountainpeak to conceal it from them.


Ivythorn glanced back to Smokepaw, who appeared as afraid as she was. She padded back to the younger tom, and sniffed him for a moment, careful not to touch him. "S-Smokepaw, are you okay? Flowerdawn is fine, just a bit frightened," she assured. She smiled at him softly. "You want to show me that place now?" She really was eager to see it, but refused to push him. It was her turn to cofort him.
Mountainpeak looked up at the surrounding cats and then back down at Flowerdawn, unsure of whether or not she was telling the truth. She looked alright...but then again, he had learned by now that appearances could be quite deceiving. How could he know? How could he know if she was hurt, or scared, or sad...but she didn't look like any of those things, so he was pretty sure that everything was alright. "Thanks." He muttered to the other cats as they slowly began to leave, Cedarbreeze looking none too happy about it and Lynxfrost following behind her like some obedient dog. Sometimes Mountainpeak wondered if the tom had a mind of his own, or if he just followed the crowd. "You sure you're okay? Those were quite a few thorns, and some of them looked like they went in pretty deep!" The small tom mewed anxiously, reaching his head forwards to give her a quick sniff. Again, he was no medicine cat, but he could still remember the strange and horrible smell of infection. Besides that, it would take a while for infection to set in if there was going to be any, but hopefully there wouldn't- Mountainpeak knew all too well what that sort of thing would do to a cat. He had seen it firsthand, and had hated it for the rest of his life- and if Flowerdawn got an infection, he would hate it even more.
Lynxfrost took one last glance back towards Flowerdawn and Mountainpeak, his eyes narrowing in the way they had of doing when he thought something was up, and he followed Cedarbreeze away. He knew what Mountainpeak thought of him. And it wasn't true. He was more of a follower, of course...he lived in a Clan, under the rule of a leader and deputy, what was to be expected? But he wasn't one of those followers who would grovel over a cat, hero-worshipping them until one finally gave up. That was the kind of cat who made enemies. Although Lynxfrost didn't care much for making enemies, he didn't care much for making friends either- he just sort of steered clear of cats altogether. "Give them a chance. They're still young and experiencing life. We are too, Cedarbreeze- I know I wish I were a little more like them. And yes, I know it's crazy- but they're living life. I'm just learning to survive it." Lynxfrost mewed, with another glance back towards the cats. It was true- they were all so young. Many other young cats had died, but StarClan had spared them for a purpose: whatever that purpose was, Lynxfrost wished he knew. He wished he could be a little more like Mountainpeak, or Flowerdawn...making games out of everything, acting as though things that happened to them were no big deal...but deep down, he knew he couldn't. Either he couldn't, or he wouldn't.
Smokepaw stayed in the bushes, his ears pinned flat against his skull. Scolding words. Sharp words. The gentle scent of his friend, the gasps of the other apprentice, blood everywhere...blood. Yes, that was what frightened him. Not now, in the previous battle...though Smokepaw had wanted to run as fast as he could, either that or die so he could be with Wolfpaw and Crimsonmoon again, run or die so he wouldn't have to face the fighting. But he hadn't. And yet now, why was this triggering this memory? So many cats...Ivythorn's gentle voice brought him out of the terrible vision and he looked up at her, hues flashing with anxiety and fear, and he hadn't even realized how young and vulnerable he looked and felt until he slowly, cautiously approached her. "Yeah, of-of course. So-sorry, Ivythorn, just...had a little flashback. Not the best memory. W-well it's a pretty good one as far as- as friendship goes, but...n-not my favorite." Smokepaw laughed uncertainly before edging away from her. Although he liked Ivythorn, the last thing he wanted right now was to be the friendly, caring cat that he usually was. He liked that title, but he wished that he would be known as more. "Follow me," He mewed in a bit of a stronger voice, flashing her a friendly smile and beginning to pad off towards the north, to an area that he imagined was like no other. It had given him a great deal of comfort in the past, and he supposed that it wouldn't stop at this moment.

(we need to RP SummerxRain and develop their relationship a little more before he dies O.O Summer's gonna be devastated)

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.

Last edited by lone; February 11th, 2017 at 01:17 AM.
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