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Old February 16th, 2017, 01:16 PM
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Spirit Spirit is offline
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Default Re: ShadowClan Territory

Moondancer really liked this tom already. He seemed like he had a lot of similarities to Moondancer herself. And it especially made her happy and comfortable that he had a kit like spirit. He could joke around and be silly. Most toms she had encountered were always trying to prove that they were the absolute best, and wouldn't do a single thing that would show her otherwise. But Ocelotpath.. He seemed like he was the type that would make fun of his own mistakes. And that was a big plus in Moondancer's mind.
Letting out a light, sweet giggle when Ocelotpath puffed out his chest and claimed to have been a master leafcatcher. "Oh, I'm sure you were. Chasing after a harmless leaf that can't run away." She said in a teasing manner. Catching herself in the act of sneaking a light.. Flirting? Tone in her voice, she silently cursed herself once again. Being too used to having toms flirt with her, it was completely strange for her not to be flirted with. Was that what made her herself do it instead? She didn't know.
As Ocelotpath raced off, Moondancer couldn't help but grin. Snow covered the forest floor, and not much prey would be out of their dens in this cold. Most had probably collected nuts and food and stored it, and that combined with Ocelotpath's fur, which stuck out in the snow just a bit, didn't make his chances high. But Moondancer was certain there would be fish in the lake. It might be frozen in the edges, but she had been out there as late as yesterday evening, after a patrol. And it wasn't frozen in the middle, and she -had- tested out the ice. And if she happened to fall in, it was just a lake with no stream. It would be cold as the ice that covered the sides, but it wouldn't be hard to get up from like the river she had trainer her swimming in had been.
With this in mind, she herself stormed towards the lake, determined to bring back atleast four plumb fish.

I concentrate mostly on WoW RP, so my replies here are quite slow and for that I apologize <3 I try to reply when I can, but it may take days or weeks, I am sorry.

I live in a completely different time zone than 90% of the people on here, as I'm in Denmark (Europe) compared to you Americans.
I usually have WoW events in the evenings where my creativity is the highest, which takes away time to reply here, hence the very slow replies.

Last edited by Spirit; February 16th, 2017 at 01:17 PM.
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