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Old February 18th, 2017, 08:30 AM
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meraki meraki is offline
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Default Re: SkyClan Territory

Originally Posted by Wolfybro View Post
Arrowpaw stuck close to Ploverpaws side-he didn't know why. It's just one of the places he felt most comfortable though he had been friends with the rest of the group just aslong. He looked over at Ivypaw and gave a small smile and nodded a bit,allowing her to press her warm fur into his side,"T-thank you."
He looked over to Forestpaw (@XxJaggededgexX ) and twitched his tail. No he was eager to get out and come back. Wide awake,and more warm with both of the apprentices pressed into his sides. "Alright Forestpaw,lead the way if you're so keen on going."
It was cold, it being quite early, the sun hadn't fully risen to warm their pelts. The fact that it was winter made the matter worse, although that also meant that the sun would indeed rise faster than it would have during the months of green-leaf. The cold made Finchpaw shiver and made their joints a bit achey, and they couldn't feel their paws too well. But none of this was noticed by the non-binary tabby, as their mind was elsewhere. Keeping their friends safe was always this cat's top priority, no matter what.
Of course, Finch wasn't as strict or worrisome as Arrow, but they had their moments. But just because Finch lectured the others on safety, didn't mean they had to follow their own rules. After all, they're the one who made them in the first place. Most of the time, Finch was too selfless for their own good, but this didn't stop them from making their own rather self ovsorbed jokes. Finch sometimes seemed self obsorbed, but they were only joking when they seemed that way. In reality, they cared more about their friends then themselves, and would die for any of them.
So much was this true that they would go out of their way to throw themselves in front of their friends that they'd likely end up dying doing so. But while these facts were all very true and all of the members of their Poly Squad knew this, that didn't stop Finch from making jokes about themself being amazing.
But the problem with this was that no one really knew truely how Finch felt about themself. It was hard to tell if they were full of themself, too self conscious for their own good, or moderately fine with their appearance. Finch liked to give off the affect that they were proud of themself and liked who they were, but unfortunately, this wasn't true in the long run.
As Finch watched Plover and Ivy pad beside Arrow for warmth, they wondered if maybe Plover and Ivy were just as nervous as Arrow was, but were trying to hide it for their friend. It sounded like something Finch would do; hide their true feelings to comfort their nervous friend; but Finch was not doing this, mainly because they were too nervous that Arrow had caught on to their act and call them out on it. Then Finch'd have to figure another way to hide their feelings to comfort another.
So this was the reason for why Finch was not beside his friend. Beneath the false excitement and enthusiasm of this adventure, they had the sinking feeling that something would grow wrong. But that was Arrow's job; to worry. Finch wouldn't steal his friend's job. Finch was supposed to be the slightly reckless hypocritical; not the worrisome one. Although Finch didn't feel much like a reckless hypocrite. They felt more like a scared mouse.
i tried to write your name in the rain
but the rain never came
so i made with the sun
the shade,
always comes at the worst times

character site: wip
art: my da

Last edited by meraki; February 18th, 2017 at 08:44 AM.